As a small commercial grower, I am happy to make huge amounts of money via prohibition. But one of the reasons I began growing is knowing that I'm playing a large part in ending prohibition. People tell me that I can still make a living growing when it becomes legal, but probably not the profits I make now with no regulatory agencies looking over my shoulder or getting a piece of my pie. MMJ is slow going here in Il, we have one of the most restrictive programs in the Country that starts this year. I figure I have at least another 5 good years for the black market, so I'm funneling the profits into legit business. I'm hoping to make enough from legit business to be fine when the tide turns, so I'm not worried about it. Prohibition of this wonderful plant is just plain wrong, but I'm glad Chicago decriminalized up to an ounce. My custies don't have as much to worry about anymore...
That's all we get now wholesale and im still fine with that but even that is being taking away as we know it. I don't think 4 x as much is gonna blow over well this year in a banned county .
I have heard some travel horror stories.

I really don't have much to complain about as for myself. The county where I live passed their ordinance last year for 1 script , 12 plant per parcel with a two script max for a total of 24 outdoor or indoor on one parcel. I can blow shit up with 24 outdoor, not so good indoor numbers but who cares.. All though This is not the county I will be in this season.
Im concerned about all of us in every state getting ram rodded like we are about to.
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people like me are ALREADY makin bank selling for a fourth most of yall do. if the quality is the same and one person is charging $30 a zip. and another $150
how long do you really expect to stay in business. prices are going to continue to plummet as its at an artificially high number. yiu cant justify selling a $10 zone for 2 bills.
If you all think you are gonna have a hard time making money in a legal situation just think about the Banana growers.... $0.45 a pound???
Yeah thats why i advice people to have real jobs away from weed., now its "good" to make good profit, but soon u will need a couple acres to compete with big producers, i imagine the license and restrictions to grow in big scales will be spensive and painful, yeah its painful after all your hard work and dedication u have to sell a pound for $0.45 cents. thats why i will ALWAYS will keep it as a hobby and grow for personal use only!! LEGALIZE CANNABIS IN ALL WAYS!!!
after my last raid i learned my lesson. keep your grow far away from stolen goods or other illegal activities
people like me are ALREADY makin bank selling for a fourth most of yall do. if the quality is the same and one person is charging $30 a zip. and another $150
how long do you really expect to stay in business. prices are going to continue to plummet as its at an artificially high number. yiu cant justify selling a $10 zone for 2 bills.
Because that is the name of the game.. Buy low sell high.. If you sell ounces for 50 bucks like you say you do, that would be way to much traffic for me..

No way anyone in there right mind would sell indoor for that low..

You say a 10 dollar ounce, that's about how much I would charge just trim a damn ounce???
no it cost me ~$10 to produce. im hoping to get it down to a max $.28or so per gram.. after all yearly cost/overhead running same strains

ive been dropping 20lbs to san marcus every other thursday for i guess a couple years now year and a half.
cost 140 a lb to grow..say i sold at 8 (i said i like too, on occasion i still do $100 zips) but still $660 profit off that p. times 20= ~$13,000 every 2 weeks
thats after elec nutes and trimming.

now tell me im out my mind.

this is how large corporations make bank. sell lots sell cheap sell quality

i try not to sell in my city and i like to move as much weight at one time as possible

once it goes fully legal, i have alot of prime land in navarro county not far from you i believe , id love to dedicate a couple thousand acres to outdoor weed. which is damn cheap

most growers have no concept of any sort of business model. do you even know what your bud cost you to grow?
in my area street dank can already be found for $150 a zip. even that is less than most growers i here about on riu.
ya aint gonn last bro (not you but any grower trying to sell at the same, again artificially high price point
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I don't see how you could grow that cheap.. Unless its outdoors and you just ammend the soil.. But shit, It takes me 8-13 hours to trim an elbow and my time is worth 25$ an hour.. I've never added up my outdoor or indoor costs but just set up 2 more lights a couple days ago and 2 new bulbs @45$ apiece.. 20$ for jacks classic and another 85$ on 4 bags of FFOF .. The juice alone will cost me 300$ on quick veg and 9 weeks of 12-12.
All this talk about free enterprise is making me chuckle a bit. Yeah, if it were 100 percent legal there would be cheap weed everywhere.

But this is America. It will not be 100% legal anymore than alcohol is. Sorry, that's just not the way we do things. More likely it will be 100% legal to sell it but highly controlled to produce it.

Here's how it will work. Politicians will create a legal framework. People with a lot of money will be able to operate under it if they give some of their money to the politicians who create the framework (this is legal btw). This will enable those people to make more money by producing and selling weed.

Anybody operating outside of the framework will find themselves in prison. The operations of the prison itself will be putting more money into another group of people who have "invested" in prisons. In doing this, the producers of weed will be "protected" from the low prices of a free market. This will allow them to avoid the rigors of low market prices.

If you really think America is the land of free enterprise, you are not paying attention. America is a finely tuned machine to take pennies from poor people and put them into the pockets of rich people.
i already said it was indoor?
and yea i replace bulbs yearly as well

i recycle soil, root ball stems and trims back in, yes some give hash oil but it all goes back in the dirt. im not gonna pay for something thats free. try not to pay for any nutes at all. certainly not dirt.. elec like i said is .08-.12 depending time of year
all this and more gets factored in

like i said, when legal this will be another business. if you cant figure out how to drop production cost youll get dropped. someone is growing tobacco for peoples cigarettes, i dont see why weed would be any different.

i dont follow politics or anything
everything ive said is my opinion on what will happen.
either way someone is going to be growing it. i dont make my own alcoholic beverages because it would cost me too much and well they do it better. i wouldn't have a problem paying a chunk of money to be one of few producers