See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

you guys really upset about me growing with $0? and wolverine, the buds are good... I'd like for you and your friends to quit hating so much, if anything, I should go in the Hall-of-Fame for doing something nobody believed to ever be possible, quit being pricks, thanks.

Dude, what? Me and my "friends"? That bud must be good man, send me an oz...
I haven't been a prick, man, I tried to help you out on a couple of occasions only to be told to fuck-off and called a "faggot". Just, wow man. YOU quit being a little "prick". I've left you alone, you do the same, I even had you on ignore until curiosity got the better of me today. I'll go back to that, you do the same. Mmmkay?
you guys really upset about me growing with $0? and wolverine, the buds are good... I'd like for you and your friends to quit hating so much, if anything, I should go in the Hall-of-Fame for doing something nobody believed to ever be possible, quit being pricks, thanks.

What the hell are you talking about? Get back on topic. The topic here is, and always has been, waiting for the OP to come back and tell us what to do with all this pesky plant material. We're supposed to shut up and see what people are doing.

I got 50+ lbs of stocks and fan leaves with no resin stacking up in our warehouse. I need help from the op. I think he knows something about making diesel fuel out of it....or something else really cool. Where is our fearless leader. he came on sooooo strong and left us out in the cold. His last post was here. Someone may need to stop by his pad and make sure he's ok.
What the hell are you talking about? Get back on topic. The topic here is, and always has been, waiting for the OP to come back and tell us what to do with all this pesky plant material. We're supposed to shut up and see what people are doing.

I got 50+ lbs of stocks and fan leaves with no resin stacking up in our warehouse. I need help from the op. I think he knows something about making diesel fuel out of it....or something else really cool. Where is our fearless leader. he came on sooooo strong and left us out in the cold. His last post was here. Someone may need to stop by his pad and make sure he's ok.

Dear Leader is doing what he does every night CG, TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
/Pinky and the Brain reference
Heres what Ive done that was cool with my extra stems an shit that.

Use the leafs to make pot cigars blunt thingys,

Use the stems to make pseudo Thai sticks out of the small bud.
Pull a a fiber down the stem, compress the wet bud around the stem an tie with the hemp fiber. Dry an SMOKE!
Makes them small popcorn buds picturesque. lol

They are novelty only, but I guess you could sell em for more money that way?
Everyone needs to just shut up and see what some people are getting done.

I fucking love this jacked up thread. GD free for all. No leader, to topic. Some A-Hole OP, who started a bunch of shit and flew the coop.

Be a gas if this ended up being some huge thread...stickied and the works.

Next topic...Leaf Licking for faster finishes
You don't suppose this might explain our leaderless voyage in this thread do you ?

Stupid Connecticut Man, Robert Michelson, Calls Police for Marijuana Growing Tips

Robert Michelson, age 21, called 911 in Farmington, Connecticut to ask what type of trouble would he get into if he grew one pot plant. The 911 operator Michelson spoke to told Michelson he could get arrested for growing pot, Michelson, ever the polite one, thanked the 911 operator and hung up.
The drugs must have messed with Michelson's brain cells because it did not occur to him that 911 would have his address. The 911 operator alerted local police of this call the when the police showed up at Michelson's house they " seized a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia." Michelson then admitted he had purchased seeds and growing equipment in order to grow weed.
Court records show that Michelson was booked and then released on $5,000 bond. Michelson was charged with marijuana possession and other crimes. Michelson has yet to make a statement to the press but when he does I want to know why call 911, it's not really an emergency, Michelson you could have googled his question and received a response. Second, why just one pot plant? If you are going to grow pot you might as well make it worth your while monetarily.
You don't suppose this might explain our leaderless voyage in this thread do you ?

Stupid Connecticut Man, Robert Michelson, Calls Police for Marijuana Growing Tips

Robert Michelson, age 21, called 911 in Farmington, Connecticut to ask what type of trouble would he get into if he grew one pot plant. The 911 operator Michelson spoke to told Michelson he could get arrested for growing pot, Michelson, ever the polite one, thanked the 911 operator and hung up.
The drugs must have messed with Michelson's brain cells because it did not occur to him that 911 would have his address. The 911 operator alerted local police of this call the when the police showed up at Michelson's house they " seized a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia." Michelson then admitted he had purchased seeds and growing equipment in order to grow weed.
Court records show that Michelson was booked and then released on $5,000 bond. Michelson was charged with marijuana possession and other crimes. Michelson has yet to make a statement to the press but when he does I want to know why call 911, it's not really an emergency, Michelson you could have googled his question and received a response. Second, why just one pot plant? If you are going to grow pot you might as well make it worth your while monetarily.

Ok...check out the mustash on that cop. Classic.
meow listen, I didn't learn anything from this thread, lets keep it educational to at least some extent :) peace and good puffing to the brethren
I should go in the Hall-of-Fame for doing something nobody believed to ever be possible, quit being pricks, thanks.

I am not trying to harass you, I am only curious how you would actually rate your degree of success. You started out with 8 plants. Somehow you got down to 2 plants and 1 broke and you had to take it early leaving you with this 1 plant.


While comparing any indoor grow to an outdoor grow isn't exactly an apples and apples comparison, take a look at this plant.


Yes, that is, or was only 1 plant. The guy got 9.9 pounds, dry weight, from it.

So do you consider yourself to have been successful because at this point you still have 1 out of 8 plants still alive, or because you believe you grew an impressive plant?

I am just wondering what you consider to be success?