I agree that is how things usually work but weed is a totally different animal...much easier to produce than tobacco..less harmful and we have a huge headstart on them.. I have buddies who got popped with couple hundred lbs and multi state ... The harshest sentence was 4 years... And that's only because he got popped with 30 lbs when we were 20 and had an extra 100 in a storage facility ..the sentences are getting lighter n lighter n that won't change..
All this talk about free enterprise is making me chuckle a bit. Yeah, if it were 100 percent legal there would be cheap weed everywhere.

But this is America. It will not be 100% legal anymore than alcohol is. Sorry, that's just not the way we do things. More likely it will be 100% legal to sell it but highly controlled to produce it.

Here's how it will work. Politicians will create a legal framework. People with a lot of money will be able to operate under it if they give some of their money to the politicians who create the framework (this is legal btw). This will enable those people to make more money by producing and selling weed.

Anybody operating outside of the framework will find themselves in prison. The operations of the prison itself will be putting more money into another group of people who have "invested" in prisons. In doing this, the producers of weed will be "protected" from the low prices of a free market. This will allow them to avoid the rigors of low market prices.

If you really think America is the land of free enterprise, you are not paying attention. America is a finely tuned machine to take pennies from poor people and put them into the pockets of rich people.
Yeah but growing was a free enterprise before legalization.

I like your post and you are right. But not 100% sure what you are saying.

Don't you think we would do the same shit as Canada?

Only the richest get to play.
I don't think they can cut us out, they can force us to compete @ 1200$ pounds .. I'm fine with that..I'll grow 4x as was cool when ya needed balls to grow or move weight and were rewarded for your risk but the risk is minimal now and dropping daily so the reward reflects that.
my last raid- sept 2014
resulted in 2 boys getting 40yrs, bail $550,000
not just weed but still.. its still harsh down here
And I should note the other 2 guys in that case got 18 months probation... Nobody talked, the cops took an escalade and 160k .. That had to get Wacked on a 3 way split with cook county sheriff's, Illinois state police, and some county in Colorado.. The feds backed out but assisted.. That's a putrid take on the man hours involved for a case with 4 agencies.. The feds don't even want to be involved in weed busts it is embarrassing for them..its all about money and States are cutting the funding on these fucks.. I didn't see one chopper or plane last summer.
no it cost me ~$10 to produce. im hoping to get it down to a max $.28or so per gram.. after all yearly cost/overhead running same strains

ive been dropping 20lbs to san marcus every other thursday for i guess a couple years now year and a half.
cost 140 a lb to grow..say i sold at 8 (i said i like too, on occasion i still do $100 zips) but still $660 profit off that p. times 20= ~$13,000 every 2 weeks
thats after elec nutes and trimming.

now tell me im out my mind.

this is how large corporations make bank. sell lots sell cheap sell quality

i try not to sell in my city and i like to move as much weight at one time as possible

once it goes fully legal, i have alot of prime land in navarro county not far from you i believe , id love to dedicate a couple thousand acres to outdoor weed. which is damn cheap

most growers have no concept of any sort of business model. do you even know what your bud cost you to grow?
in my area street dank can already be found for $150 a zip. even that is less than most growers i here about on riu.
ya aint gonn last bro

I work with low income and fixed income vets... a lot of good info and numbers here... cannabis is not my income at all. Im actually going to start a pharma prescription buy out program when fully legal.. where the patients trade me weed for pills and then i send the pills back to the pharmaceutical supplier(dipped in paint thinner). And i already run a clone business for low/fix income where they give me beans and i pheno hunt and send back a female clone... this shaves months of time off the patients veg time looking for female meds.... while im glad to see many making loads of money on a plant... i also think it is pathetic and high prices are feeding the drug war. Put it into perspective on (shit outdoor weed)
Drug raid 100 pounds of inflated weed at say 2000 a pound....GOOD RAID
Drug raid 100 pounds of deflated weed at say 100 a pound.... not as great in the news haha

It really doesn't matter whos making money now or later.. money is going to hit the wall one day. Imagine that pound of weed you have in your hand cut in half in value... now cut each dollar in your bank account to 50cents in value also.

My economics professor said it best... supply and demand. In washingtons case when they sit on weed it hurts the pockets because the weed has nowhere to go... oregon and cal have their own weed.
Colorado sits on weed and it boosts the price internally and they still have surrounding states to push it to for top dollar... colorado will see the worst recession of all when legal because they are getting away with murder today. If you sell to people now at high profit they will not come back later... if you establish fair pricing from day 1 you wont lose a patient.

as gas chromatography spectrometers get cheaper and we can start seeing many of these pounds/tons of weed as what the real value is...nothing... zero dollars.

I make pounds under 200 bucks in synthetic and full organic form...
Jiffy pucks
bulb replacement
ballast rebuilds
iso propyl
on and on.... all budgeted.

and time is relative to experience. .. you spend almost no time in a garden when you know what you are doing and what to look for.

Thats my 2 cents anyway.
i already said it was indoor?
and yea i replace bulbs yearly as well

i recycle soil, root ball stems and trims back in, yes some give hash oil but it all goes back in the dirt. im not gonna pay for something thats free. try not to pay for any nutes at all. certainly not dirt.. elec like i said is .08-.12 depending time of year
all this and more gets factored in

like i said, when legal this will be another business. if you cant figure out how to drop production cost youll get dropped. someone is growing tobacco for peoples cigarettes, i dont see why weed would be any different.

i dont follow politics or anything
everything ive said is my opinion on what will happen.
either way someone is going to be growing it. i dont make my own alcoholic beverages because it would cost me too much and well they do it better. i wouldn't have a problem paying a chunk of money to be one of few producers
Three questions. if all this is true

What do you pay the electric company each month?

How many lights are you running?

What's your square footage?

Oh yeah maybe a pic or something.
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I don't think they can cut us out, they can force us to compete @ 1200$ pounds .. I'm fine with that..I'll grow 4x as was cool when ya needed balls to grow or move weight and were rewarded for your risk but the risk is minimal now and dropping daily so the reward reflects that.
If it ever goes below 18 for indoor I'm out.. It's not worth my time and effort. Honestly I feel retarded going to Colorado to set up a little ass 14,000 watt grow, I'm not going to lie. I need 10 times that amount just to keep my buyer happy at $2,2 each
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lol i couldnt care less if someone on the internet believes me. or anywhere else for that matter
pretty sure my cred here is ok though
i have 6 grow houses right now. its spread..mainly because i dont really know a thing about elec and it keeps laws as well as criminal types at bay.

."you spend almost no time in a garden when you know what you are doing and what to look for."

exactly my grows are automated now, i try and show up weekly. i dont water or anything.

what i pay in elec or how many lights i run have nothing to do with anything ive never said how much total i produce. what do you want a pic of? a scale with 20lbs on it? a warehouse full of weed? sorry thats not how it works, one that warehouse would last a week in texas lol
you could have 1 1000 watt bulb in flower running 8/16, 3 cycles under and get 2500 grams every 60 days, just easy numbers.. or like 5 and a half lbs off one light.
think like a business man bro and youll do fine in Colorado. illegal or not this is a business
and if you have available money to throw into it (i do) its even more productive and yields even more paper
Btw I'm not saying its impossible, the last guy that lived in the house that I am moving into, in the next 48 hours, was pulling 30 P's off 16-750 gavitas every two months.
lol i couldnt care less if someone on the internet believes me. or anywhere else for that matter
pretty sure my cred here is ok though
i have 6 grow houses right now. its spread..mainly because i dont really know a thing about elec and it keeps laws as well as criminal types at bay.

."you spend almost no time in a garden when you know what you are doing and what to look for."

exactly my grows are automated now, i try and show up weekly. i dont water or anything.

what i pay in elec or how many lights i run have nothing to do with anything ive never said how much total i produce. what do you want a pic of? a scale with 20lbs on it? a warehouse full of weed? sorry thats not how it works, one that warehouse would last a week in texas lol
you could have 1 1000 watt bulb, running 8/16 and get 2500 grams every 60 days just easy numbers.. or like 5 and a half lbs off one light.
think like a business man bro and youll do fine in Colorado. illegal or not this is a business
Cool, cool I understand. I am just trying to comprehend how you can grow indoors and sell lower then all my Cali guys that have been doing this for 20 years and still be making any money.
Fuck! I pay my trimmer 200 a pound. Power is .35 cents a kwh here in NorCal. Most of The flavors I grow go for 2500.
I remember 4800 a pound, and we were all spankin it. I would prob still grow indoor, even if I only got 1500 a pound. So So sad. But true.
If it ever goes below 18 for indoor I'm out.. It's not worth my time and effort. Honestly I feel retarded going to Colorado to set up a little ass 14,000 watt grow, I'm not going to lie. I need 10 times that amount just to keep my buyer happy at $2,2 each

I hear ya..but I sell my outdoor and indoor at same price.
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Cool, cool I understand. I am just trying to comprehend how you can grow indoors and sell lower then all my Cali guys that have been doing this for 20 years and still be making any money.

the way i do things is not for everybody and certainly not legal..not that i care
im about 3 things. paper, drugs and pussy.

for example trimming if you dont want machined, i like free labor...

it can cause problems though
my last raid...

Final charges; burglary of habitation, armed robbery(7), manufacturing and distribution, possesion excess 5lbs, another possesion of controlled substance cant remember full details of that, and organized a school zone.

40 years without opportunity of parole. Bail: $550,000


keep in mind this is in a poor, "ghetto" neighborhood run by mexican cartels...
i "purchase" a trap house, it comes with a couple people in follow along.. So i set up the bedrooms or whatever as a grow room. And they flip drugs out and other illegal things i provide also making me even more money , i have high level drug connects, some of the best coke youll ever see, zannies no pressies quality xos etc.
they are my workers,
Gang members usually work out pretty good, females too, snow bunnies boppers hoes lol. I think they just like being around weed guns and money, it gets em all horny. Young aspiring do badders right out of highschool have given me good luck, most money or drugs theyll ever have otherwise and they too feel cool.. Plus they get to live there lol which you know, they need.
they make money flipping drugs and whatever other hustle they got. they are happy i am happy.

such is the trap game.

i realize this contrasts with "legal" production but i never said i was legal. just what i feel will happen when weed is legal.

elec in texas is extremely cheap. soil and nutes can be free. theres very little overhead.

and tou certainly dont have to run like this, to sell cheap. yiur boys in cali are just greedy
anyway good luck up there
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Yeah but growing was a free enterprise before legalization.

I like your post and you are right. But not 100% sure what you are saying.

Don't you think we would do the same shit as Canada?

Only the richest get to play.
I guess if I had to summarize my post it would be that I am cynical about our political system. I expect that the future holds more weed monopolies and less grow your own. Any legal structure that does not allow for people to be free to grow their own plants is inherently flawed in my opinion.

I agree that the black market for weed was a pretty competitive market in many ways but certainly supported a market price for weed that had little to so with the actual cost of production. In my opinion most of the price went to support risk and costs of illegal operations rather than anything to do with growing.

Every state with a legal market that I have seen seems to be offering it for sale (Colorado being somewhat exceptional) for about the same price as the black market was. The legal producers don't want the prices to drop and will use everything in their means to eliminate the remains of the black market. This includes fear mongering about anything they can in order to win the battle of public perception. You will hear about every butane explosion. You will hear about weed gardens being busted with other drugs and guns. You will hear how profits are being used to fund criminal and terrorist organizations. Penalties may be made harsher, but I think enforcement will be stepped up long term. This will be assisted by the smart grid which may as well have been designed to identify illegal growers.

Yes, I think we will be headed toward a Canadian system where cultivation rights will be granted to a monopoly or oligopoly - but not for safety and criminal reasons. I expect that it will go this way because it will economically benefit the powerful and monied classes.
I guess if I had to summarize my post it would be that I am cynical about our political system. I expect that the future holds more weed monopolies and less grow your own. Any legal structure that does not allow for people to be free to grow their own plants is inherently flawed in my opinion.

I agree that the black market for weed was a pretty competitive market in many ways but certainly supported a market price for weed that had little to so with the actual cost of production. In my opinion most of the price went to support risk and costs of illegal operations rather than anything to do with growing.

Every state with a legal market that I have seen seems to be offering it for sale (Colorado being somewhat exceptional) for about the same price as the black market was. The legal producers don't want the prices to drop and will use everything in their means to eliminate the remains of the black market. This includes fear mongering about anything they can in order to win the battle of public perception. You will hear about every butane explosion. You will hear about weed gardens being busted with other drugs and guns. You will hear how profits are being used to fund criminal and terrorist organizations. Penalties may be made harsher, but I think enforcement will be stepped up long term. This will be assisted by the smart grid which may as well have been designed to identify illegal growers.

Yes, I think we will be headed toward a Canadian system where cultivation rights will be granted to a monopoly or oligopoly - but not for safety and criminal reasons. I expect that it will go this way because it will economically benefit the powerful and monied classes.
Great post!!!
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