Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

Dating is all about preference.

And love is all about the extended family.

So, my dating out of race, has always been stymied by family, hers and mine, when it looks like love.

isn't that why it's called "dating preferences"? by and large, jews and muslims are intensely into their religion and i don't believe in religion.
Jew, black, brown, white, gold, I have had a lot of dates.

I can love my Dark goddess and she loves me, but neither of our families wish us the best, so we fuck and part, and move on.
So your prejudice of jewish men being pussies and jewish women being over bearing is simply excused as "dating preference"
I see. So if I say i dont date blacks because they're violent criminals or I don't date mexicans because they're lazy thats just my dating biggie.
Oh, and by your logic i can say those things and it's all good 'cause i had a Japanese girlfriend once.

isn't that why it's called "dating preferences"? by and large, jews and muslims are intensely into their religion and i don't believe in religion.
And Jews? Forgetaboutit. The, in sect, matchmaking is not an original Jewish construction but, it goes to show. And it is same in Asia.

Most want to promulgate their race and their families will try to make sure of that.
Unless you are not American, you can say what you want,

You called yourself tight pockets, Freud. Your slip is showing.
So your prejudice of jewish men being pussies and jewish women being over bearing is simply excused as "dating preference"
I see. So if I say i dont date blacks because they're violent criminals or I don't date mexicans because they're lazy thats just my dating biggie.
Oh, and by your logic i can say those things and it's all good 'cause i had a Japanese girlfriend once.

Direct hit. I wasn't following this thread until page 11, where shebuck exposed herself as a bigot (racist by most liberal's definition in here). She did the same thing in another thread and I called her out on it and had moved along until this unveiling.

You're dead on with the dating preference excuse. She even doubled down with the religious angle. Dating

I knew she was an idiot as soon as she started posting a very short while ago, I wasn't aware she was a full-on bigot.
Don't worry, some of your lib buddies will come along and "like" a bunch of your posts and tell us how what you said is totally not racist/bigoted/whatever.
and you've dated how many of your "black friends"?

it just shows how bigoted you are by labeling your friends..

That one went right over your head. I was mocking your post as being similar to the racists that say "I have black friends"
