Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
Fuck it I'll brag, lol...we can get to the desert or the snow within 2 hours from San Diego, you want palm trees? The beach is about a half hour from the farthest part inland, or how about pine trees? Pine Valley is less than 45 minutes away from anywhere in SD. Casinos? Check. Major League Baseball? Check. NFL Team? Check. I can go on forever

Nothing against Oregon, little too gloomy for me up there though, I'll stick to sunny SoCal :D You guys can visit anytime though


Well-Known Member
So today I noticed that the nuted water for older plants had some nasty crap in it. I noticed it in my spray bottle too so I got rid of all of it and made all new water with only a ph balance and the mild seedling nutrients I had been using all along. I wanted to see if JH1 could handle the water like Delilah did but apparently I fucked up. I hope it recovers soon, looks sad :cry:



Well-Known Member
Her leaves don't look too bad, but she does look like she is stretching a little bit. She doesn't look nearly as bad as the bajamed's lol.


Well-Known Member
The yellow spots just started about 3 days ago. That one is the only one I did anything different on so I'm hoping it was just bad water. It doesn't look like it's stretching that much to me? I should have more space soon to arrange them all correctly in my veg tent and get them all more light

I just put in my new ballast, I'm going to run my 600w hps at 360w with Delilah and a few others in there for the rest of the day. I bought some new 4" hose and clamps to set up my veg tent correctly


Well-Known Member
It looks really short in person, it could be the camera angle, it's literally about 8 inches tall.

So I decided to just run the big tent at 400w for 18/6, it's is a lot quieter than the veg tent, same temps but more power. I don't want to switch to 12/12 until I at least have 3 plants ready, right now Delilah is the only one ready.

I thought about getting a metal halide lamp but since I already have the veg tent, probably would have just been a waste of money...

Here are a few updated pics:



Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot, if you only knew how bad my back hurts, lol... You have to get into some crazy angles to get stuff some of those things in there :D I cleaned up my veg tent too. Now all I need are my seeds from Attitude and I can start the next batch
It looks really short in person, it could be the camera angle, it's literally about 8 inches tall.

So I decided to just run the big tent at 400w for 18/6, it's is a lot quieter than the veg tent, same temps but more power. I don't want to switch to 12/12 until I at least have 3 plants ready, right now Delilah is the only one ready.

I thought about getting a metal halide lamp but since I already have the veg tent, probably would have just been a waste of money...

Here are a few updated pics:
once i switch to 12/12 im going to have attach the canfilter to my hood. there already smelling dank when they sleep


Well-Known Member
My filter is on there now, my tent is super quiet with it on, I don't think my wife would notice if I left it on over night. It's now set to 6:30am to 10:30pm (16/8 ), I'm not sure yet which 12/12 hours I'm going to use yet.

Bajamed B now has a new home and will probably be going into 12/12 in about 2 weeks. I know it's an indica so I'm gonna keep it short and flower soon. The clones still look good and I can see some tiny white stubs so hopefully they'll root and be ready for soil in a few days. JH3 is also going in soon and I'm really curious about doing a 12/12 from seed grow with one of my freebies

If I can find a cheap used copy I'll pick Bad Company 2 up, how often do you play? I've been wanting to reply Uncharted 2 and Portal lately, I'll probably start one of those after I finish Mario Galaxy 2. I have 18 hours on Galaxy 2 and only have 70 of the 120 stars in the game...


Well-Known Member
That kid who supposedly freaked out when his mom took it away was on Tosh.O last week, funny ass show. Turns out it was fake, lol


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what I want to do to both my Jack Herers, if one of them turns out female, they will be my mother for as long as I can keep her alive
