Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

Not vote for Bernie in the fall if he wins the nomination? Who in this board are saying that?

It's not the taxes that I hear people complaining about, it's promises for free stuff without any idea how much it will cost or how it will be paid for.

Bernie has not laid out how he will pay for his health care plan. The Congressional Office of Management and Budget came out with a report that covered the subject but couldn't come up with a price tag for Bernie's plan. It's all just smoke and mirrors from a Senator who hasn't done anything of note in his time as one, 12+ years. Not only that but his one clear statement is that everybody who has a healthcare plan and likes it will have it stripped from them. That's a huge number. More than a hundred million people. In a close election, those people matter.

He doesn't work well with others, rides on working law makers' coat tails by claiming some sort of prize when he votes for them, if he shows up to vote at all, which happens 40% of the time. He has a history of turning on Democrats when convenient. What makes you think he can get any of his promises passed through a divided congress, even if Democrats by some miracle win a majority in the senate?

For those reasons, I can't support him during this primary. Beyond that, just look at his recent results in primaries. He's getting dismal results. 25% in Iowa, 26% in NH and 46% in Nevada. He can't even pull a majority of votes from Democrats. What makes you think he can draw votes from more centrist or moderate conservatives in order to win in a close election? What makes you think Bernie can win in the fall?

You claim to stick to facts. What in my statement can you say is untrue?
The Lancet study that came out a week ago was authored by an epidemiologist who worked closely with the Sanders campaign. As soon as it was published, his campaign shared ads highlighting a savings of 450B per year and conspicuously left out the overall cost. I can't link the Lancet study because you need to register there to open it, but it's free. If you read that, it makes clear that the cost is 3 trillion per year. In my opinion, we should accept this as the price tag for his bill, which is a ten year plan, so 30 trillion.

As you know, the funding in the bill would add up to about 1.4-1.6 trillion in annual revenue through new taxes on the rich and a few other novel tax ideas. We'd be looking at a deficit of at least 2.6 trillion dollars. Huge tax hikes on the middle class would be inevitable, no matter what the Bernie tax calculator tells the dupes.
Stop crying you and I have got into it always leave playing victim
You're the one constantly lashing out with personal insults just because people disagree with you. Even over the littlest of trifling shit you go histrionic and start prying about personal info to attack people, like how you keep bringing up that I'm a recovering alcoholic or that my wife left me and divorced me shortly after I came home from Iraq.

If you need some help coping with your issues, I'd help you. I would accompany you to group therapy or talk you down from your ledge.
You're the one constantly lashing out with personal insults just because people disagree with you. Even over the littlest of trifling shit you go histrionic and start prying about personal info to attack people, like how you keep bringing up that I'm a recovering alcoholic or that my wife left me and divorced me shortly after I came home from Iraq.

If you need some help coping with your issues, I'd help you. I would accompany you to group therapy or talk you down from your ledge.
You back from the Philippines. When did you leave stateside. Don't beat your wife while drinking and she wouldn't have left you for the next man. Do you lay in bed at night thinking about the one that got away ?
What ever you say you cockold caveman stop letting everyone know about you wife shaving her pubic hairs to entice you because you cant get it up...and I could careless about your dream of her eating another womens pussy. I bet you would enjoy watching another man pounding your wife. sad caveman sad
and blaccent guy is back to lashing out with his angry bitter lies

Great rep for the bernouts
which part I lie about..the public hairs or her eating pussy. cockold caveman
He didn't learn from watching shyttstik go from a highly respected member to the actual court jester of riu by doing exactly what he's doing.
says the drunk Muppet whose wife left him and has to lie about being overseas. Go have a another drink. This a pot site do you think I give two fucks what you and your master think. come on really. I'm laughing at your failure of an ass and how you admit and post how much of a failure you are
cockold Unclebuck wants members on a pot site to bang his wife while he watches sad. Does your wife know about this? I hope she is not on board and not let it happen
Why would you have a problem with her enjoying herself if it is what she wants? Even if it were as you say, it doesn't sound like her consent is being coerced. Not that I believe the words of a fake veteran like you, but even if it were true, I can applaud him for respecting her wishes.