Well-Known Member
so you're saying building will stop if we pay carpenters $15 an hour?
No, alot of carpenters make that now. Im saying if 15$ an hour becomes the standard entry level no skill wage, skilled people will want raises. As they should. If they dont get a raise, they might strike... In which case yes, building will stop. Also, people wont look at carpenty as a successful career because they can earn just as much with alot less effort.
The demand for contractors will be higher than the the amount of qualified workers and either they will get raises (therefore the cost of service goes up, raising the cost of property, and property maintenance, which in turn leads to higher rental values) or the infrastructure will suffer greatly.
You still have not answered my question. How is it right for no skill workers to earn what skilled workers earn?
Why is 15 an hour the magic number?
I worked at an olive garden for 18 months as a server, my hourly rate was 2.86 per hour. Ive also worked quite a few low wage jobs... Yeah it sucks but the solution was to learn a skill, not cry about how my job didnt pay enough.