Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

What is better?

Being a slave or being oppressed. One is worse than the other.
Either one can be worse. Slavery has a legal connotation, but both can have the same effect. Involuntary labor, abuse, death, etc. Typically, one wouldn't allow slaves to starve because of the expense of replacing them. The oppressed often are starved to death, as the goal is often to wipe them out, not profit off their labor.
well holy fucking shit.

do not become a history teacher.

Am i wrong? Im not defending slavery at all, but there were lots of people who were treated worse than blacks.

Look at the Jewish people... Now THEY have something to complain about. Constant persecution since as far back as history books go.

Anyway lets get back on track because again race is irrelevant here.

The cost of goods goes up when tje cost to produce them goes up right?

This will raise the cost to produce just about everything.
Either one can be worse. Slavery has a legal connotation, but both can have the same effect. Involuntary labor, abuse, death, etc. Typically, one wouldn't allow slaves to starve because of the expense of replacing them. The oppressed often are starved to death, as the goal is often to wipe them out, not profit off their labor.

Exactly... Both are horrible, but id rather be forced to work and be fed than be forced off my land on a boat where most of my family will die to come to a land where im not wanted and have to quote literally fight for survival. Google "Irish immigrants struggle" and read a little bit.

The point is its not only blacks that "built the country" and they arentbtje only lives that matter #alllivesmatter
What they dont know, is that slaves had a value. The irish were worthless. The conditions on the ships that brought immigrants during the famine were way worse than slave ships. Some of those ships had 1/3rd of the people on board die in transit.

When they got here they were hated and were only able to find the lowest paying labor jobs. They built the railroads, worked the mines, built houses, and so on for far less pay than "whites"

I could go on all night about how fucked up my ancestors were treated, but ill spare you the reading

Black slaves were treated horribly, but they were a commodity and worth money. Yes, some slaves were beaten and abused but more often than not they were taken care of. Healthy slaves were capable of more work.

The ones that tried to run away were usually killed or tortured, but again, if a slave worked hard he or she would have more often than not been taken care of.

Slavery is wrong.... But its over now, until some guy tries to trade you for a fat cow, lets just remember it as a fucked up part of American history.

So why didn`t they stay home in Ireland and make some changes, instead of following suit and running away to a foreign land ?

Middle Easterners, Mexicans, South Africans, Brazilians, Asians and many more would rather come to the USA an bitch rather than raise the blade and make the change.

That`s what`s fucked up............
Exactly... Both are horrible, but id rather be forced to work and be fed than be forced off my land on a boat where most of my family will die to come to a land where im not wanted and have to quote literally fight for survival. Google "Irish immigrants struggle" and read a little bit.

The point is its not only blacks that "built the country" and they arentbtje only lives that matter #alllivesmatter
Your level of ignorance is mind boggling. You've been indoctrinated, and are clearly too stupid to realize it. Please don't have children. They will grow up to realize what a disappointment you really are.
So why didn`t they stay home in Ireland and make some changes, instead of following suit and running away to a foreign land ?

Middle Easterners, Mexicans, South Africans, Brazilians, Asians and many more would rather come to the USA an bitch rather than raise the blade and make the change.

That`s what`s fucked up............

Irish immigrants mostly came because of famine. The church in england set up soup kitchens but the irish had to convert to their religion. Irish Catholics made up the vast majority of immigrants. Most of them were farmers who were hardly more than slaves on their own land. Ireland was a British territory and a law was passed barring the irish from owning land and forces them to farm to pay rent on their own land. The costs were so steep that the meat and most food went to the British. When the potatoes (the main food source for the Irish because it was cheap and easy to grow) failed the irish were starving. The rate of illness and death was through the roof, open a history book or google the potato famine.

Most Irish immigrants came because to stay meant death.
Irish immigrants mostly came because of famine. The church in england set up soup kitchens but the irish had to convert to their religion. Irish Catholics made up the vast majority of immigrants. Most of them were farmers who were hardly more than slaves on their own land. Ireland was a British territory and a law was passed barring the irish from owning land and forces them to farm to pay rent on their own land. The costs were so steep that the meat and most food went to the British. When the potatoes (the main food source for the Irish because it was cheap and easy to grow) failed the irish were starving. The rate of illness and death was through the roof, open a history book or google the potato famine.

Most Irish immigrants came because to stay meant death.

The definition of a coward with no balls is in there somewhere. All that shit happened because they let it. The push to Stop the Third Riche meant many would die,...Guess what America did ?
Your level of ignorance is mind boggling. You've been indoctrinated, and are clearly too stupid to realize it. Please don't have children. They will grow up to realize what a disappointment you really are.

The point is, its not just a black thing. Ancestors of many races were seriously persecuted. Ireland was also once invaded by Vikings.

The definition of a coward with no balls is in there somewhere. All that shit happened because they let it. The push to Stop the Third Riche meant many would die,...Guess what America did ?

America got in WW2 because of pearl harbor.

Nobody came to irelands rescue, they did fight for themselves but its harder to fight when your starving to death.

They came are dreamers much like most immigrants today, but were met with the harshest conditions.

Read a book
The point is, its not just a black thing. Ancestors of many races were seriously persecuted. Ireland was also once invaded by Vikings.

America got in WW2 because of pearl harbor.

Nobody came to irelands rescue, they did fight for themselves but its harder to fight when your starving to death.

They came are dreamers much like most immigrants today, but were met with the harshest conditions.

Read a book
You bring up Ireland like that shit is anywhere near the fucking same. It's not even close to the same thing. Discrimination of blacks (to put it lightly) has been literally LEGAL in this country for at least 345 years (safe estimate 1619-1964). It was official government policy to view us as 3/5 of a person. All a fucking Irishman had to do was lose that ridiculous accent, and he became a regular white man. Problem solved. GTFOH with that Irish bullshit.
id rather be forced to work and be fed than be forced off my land on a boat where most of my family will die to come to a land where im not wanted and have to quote literally fight for survival.

yeah, me too.

i'd rather be owned as property and have no rights than be free.
You bring up Ireland like that shit is anywhere near the fucking same. It's not even close to the same thing. Discrimination of blacks (to put it lightly) has been literally LEGAL in this country for at least 345 years (safe estimate 1619-1964). It was official government policy to view us as 3/5 of a person. All a fucking Irishman had to do was lose that ridiculous accent, and he became a regular white man. Problem solved. GTFOH with that Irish bullshit.

You are aware that the people selling the slaves to the "white man" in Africa were other blacks correct? Tribes went to war and often took the losers as slaves. Eventually tje white folks

There were also black slave owners here in America.

Oh, and also its over. Yeah, some scumbags are racist, but its america, you can hate who you want.

I brought up Ireland because you insinuated that blacks built this country. EVERYONE built this country, but it was the low wage laborers skilled laborers who literally built america.

Mainly poor immigrants and yes blacks. It was a joint effort.

Race doesnt even have a place in this topic so i still dont get why you brought it up.
yeah, me too.

i'd rather be owned as property and have no rights than be free.

Free and dying? Stop eating for a weej and tell me how you feel. They were slaves, indentured servants who worked for survival, just like blacks. Only diffrence was they were not valuable.
Free and dying? Stop eating for a weej and tell me how you feel. They were slaves, indentured servants who worked for survival, just like blacks. Only diffrence was they were not valuable.

you went from just kinda stupid to all out fucking idiot in a day.
You are aware that the people selling the slaves to the "white man" in Africa were other blacks correct? Tribes went to war and often took the losers as slaves. Eventually tje white folks

There were also black slave owners here in America.

Oh, and also its over. Yeah, some scumbags are racist, but its america, you can hate who you want.

I brought up Ireland because you insinuated that blacks built this country.
I didn't insinuate a fucking thing. I'm telling you flat out. And who sold what to whom has no relevance to how they were treated once they arrived. So I don't want to hear shit about some fucking Irish "struggle", because it pales in comparison. Racial bigotry is built into the system. Irish (white) bigotry is not.
Corp fraud? A government agency and civilian clients. Where are the corporations? Your testimony in Washington, DC? I think you might be delusional.

The fault lies in ones inability to look back and see where they have been and what they have done, then who benefited.

While your questions are all good, the process falls short. (you claim to think) but stop at confusion.
Why did you stop?