Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
damn I forgot all about em, I'd hate to turn them down but I'm out of space

That's why I'm passing on some of my clones. That G13 is as good as yours now, my other friend decided he is going to keep just one. I'm getting a Shiva Skunk seed tomorrow from him too :D


Well-Known Member
Bummer. It's all good though, Im going to turn one into a mother, so it will be readily available for you if you ever want one :) Or, you can just have some of the byproducts :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks BK420, reply sent, let me know if you need any more help

Here is a quick update of the cloner:



Well-Known Member
FINALLY! hahaha, seems like it took forever, just glad our $20 investment paid off

I had to put JH1 back under the cfl's. I started to notice small brown spots again, gonna keep an eye on it and probably flush it if it gets worse. There is some noticeable growth in the "private regions" of some plants and I should know if there are males or females in there by the weekend :D
u have your stems under the water line correct? i have a crude one cup with a bag over it with 2 air tubes bubbling, a pic on my page, i just want to make sure you have them submerged cause im not sure if splashing them with water or having them submerged is quicker or more reliable
here she is today standing straight up, foilar fed her with seaweed extract and now clean 6.6ph h2o, i added some clonex nut juice to the cup water. shes a salmon creek and hopefully shell root so i can cube her and put her in the clone box in couple more days food-smiley-015.gif



Well-Known Member
Nice roots man! I think I have a flaw somewhere in my cloner though. What nutrients/chemicals are in your water?


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact yes. I put some peroxide with the water to help take care of that water, also I have had to change it twice already.


Well-Known Member
Nice roots man! I think I have a flaw somewhere in my cloner though. What nutrients/chemicals are in your water?
Just tap water and about a cup of the mild nuted water I use for my seedlings, I'd say it's almost all just tap water though + Clonex on the clones

I'm going to change the water today and just balance the ph to around 6.0


Well-Known Member
They are under a single 19w cfl on 24/0 and they seem to be doing real well.
I'm using a single cfl too, 26w or something. Once those roots start the rest come fast, I noticed a big difference between yesterday and today.

Just checked my shipping status and it says my seeds are in San Diego, I hope to get them tomorrow :D I'm going to start one of those Stoned Immaculate seeds right away


Well-Known Member
Cool, all I used was water pH at 6.0 with Super Thrive Red B-1. I killed my clone because it was from my MK which has nuts. I don't need more pollen than he can give me so I took it as an excuse to perfect the cloner I build. Still a few tweaks to it but I'll take pictures later.

Glad those glad roots look nice ah? I'm a little jealous!


Well-Known Member
From what I noticed clones don't really need much with this set up. JH1's top had a root this morning and the G13 clones are growing fast, I'll probably put them in soil this weekend. Now I just need to find out if JH1 is a male or female


Well-Known Member
Well, whether pollen or buds, it will beneficial in the future....I'll keep my fingers crossed for female though.

I changed the water out of my cloner & cut two fresh clones this morning for a friend that wants MK pollen. Hopefully with the correct amount of Super Thrive in it now, I won't get hella algae.