Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

that's because you'd share it with red and the others..there must be mutual display of loyalty.
I don't even talk to any of the others....

If you looked at my PM log, you'd see I pretty much talk to no one.


Sorry pinworm, I didn't mean to leave out our steamy conversations.
She's too scared. Plain and simple.
Schuylaar and i dont see eye to eye on much. We've even had a cross word or two.

But I think she comes from an honest place. Although to often is she just a parrot of UncleBuck, when it's just her she is willing to be honest and consistent.
Schuylaar and i dont see eye to eye on much. We've even had a cross word or two.

But I think she comes from an honest place. Although to often is she just a parrot of UncleBuck, when it's just her she is willing to be honest and consistent.

She seems to have the right attitude. She's just mixed up with the wrong people. It happens.