Schuylaar's Sesh - Issa/Cummings Exchange..

prove it then.

In the court of public is quite well proven because most of us are not PARTs.

And a 5th Plea is criminal. So, to avoid self INCRIMINATION, Buck. Nothing to prove. This is all about, if the Congress gains or looses DEMs..

When you plea 5, it is a criminal matter, by definition. And you are at minimum afraid of being seen as an accomplice to crime.

WAKE UP. No 5th Plea in any other of the hinted at, foul ups of Obama.

Why the 5th? Simple. Protection against making statements that can result in CRIMINAL CHARGES.

So, I will play your Buck game.

Show me any other time a high placed member of the Exec Branch had to to invoke the 5th to Congressional investigation.

Come on, Bucky. You can play you own game at least, can't you?
For your information doer, I was in the Navy stationed overseas during Nixon's presidency. So yeah, you know much more than I do.

For your information doer, I was in the Navy stationed overseas during Nixon's presidency. So yeah, you know much more than I do.


So, you a partisan?

You didn't see the hard weilding of power by the DEMs, I guess. You didn't see them excoriate witnesses who had already plead the 5th?

You didn't see them squash the Minority from rescuing these witnesses with clap trap, pandering and obfuscating into the record.

You see what you want. A few try to see it all. I was not involved in Navy Station duties at the time, so perhaps had more comprehension?
And didn't say I know more than you, I say I attempt to. I don't settle for PARTs.
does that explain why issa refused to release the transcripts and cummings had to do it for him?

what about the lies? why did you guys straight up LIE about what was in them? if you have a strong case, you don't need to LIE about it.

oh, wait. that was beghazi they got caught lying about and altering emails.


WH Benghazi emails have different quotes than earlier reported

Republicans claim the administration watered down the facts in talking points given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for television appearances while Obama was running for re-election. Republicans on Capitol Hill claimed they found proof in White House emails that they leaked to reporters last week. It turns out some of the quotes were wrong.
Republicans have charged that the State Department under Hillary Clinton was trying to protect itself from criticism. The White House released the real emails late Wednesday.

Wow, once again a display of pure desperation, you refuse to face the simple facts in reference to this specific issue.
Referencing Benghazi demonstrates that this is so.
This is about the renegade behavior of the IRS; it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Benghazi controversy.
I fully understand why you Obama acolytes desire to rope-a-dope, you desperately need to protect your messiah. (This is becoming increasingly difficult, given his propensity for not having a clue?) And I need to remind you acolytes that Obama initially said that he was outraged by the IRS revelations…I guess he changed his mind, oh well.

However, in the interest of full disclosure, I am hyper-partisan regarding the allegations of IRS misbehavior because I have gone toe to toe with them several times over the years.
I would like nothing more than to see the IRS disbanded, dismembered and generally rendered into non-existence.
I detest, despise and loathe the IRS.
And of course politicians are all grandstanding, strutting, popinjays, so what transpired regarding Issa vs. Cummings is not that unusual from a historical perspective.
At the very least this hyper-partisanship amuses me greatly!
Puff, puff, exhale…ahhh!
I love Satori, great daytime smoke!!!
issa was wrong and he apologized.

it's time to let them get back to their old standby..benghazi

Cummings backpedaled as well. Either you are blissfully unaware of this, or conveniently neglected to mention it.
I wonder which?
Cummings backpedaled as well. Either you are blissfully unaware of this, or conveniently neglected to mention it.
I wonder which?

why would cummings have to back peddle? he wasn't rude and arrogant, issa was.

it's over..move on.

now back to our regularly scheduled rant..benghazi.
why would cummings have to back peddle? he wasn't rude and arrogant, issa was.

it's over..move on.

now back to our regularly scheduled rant..benghazi.

Nice move on, move on. HA Haaa.

Have you even seen Cummings about this, on CNN? He is not a racist, but your rant was.
You have to be very afraid, is all.

Nope, just aware of how people love to twist words when they want to make you look bad. Any good lawyer will slap the shit out of you if you attempt to testify on your behalf; barring extenuating circumstances. One wrong eye movement, or a poorly phrased statement, and everyone just thinks you're guilty.
In the court of public is quite well proven because most of us are not PARTs.

And a 5th Plea is criminal. So, to avoid self INCRIMINATION, Buck. Nothing to prove. This is all about, if the Congress gains or looses DEMs..

When you plea 5, it is a criminal matter, by definition. And you are at minimum afraid of being seen as an accomplice to crime.

WAKE UP. No 5th Plea in any other of the hinted at, foul ups of Obama.

Why the 5th? Simple. Protection against making statements that can result in CRIMINAL CHARGES.

So, I will play your Buck game.

Show me any other time a high placed member of the Exec Branch had to to invoke the 5th to Congressional investigation.

Come on, Bucky. You can play you own game at least, can't you?

Plenty of folks did it during McCarthy's commie hunts.
Wow, once again a display of pure desperation, you refuse to face the simple facts in reference to this specific issue.
Referencing Benghazi demonstrates that this is so.

that's funny since EVERYTHING comes back to benghazi with you retards!

self-owned right there, waffle.

that's funny since EVERYTHING comes back to benghazi with you retards!

self-owned right there, waffle.


I like waffles, and your dopey pic is making me hungry.
Riddle me this one BatBuck, who brought up Benghazi first?
That is correct, it was you.
Smokescreen much?
You are a funny guy Buck. Thanks for accentuating my points, well played, Sir!
Nope, just aware of how people love to twist words when they want to make you look bad. Any good lawyer will slap the shit out of you if you attempt to testify on your behalf; barring extenuating circumstances. One wrong eye movement, or a poorly phrased statement, and everyone just thinks you're guilty.

So, how come every witness to Congress from the Exec, doesn't just plea the 5th? If you claim protection from self incrimination, all you are saying is, I won't hang me. That doesn't mean, no hanging is needed.

How many witnesses before these committees have done that? So, no it is very serious and one has to be so on the edge of prison, you dare not say a word.

None of these witnesses got their words turned to anywhere near that. So, they did not, but she did require this extraordinary protection. She has to proclaim that she is so afraid of criminal justice, she cannot talk at all.

No one else did that.
Riddle me this one BatBuck, who brought up Benghazi first?

i'll tell you who brought up benghazi first, second, third, fourth, fifth, ..., and Nth.

dumb ass republicans like you.

EVEYTHING is benghazi.

i am benghazi, you are benghazi, my cat is benghazi, guns are benghazi, rocks are benghazi.

Even more insipid than I can usually expect from you...but it did make me giggle!

IRS and Benghazi are two separate controversies.
But you know this, and you are simply obfuscating, which is your fallback MO.
Even more insipid than I can usually expect from you...but it did make me giggle!

IRS and Benghazi are two separate controversies.
But you know this, and you are simply obfuscating, which is your fallback MO.

they are two separate conservative controversies, because only you idiots care about those manufactured scandals.

the thing about a scandal is this: if it is actually a scandal, you idiots would not have to LIE, ALTER EMAILS, and WITHHOLD CRITICAL INFORMATION to make them seem bad.

but you guys have been caught doing all those things.

the real scandal here is how far you guys can delude yourselves. if 2012 was any indicator, you can delude the living shit out of yourselves. even romney thought he was ahead in the polls.

simply pathetic. and shocking.
I think I understand. Liberals think white people are so superior, there needs to be laws where they can't be rude. It's for our own good. But that same line of thought also means all other races are on the level of an animal, and it's not really their fault. Like how I'm a vegan because I think we should respect animals, but at the same time we are there to care for them, and prevent them from doing harm whenever possible because animals will be animals.

Anyway, we having our next Klan meeting at your house again, Sky? White power!
So, how come every witness to Congress from the Exec, doesn't just plea the 5th? If you claim protection from self incrimination, all you are saying is, I won't hang me. That doesn't mean, no hanging is needed.

How many witnesses before these committees have done that? So, no it is very serious and one has to be so on the edge of prison, you dare not say a word.

None of these witnesses got their words turned to anywhere near that. So, they did not, but she did require this extraordinary protection. She has to proclaim that she is so afraid of criminal justice, she cannot talk at all.

No one else did that.

Seeing as the republicans keep throwing shit against the wall, and none of it seems to be sticking; I'd say not putting your ass on the line is a good choice at this point. A hanging may be needed, but that does not exclude that a hanging may, in fact, not be needed.

How many have plead the 5th before? More than a couple. Not that it matters. Even if nobody had done it, that does not inherently mean anything that is relevant to this line of conversation.

Congressional officials are notorious for turning words around and generally doing anything that can make them look good at someone else's expense.

Why does it matter what everyone else did? As my mother had said many times to me as a child "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?". Argumentum ad populum isn't a very solid argument; and that is 90% of your argument here. Out of curiosity, when did constitutional protections become "extraordinary"?