Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

Who am I to contradict the president about where he says he was born? He said it in his official literary biography, and I believe him. He is a man of his word, isn't he? Well, he proclaimed himself born in Kenya until 2007 when he changed his tune because it became a political stumbling block for him.
Buck is lying about the birth certificate, too. He produced a certificate of birth, not a birth certificate. A birth certificate is created at or shortly after the birth. A certificate of birth is created years afterward on request. It may be "authenticated" by a signed affidavit of medical personnel, a parent or relative, or no supporting evidence what-so-ever. Obama was born in the 50's. The certificate of birth he produced was printed from a computer. No hospital had a computer in the 50's.
well didn't that have a little thing to do with security and how the republicans didn't want to pay for it?

kinda like they were all wet in their pants wanting bowe bergdahl released than deleted twitter feed..what hypocrites.

fire and brimstone..republicans are like the spanish inquisition..who do they want to burn at the stake today? the successful president?

such haters.

the uber successful ex-secretary of state?

No. That was never in play.

And I am very afraid we ended up getting all those people actually killed when they could have been helped, in attempt to make some spiteful point about funding. It back fired.

I think it was a multi-faceted, political play that went bad, in every way possible.

I think there are things that are way beyond this small partisan view.

I think this is not even the point about the act committed against the USA.

Tap dancing about a funding issue when a US Ambassaodr was murdered, is like burning straw dogs and saying rabies is cured.

Saying, as I heard Ellen Ratner say, "he was not technically murdered," is just slimy, to me. The entire narrative, that is repeated by DEMS about this horrible death, puts politics before reality.

Not even a nice try. I think Gowdy has a smoking gun, so the DEMS are trying to say rabies is cured.

Haters? Are you kidding me? Are you listening to the hate that is spewed, and regurged by DEMS, every day?

I see it as FEAR.
Buck is lying about the birth certificate, too. He produced a certificate of birth, not a birth certificate. A birth certificate is created at or shortly after the birth. A certificate of birth is created years afterward on request. It may be "authenticated" by a signed affidavit of medical personnel, a parent or relative, or no supporting evidence what-so-ever. Obama was born in the 50's. The certificate of birth he produced was printed from a computer. No hospital had a computer in the 50's.

thanks for letting us all know that you haven't let go of your retarded racist theories yet, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Can you be on this forum without insulting people and spreading hate speech?

I started being an ass and acting like a racist just to mess with Uncle Buck. It's been a month or two and I'm already tired of it. I feel stupid and it's rather boring. Uncle Buck has been doing it for years and years. He really is not right in the head.