Schuylaar's Sesh - Issa/Cummings Exchange..

Jim Crow
ˈjim ˈkrō/
noun: Jim Crow
the former practice of segregating black people in the US.
"Jim Crow laws"

shutting off the mike so a member of congress may not speak?

mr. cummings said he was tired of "it"..what do YOU think "it" is?

mr. issa was rude and disrespectful to his collegue..

would he have acted in the same manner if his collegue were white?

Oh like a VP telling a Senate leader to fuck off. Of course, committee chairs act like that and Cummings when his turn is the biggger turd about it.

This is just too real, that the cry baby doesn't not get to sound off with his racist slurs.

Thank you, Issa.

And bad form, Sky. Racism is an ugly concept especially when the, oh so not racist, side comes up with it.
I don't live in that district, it includes many of the brain-washed jarheads that are stationed at Camp Pendleton.


And yet we both vote for jerk after jerk, as there is no other choice. Don't be calling the pot, black, you kettles.
He has no right to anything. Has a DUTY to investigate the matter before him. He has not only failed in that duty, he has actively worked against it.

if cummings is working against the investigation, then why did he have to release the full transcript that issa refused to release because it destroyed his fake narrative?
histrionics in order to make a statement he has every right to make? your little teddy cruz cost us $29 that's histrionics.

Did you hear the stack of lying tap dancing from Cummings, have you listened to the entire exchange?

Cummings does not get to "question" a witness that will not answer questions if the Chairman, has ruled she has demonstrated she Will not Answer.

So, the lie, that he rolled back twice was that he had a question. And twice, Issa sat back down and said "ask your question."

But, he wanted to be a blowhard and read into the record all manner of scurrilous stuff. And he would not ask a question. And before he said a word, the hearing was closed on the basis that the witness would not answer.

So, if Cummings gets a chance then ALL the Members get a chance. So, the witness won't answer anything but the political softballs from DEMs. So politics-5th, politics- 5th.

Sorry Sky, thus issue is much more serious than that. And Cummings does not want the truth and neither do you.

So, you are a dup of your agenda again.
please name one other time when such an incident occurred. just one.

There was Senator almost beaten to death by another member on the floor, both white.

So, I won't do your research. But, it is all there.

Racism works both ways.
There was Senator almost beaten to death by another member on the floor, both white.

So, I won't do your research. But, it is all there.

Racism works both ways.

i'm not talking about racism or floor debates, i am talking about investigation panels like this one.

just one similar incident where questions were not allowed by members of the panel.

thanks, buddy.
I guess you just don't understand the operation of Congress.

i understand completely.

issa released an edited and redacted version that left out the important part where this all got started by a republican conservative at the IRS, not the white house.

cummings gave him chance after chance after chance to release the full version, and issa REFUSED.

so cummings released the full version himself and blew this stinky turd to smitherines.

undeterred, dumbasses like you make retarded statements claiming that cummings has something to hide, not issa.

that's just about as accurate as skewed polls or global cooling or syria as iran's route to the sea or FDR ever being denied a term by the voters.

just give up already, you are making a fool out of yourself here.
Naturally, some of the "non-progressives" in this forum are also defending Issa's actions. Absolutely pathetic!

i'm not talking about racism or floor debates, i am talking about investigation panels like this one.

just one similar incident where questions were not allowed by members of the panel.

thanks, buddy.

No, you can find out in Thomas when a witness plea of 5th A, Protection is acknowledge by the Chairman the hearing is over.

Check the Pentagon Papers era, NIxon's implode, and even the MacDuggles and Ken Star.

When the 5th is invoked and tested to the Chairman's satisfaction, that is it. The witness may not be bagered and the Minority may not posture and pollute the record with yack..

So, apologist, tell me that when Lerner came in the first time, she was questioned by the Minority.

And I see you are talking about the IRS investigation of the Hen House transcripts. Meaningless. The new interim Temp IRS Director came back very quickly and No Problems.

Only you would fall for that....PART. The emails she won't talk about are why she plead the 5th....wtfu

Cummings wanted to fart lies and fluff about lies and fluff.

So why the 5th???

No, you can find out in Thomas when a witness plea of 5th A, Protection is acknowledge by the Chairman the hearing is over.

Check the Pentagon Papers era, NIxon's implode, and even the MacDuggles and Ken Star.

When the 5th is invoked and tested to the Chairman's satisfaction, that is it. The witness may not be bagered and the Minority may not posture and pollute the record with yack..

So, apologist, tell me that when Lerner came in the first time, she was questioned by the Minority.

And I see you are talking about the IRS investigation of the Hen House transcripts. Meaningless. The new interim Temp IRS Director came back very quickly and No Problems.

Only you would fall for that....PART. The emails she won't talk about are why she plead the 5th....wtfu

Cummings wanted to fart lies and fluff about lies and fluff.

So why the 5th???


i zoned out when you started doering.

when was the last time a meeting adjourned in this fashion?
Cummings said just now, he was not going to go down that race road, Issa does that to white guys too.
The stench emanating from the indefatigable, dogged Buckmeister and his like minded Progs, is, of course, that of extreme desperation.

There is only one logical explanation for this intemperate behavior; and that is to simply protect the bumbling doofus in the White House.
I do give Uncle Bucky an A for effort nonetheless

The transcripts UB mentions repeatedly were released almost a year ago. This is stale news, but it is all the ammo Buck has.
At that time Issa went on the record as to why he did not want them released.
As the Hill reported back then: The more than 200 pages released brought few revelations.