does that explain why issa refused to release the transcripts and cummings had to do it for him?
what about the lies? why did you guys straight up LIE about what was in them? if you have a strong case, you don't need to LIE about it.
oh, wait. that was beghazi they got caught lying about and altering emails.
WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported
Republicans claim the administration watered down the facts in talking points given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for television appearances while Obama was running for re-election. Republicans on Capitol Hill claimed they found proof in White House emails that they leaked to reporters last week. It turns out some of the quotes were wrong.
Republicans have charged that the State Department under Hillary Clinton was trying to protect itself from criticism. The White House released the real emails late Wednesday.
Wow, once again a display of pure desperation, you refuse to face the simple facts in reference to this specific issue.
Referencing Benghazi demonstrates that this is so.
This is about the renegade behavior of the IRS; it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Benghazi controversy.
I fully understand why you Obama acolytes desire to rope-a-dope, you desperately need to protect your messiah. (This is becoming increasingly difficult, given his propensity for not having a clue?) And I need to remind you acolytes that Obama initially said that he was outraged by the IRS revelations
I guess he changed his mind, oh well.
However, in the interest of full disclosure, I am hyper-partisan regarding the allegations of IRS misbehavior because I have gone toe to toe with them several times over the years.
I would like nothing more than to see the IRS disbanded, dismembered and generally rendered into non-existence.
I detest, despise and loathe the IRS.
And of course politicians are all grandstanding, strutting, popinjays, so what transpired regarding Issa vs. Cummings is not that unusual from a historical perspective.
At the very least this hyper-partisanship amuses me greatly!
Puff, puff, exhale
I love Satori, great daytime smoke!!!