Brick Top
New Member
OK, I've heard so much about Tafbang. Someone please link me to one of his famous posts. I fell out of the loop.
Here is a link to his first thread, the 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' Yogi and Boo-Boo bear picnic basket grow. It's filled with gems. ---Link ---
Message # 60 shows his picnic basket growing container ....
It wasn't the first place in the thread to see 'The Leaning Tower of Pisa' grow but you can see it in message # 589
Maybe my favorite pictures from his first thread are found in message # 1790 ... his plants were droopy so he put a reddish pink bar of soap between then to perk them up. About using the soap he said; "well, I'm hoping that no drama learns that soap does more than cleaning and I hope he learns that organisms need oxygen" and; "aking the soap out right now since the ones that were sick are refreshed" and; "P.S. a few of the plants grew 1-2 inches just last night while the soap was in. they came back hard. I'm not sure about the science on leaving the soap in there, but I don't want to be greedy. It's like anti-biotics" and; "From myself, this is a science I don't know how to explain. but cats know what I'm talking about. put fragrance soap near plants or animals and they will get excited as the energy opens up their sensory systems"
Check out the thread ..... it's classic.