Ahh..but you are forgetting one thing baldrick..Perhaps the most important... This is a cash cow for our broke ass States, they want their cut and need that dough to balance bloated budgets from pissing away money like drunken sailor on leave... They tax the dogshit out of these legal producers..that's why the prices are high..they would love to undercut us and freeze most out.. But with the thirsty ass government with one hand in their pocket they gotta charge a lot.
think about the Banana growers.... $0.45 a pound???

Not for long.

"In the first half of the 20th century, our parents and grandparents ate a delicious banana called Gros Michel, or Big Mike in colloquial terms. But in the 1950s a deadly strain of Panama disease wiped out almost all banana plantations in Central and South America. Despite the best efforts of growers, this most flavourful of fruits became virtually extinct.

In the second half of the 1900s banana producers across the world switched to a different cultivar, the so-called the Cavendish. Although less tasty than Gros Michel, Cavendish was resistant to the type of Fusarium that was causing Panama disease.

As a result, following enormous investments in infrastructural changes required to accommodate the Cavendish’s different growing and ripening needs, the banana industry was saved.

But not for ever… in the 1990s a new strain of the Fusarium fungus appeared and began to spread. Originating in Taiwan, it soon reached other South East Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines – and even northern Australia. Thousands of hectares of Cavendish have already been destroyed and many will follow if we are unable to stop Panama disease."
Ahh..but you are forgetting one thing baldrick..Perhaps the most important... This is a cash cow for our broke ass States, they want their cut and need that dough to balance bloated budgets from pissing away money like drunken sailor on leave... They tax the dogshit out of these legal producers..that's why the prices are high..they would love to undercut us and freeze most out.. But with the thirsty ass government with one hand in their pocket they gotta charge a lot.
There is truth to what you say.

However, we have been in an economic crisis for most of your adult life. Local governments have been hit hard because they lack the ability to print money. Therefore the money that comes from marijuana tax is far more important than it would have been twenty years ago. I suspect that our economic circumstances will improve lessening the impact of marijuana money. It will still have power but not as much. Besides, as long as the tax is getting collected, the local government isn't going to care who it comes from. Making a monopoly just makes it easier for them to collect.

A couple days ago I spoke to a friend who just relocated from Chicago to Seattle. He said the best weed deals (this is recreational as they have no card yet) are from delivery places that you can see advertised all over. He said they give medicinal prices for top quality weed. I asked him if he thought that the better deal they give than a recreational dispensary was due to decreased overhead or the possibility that they aren't kicking back taxes, but he did not know. My guess is that these are gray market individuals who supplied the black market before the laws changed and that they are probably not paying taxes at all. Local government hates that type of thing the same way they hated bootleggers during Prohibition.

I don't know if you noticed it the first draft of the medicinal mj program in Illinois - but the first paragraph was that illegal cultivation penalties were to double. It was quickly taken from the bill, but I never forgot it. It showed where their hearts and minds were. Because of the war on drugs, marijuana markets tended to have a lot of criminal types in them. Now it was time to eliminate those types or at least make sure that they were very good at it. They did this by requiring legitimate resources in excess of several million dollars to enter the market..

But lets say that you were a small scale grower - under 200 plants. You could always go work for one of these large commercial operations - you might even find a decent career in it. However, I suspect that you are more likely to find a thankless low-paying job in which your immediate superiors are ignorant assholes and they work you like a dog. Or you could just keep growing and selling the same way you have always. But in that case, I think you are going to find, like Al Capone did, that the biggest crime you will be committing is not going to be illegal cultivation - it will be tax evasion.
As it is there are no laws or penalties for growing 5 or less plants in Canada. I hope they don't fuck with that. Let the little guy keep growing.
well were i live we just had a huge ass vote to try get it legal it really spun me out how many growers voted no thank fuck it did not pass and has gone to decriminalisation you really think legal weed is the best way to go all i can say is the states is going to fuck it for every one for one look at wine now that's a grape free legal growing plant now u can pay almost up to eleven hundred for a good bottle of wine mass produced and inhanced now whats saying that cannabis won't go this way well it already has or just think when the gov clues on to how much profit is to be made from cannabis do u think they will be naa well let a bunch of hippies grow it hahaha i think not just remember to most of use live in a country were 2 jumbo jets were smashed into the side of a building and use think it was terrorist and use beleave it but in fact it was your own gov lol lets shot osama in the head drop him off a boot be4 any1 gets to see him 3 months later the guys that shot him die in a heli crash and use think they will just leave use alone to grow a money making giant lol wake up america
well were i live we just had a huge ass vote to try get it legal it really spun me out how many growers voted no thank fuck it did not pass and has gone to decriminalisation you really think legal weed is the best way to go all i can say is the states is going to fuck it for every one for one look at wine now that's a grape free legal growing plant now u can pay almost up to eleven hundred for a good bottle of wine mass produced and inhanced now whats saying that cannabis won't go this way well it already has or just think when the gov clues on to how much profit is to be made from cannabis do u think they will be naa well let a bunch of hippies grow it hahaha i think not just remember to most of use live in a country were 2 jumbo jets were smashed into the side of a building and use think it was terrorist and use beleave it but in fact it was your own gov lol lets shot osama in the head drop him off a boot be4 any1 gets to see him 3 months later the guys that shot him die in a heli crash and use think they will just leave use alone to grow a money making giant lol wake up america
tobacco well soon be un herd of they will fill there little feilds with cannabis and sell it back to use in packs of 20 for 20 bucks ;)
I wanted legal weed and it happened. The next thing i want to be able to do is grow pot plants next to my driveway on both sides and i bet one day ill be able to. Pick up a pack of joints for ten bucks, smoke outside the bar, oh ya, eventually. Youll see.
I here by offer proposition 333R, getting rid of backward minded people such as rob333. HEAR THE HEAR THE, I DECLARE A BAN ON THIS SUCH DIM WITTED THINKING! jk jk
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I live and love decrim. I want it to stay grey here. Best for all of us in the industry..
I personally hate the "industry". I think the world would be a better safer place if weed was as legal as brewing your own beer is these days. Its the damn tax man and the courthouse that still make money off it. When are these guys going to realize you cant control a plant that makes seeds and grows in dirt? Because we will overgrow them all one day.
i am starting a thread to get the word out there stop legal weed for the number one reason a lot of people i no that grow herb do not grow it for medical reasons a lot of us are going to lose our profits and a lot of us can not work and use it for a income make in legal a lot of people are going to lose a income that they really need so next vote on legal weed say no and yes to decriminalisation
Fuck you!! If you can grow weed as good as a dispensary you can afford to charge less and you will make plenty of money legal or not. If you can't work elsewhere you are a fucking retard so collect your retard check.:bigjoint:
Just FUCK NO!!

ANY ballot I ever get in my hands with weed on it I will vote to legalize. I do not give a shit who makes money off it or who looses that ability, if it means no one is being arrested or thrown in jail for weed I am for it 100%.

Enough money time and lives have been wasted on a harmless plant.
lots of things are more likely to.kill you even when used responsibly

coke can act as a neuroprotectant for example and has many safe uses recreationally. you also dont have to convert it to hcl. being easier on the nose. bit largely thats due to an incomplete reaction

same with opiate death. ive uses opiates responsibly all my life. the govt has it illegal because i guess id be a burden to society. except im quite a productive member
Fuck! I pay my trimmer 200 a pound. Power is .35 cents a kwh here in NorCal. Most of The flavors I grow go for 2500.
I remember 4800 a pound, and we were all spankin it. I would prob still grow indoor, even if I only got 1500 a pound. So So sad. But true.
God damn .35 cents a kwh?? Man California is not going to be the place for dank indoor for much longer New England is going to take over I pay like .09-.10 so my $300 bill is like a grand out west fuck that shit!!
I think the record levels of opiate deaths gives it a kind of stigma. Coke on the other hand just leaves ya a big hole
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Only leaves that big hole because of the gasoline and shit they use to extract their is better ways just the farmers don't get paid enough to do it proper. Legalization of all drugs is a must even heroin if you can take 10mgs without guessing you would have to commit suicide to die but you get a strong batch on the street your dead and fentynal is causing a lot of "heroin" deaths.