Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

Hmm....and it was posted right out here in the open last Dec.

I guess I pay better attention, since I was there.

Besides, She can't be a racist. She Is Norwegian.
It was pretty easy for me to pull a random pic off the internet (after I got caught the first time) and get everyone to believe it was me. Even after admitting it wasn't people still insist it is. If i can do it, anyone can do it.
Any discussion of legalities involving parents should be disallowed, because family court NEVER makes sense.

Letting your kids die in a fire is a totally permissible subject, especially when you've essentially "gone through" TWO families...
Some day some one you love will die.
Actually no. I've had all kinds of mental judo jousts with her. She is thumb tacking you right now, for fun.
I've seen her try her hardest. After she fails at every attempt, she declares victory and you second her. Pete and repete.
like you can talk. You do the same shit, except I don't feel the need to scour the forum to find quotes of you being a dick head. Dude started it and if you cant see that then you are just as stupid as the rest of them.

You have nothing in this, so why do you continue?
Are you sock puppet?

Here's an idea, mind your own business.

wormie does have something in this..he's one of my best friends and is tired of lurking in the shadows while you troll me.
Schuylaar and i dont see eye to eye on much. We've even had a cross word or two.

But I think she comes from an honest place. Although to often is she just a parrot of UncleBuck, when it's just her she is willing to be honest and consistent.

UB and i have the same values.
Some day some one you love will die.
People die all the time genius, its not a sad thing, its sad never seeing them again but death is a part of life.

And for the record, my family are healthy and happy as fuck, we make plenty of money off our own backs and it gives me PLENTY of time to troll you bitches here.

I bet you started the fire practising your cross lighting technique...
People die all the time genius, its not a sad thing, its sad never seeing them again but death is a part of life.

And for the record, my family are healthy and happy as fuck, we make plenty of money off our own backs and it gives me PLENTY of time to troll you bitches here.

I bet you started the fire practising your cross lighting technique...

cross lighting? this is a new development into the saga of red.. do tell:wink:
cross lighting? this is a new development into the saga of red.. do tell:wink:

He's a true American patriot, white is right and all that.