Russian bounties to kill Americans in Afghanistan

Yeah, and that's why I shouldn't have bothered in this thread. I didn't come to this website to drink the kook-aid and partake of all the cognitive dissonance found here. Bonne chance with all your tearing down of statues and shite.
Yeah, and that's why I shouldn't have bothered in this thread. I didn't come to this website to drink the kook-aid and partake of all the cognitive dissonance found here. Bonne chance with all your tearing down of statues and shite.
So it is our fault that you bought into Trump's lies? And we are the kool-aid drinkers after you were regurgitating Russian propaganda.

If you are an American you really should break out of the fog that Trump's dictator friends paid a lot of money to create for you to keep you from being able to accept the reality that Trump is a cult leader that conned his way into his very first real job and has done a horrendous job of it and brought us to where we are now at.

It's not your fault, it was very well done by the Russian military. But it is real and is worth learning about if you have seen how on edge everyone has been for several years now.
Watching the coverage of this Russian bounty story, it looks dire for Donald indeed, there is widespread outrage and patriots are simply freaking out, as are veterans, as are republicans in congress, though with them it not patriotism motivating outrage or silence, its fucking survival. Oversight for this will make the oversight for covid look tame and it will happen immediately. Christ help anybody who doesn't show up for the hot seat, or who withholds documents over this one, the GOP senate had better stand up on its hind legs too, this is an election year. What a time to be a republican politician, Jesus Christ they must be losing their fucking minds now, their souls have fled long ago. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.

The intelligence community will pile on now, the DNI, NSC and secretary of defense must resign, along with the secretary of state. It was in the PDB on Feb 27th and all the above cabinet officials read it then. Why wasn't this reported to congress in a timely manner? They learned about it from the press.

Apparently this information was also published in "the wire" an internal classified news system and was widely disseminated on May 4th among the intelligence community and even to some in congress, though it might be still considered classified.

Intelligence on Russian bounty plot was included in the President's Daily Brief earlier this year, source says

CNN)The intelligence that assessed there was an effort by a Russian military intelligence unit to pay the Taliban to kill US soldiers was included in one of President Donald Trump's daily briefings on intelligence matters sometime in the spring, according to a US official with direct knowledge of the latest information.

That assessment, the source said, was backed up by "several pieces of information" that supported the view that there was an effort by the Russian intelligence unit -- the GRU -- to pay bounties to kill US soldiers, including interrogation of Taliban detainees and electronic eavesdropping. The source said there was some other information that did not corroborate this view but said, nonetheless, '"This was a big deal. When it's about US troops you go after it 100%, with everything you got."

The New York Times reported Monday night that the intelligence had been included in a written version of the President's Daily Brief in late February.

Trump is not known to fully or regularly read the President's Daily Brief, something that is well-known within the White House. He is instead orally briefed two or three times a week by his intelligence officials. The White House maintains he was not briefed about this in the oral session.
The information was serious enough the National Security Council staff held a meeting during the spring to discuss "possible response options," including sanctions, if the intelligence developed to the point it was deemed ready to take to the President for any possible action, the official said.
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BTW: Jared gets the PDB too...

Senate Republicans squeeze Trump over Russian bounties
Some senators proposed new sanctions and designating Moscow as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Senate Republicans are vowing to get to the bottom of bombshell reports that Russia offered bounties to Afghan militants for targeted killings of U.S. troops overseas — and suggesting that retaliation against Moscow may be in order.

Key committee chairs made clear on Monday that they will press the White House for answers about the intelligence assessments, and GOP senators pushed President Donald Trump to exact severe punishments on the Kremlin if the claims are true — even as the president asserts that he was never briefed on the matter.

“I want to understand how it’s conceivably possible that the president didn’t know. How does that possibly happen?” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said. “Number two, what is their plan to make sure that our enemies know that if you target American servicemen and women, the consequences are going to be draconian? And right now, I want to hear their plan for Taliban and GRU agents in body bags.” GRU refers to Russia’s military intelligence agency.

Senators have already proposed harsh repercussions, including imposing new sanctions and designating Moscow as a state sponsor of terrorism — a step the Trump administration has thus far refused to take.
But some lawmakers are urging restraint, after White House officials briefed House Republicans earlier Monday and explained that there was an ongoing review of the bounty claims even before they were revealed in media reports. Senators said they would be reviewing documents related to the matter in a secure facility this week.

“It is important to be cautious on intelligence writ large, because when it’s proven to not be accurate, it can lead to things like a war or other measures that proved to be counterproductive,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters. “You pull out one little piece and you put it in the public domain and you act like it was some smoking gun situation. So that’s one of the reasons I just don’t comment on reports such as these.”

The Senate GOP’s pressure on the White House could reopen a rift between Trump and Republicans when it comes to the U.S. relationship with Moscow. Congressional Republicans, including Rubio and other GOP leaders, have typically shown more antipathy and distrust toward Russia than the president.

In addition to Monday afternoon’s briefing for House Republicans, a group of House Democrats is slated to receive a briefing on Tuesday morning. But as of Monday evening, senators had no official word on when they would get the full story on what lawmakers described as an outrageous plot to assassinate American troops.

Asked whether there was any progress on scheduling a briefing, Senate Armed Services Chair Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) bluntly said: “No.” Senate Republicans indicated on Monday that they would continue to press for a classified briefing.

“I think it’s incumbent on the administration to brief Congress, and they’re in the process of doing it,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said.

“I want to get the facts. Does it surprise me about [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? He’s our adversary, he supports Iran, he’s a thug,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) added.

Trump, meanwhile, has been defensive over the initial reports. He attacked the news media for reporting on the intelligence assessments and offered no words of condemnation for the Kremlin, which Democratic leaders emphasized as they called for briefings for all members of Congress.

Moreover, many Republicans do not appear to be taking the White House’s pushback at face value, with some arguing that the president should have been briefed on an issue as serious as this one. Democrats, meanwhile, have highlighted Trump’s efforts to readmit Russia into the Group of Eight summit nations amid initial reports that he was briefed about the alleged bounty offers but did nothing in response.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said the ordeal “raises enormous questions about why this administration continues to kowtow to Putin and Russia.”

A Western defense official confirmed to POLITICO on Monday that Russia’s GRU put out bounties for American and British coalition fighters in Afghanistan. The New York Times first reported on the U.S. intelligence assessment, adding that Trump was briefed on the matter earlier this year.

The White House has offered conflicting responses in the wake of the initial reports, which were followed by stories from the Times and Washington Post that at least one and possibly several U.S. service members were killed as a result of the bounties.
Donald is going to the Russian propaganda twitter account to get his instructions for what will "please" Vlad, Donald is eager to please, I wonder why? He doesn't seem to care about pleasing anybody but himself, and Vlad of course.

Would you sell your stock in the company at the first credible rumors of corruption, or wait for the trial of the executives? Or perhaps try to pick up the pieces in bankruptcy court?
Joe: Trump Taking The Words Of Putin Over His Own Intel Chiefs | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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I guess the WH figure it's so important they are having separate briefings over it with the republicans and democrats! Donald is desperate to keep everybody onside! There's panic in the chicken house over this, feathers are flying and there's a whole lot of clucking and scratching going on.
White House Was Aware Of Russian Bounties In 2019: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New reports now detail that Trump was briefed on intelligence that Russia was offering bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan in early 2019. The Morning Joe panel discusses along with a new David Ignatius Washington Post column. Aired on 6/30/2020.
Russia helped save the Middle East from ISIS... threw a huge wrench into the Zionist game plan to steam roll the whole area.... whats crazy is... Russia used to not give a damn ...they are corrupted to the core with the Dual Citizens of Israel as well just like the USA.... except!!! Edward Snowden shined some light onto the real intentions of the Zionist which is Russia and China to fall ....had Snowden seen the light sooner.... could have saved Libya.. Putin turned a blind eye to that...and now hes there saving the country from Turkey ... Russia Bitched Slapped Turkey right back into Gobble gobble mode..

Russia is a friend of world humanity ... dont let the Zionist owned media Cartel spin it any other way...truth be told... Russian propaganda only scares those of you old enough to remember Gumby and Poki
Russia helped save the Middle East from ISIS... threw a huge wrench into the Zionist game plan to steam roll the whole area.... whats crazy is... Russia used to not give a damn ...they are corrupted to the core with the Dual Citizens of Israel as well just like the USA.... except!!! Edward Snowden shined some light onto the real intentions of the Zionist which is Russia and China to fall ....had Snowden seen the light sooner.... could have saved Libya.. Putin turned a blind eye to that...and now hes there saving the country from Turkey ... Russia Bitched Slapped Turkey right back into Gobble gobble mode..

Russia is a friend of world humanity ... dont let the Zionist owned media Cartel spin it any other way...truth be told... Russian propaganda only scares those of you old enough to remember Gumby and Poki
Shut the fuck up jewhater
Facts bro 100% .. sorry your cartel isnt running away with the whole world atm.... Russia isnt the enemy of anyone who isnt evil aka Zionism
While you were busy figuring out the conspiracy, me and a bunch of other Jews ran train on your wife

Trump Got Written Briefing in February on Possible Russian Bounties, Officials Say
The investigation into Russia’s suspected operation is said to focus in part on the killings of three Marines in a truck bombing last year, officials said.

The site of an attack in April 2019 in which three American service members were killed near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

The site of an attack in April 2019 in which three American service members were killed near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.Credit...Rahmat Gul/Associated Press

American officials provided a written briefing in late February to President Trump laying out their conclusion that a Russian military intelligence unit offered and paid bounties to Taliban-linked militants to kill U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan, two officials familiar with the matter said.

The investigation into the suspected Russian covert operation to incentivize such killings has focused in part on an April 2019 car bombing that killed three Marines as one such potential attack, according to multiple officials familiar with the matter.

The new information emerged as the White House tried on Monday to play down the intelligence assessment that Russia sought to encourage and reward killings — including reiterating a claim that Mr. Trump was never briefed about the matter and portraying the conclusion as disputed and dubious.

But that stance clashed with the disclosure by two officials that the intelligence was included months ago in Mr. Trump’s President’s Daily Brief document — a compilation of the government’s latest secrets and best insights about foreign policy and national security that is prepared for him to read. One of the officials said the item appeared in Mr. Trump’s brief in late February; the other cited Feb. 27, specifically.
Congressional Briefings On Russian Bounties Raise New Questions For Trump Administration | MSNBC

Brett McGurk, Jeremy Bash, and Peter Baker join Andrea Mitchell to discuss the latest reporting on what the Trump administration knew and when about Russia's attempt to pay the Taliban to target U.S. troops in Afghanistan, after Congressional Democrats and Republicans receive separate briefings on the subject. Aired on 06/30/2020.