Well-Known Member
does that disturb you?
Not at all, it's a great source of amusement. I laugh at your hypocrisy and generally stupid comments all the time. Please for me, DANCE FOR ME!
does that disturb you?
Don't worry, some of your lib buddies will come along and "like" a bunch of your posts and tell us how what you said is totally not racist/bigoted/whatever.
Doesn't make me a liberal, it makes you are Partisan.
Yeah, it's your breath.
I will date a lot gals for friendly sex, but I would never marry a Jewess or a Dark Goddess or an Asian wonderwoman,, or another WASP princess from CA.
All about the family pressures. And you can call names. You are good at that.
tightpocket? so lemme guess?'re jewish![]()
No, it makes you a pathetic, partisan hypocrite. The "preference" defense was bullshit and not even the point. It was the generalization of Jews using laughable stereotypes that was bigoted. She might as well have used blacks and they all stink of fried chicken and watermelons. There's no difference unless you're an anti-Semite and think anything against Jews is fair game.
It's getting fucking dumb as fuck up in here.
No one hears you. Try posting again.
Won't this just highlight the fact that he was interviewed two weeks after the attack, by the US press?
Why now? What dodge is this?
And this has nothing to do with the foul up in the first place. That foul up/cover up is what is being investigated.
"the uber successful ex-secretary of state?" fucking high are you? look at our nation. where success? just, uber.
America, America, uber alles....................
she is a fucking oligarch, and would perform fellatio on a dead Ronald Reagan, dressed as a Vestal Virgin, before she would let you use the servant's privy.
voting?so, you're not voting for her?