Seed Production. A Tutorial


Well-Known Member
My male plant have me a good amount of pollen sacks, so I've collected them. Can I use any of the plant to make hash? Also, I think I may have hermed the plant by shock. It went about 3 days without water when it was in veg. It took about 2 weeks to bounce back. This was after I took clones from it. Is it possible that it hermed due to shock? And if so, does hermed clones result in hermed plants? Thanks again.
i wouldn't bother with the hash. not really worth it.

doesn't sound like enough shock to really hurt anything.

hermy clones = hermy plants


Well-Known Member
last time I pollenated a branch it covered most all plants I soon found. Pollenating a branch do you suggest a clear baggie over the branch for a week? Being in a closet with good fan/wind I am sure doesn't help. Suggestions?
in this tutorial i use a small paint brush. :blsmoke:
I read his post as referring to wind control rather than paint brush size. ;) :bigjoint:

I think I may have hermed the plant by shock. It went about 3 days without water when it was in veg. It took about 2 weeks to bounce back. This was after I took clones from it. Is it possible that it hermed due to shock? And if so, does hermed clones result in hermed plants? Thanks again.
If the stress was enough to make the plant turn hermie (and I don't see many odds of that happening due to underwatering once unless the plant's genetics really suck), and if this happened after you took clones from the plant... then no, that wouldn't automatically make the clones hermies, because they'd be clones taken from a plant that was happy at the time. :D Of course, if the genetics do suck, then the chances of the clones also being hermies would rise, as the one incident wouldn't likely be the sole cause. :(


Well-Known Member
I read his post as referring to wind control rather than paint brush size. ;) :bigjoint:

If the stress was enough to make the plant turn hermie (and I don't see many odds of that happening due to underwatering once unless the plant's genetics really suck), and if this happened after you took clones from the plant... then no, that wouldn't automatically make the clones hermies, because they'd be clones taken from a plant that was happy at the time. :D Of course, if the genetics do suck, then the chances of the clones also being hermies would rise, as the one incident wouldn't likely be the sole cause. :(
yep, I didnt get an answer did I? So I paint brushed a branch and placed the plant back in the closet. the fan blows the pollen around the room and all plants full of pollen. Thnk ill put a gallon baggie around the branch next time for a week to see if it helps...Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
yep, I didnt get an answer did I? So I paint brushed a branch and placed the plant back in the closet. the fan blows the pollen around the room and all plants full of pollen. Thnk ill put a gallon baggie around the branch next time for a week to see if it helps...Any suggestions?
sorry, i misunderstood the question.

you used too much pollen. you should not have loose pollen flying around the room. take the plant out that you want to pollinate. use a paint brush to LIGHTLY apply pollen to individual hairs. do NOT overdo it. you can tap off any loose pollen. or even blow it off with your lips. once ALL loose pollen is knocked off you can put the plant back into the room. there should be no problem with the fan blowing any off. :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
last time I pollenated a branch it covered most all plants I soon found. Pollenating a branch do you suggest a clear baggie over the branch for a week? Being in a closet with good fan/wind I am sure doesn't help. Suggestions?
it was asked for suggestions on keeping pollen from flying everywhere.

i use a small paintbrush.

the question was clearly answered. as far as how it was asked. :wink: :weed:


Well-Known Member
Your english's only my first just kidding...

I most likely packed too much pollen on em...I do better next time

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
after the pollen is applied you can lightly spray the treated branch with distilled water this stops pollen from blowing off the branch. or simply in another room away from where you flower simply hit the plant with a fan for a few minutes this removes most pollen that has not already stuck to the females pistils.


Well-Known Member
How much pollen would you get from a flowered clone? I would like to make a little box with some cfl's that could flower freshly rooted cuttings and collect the pollen. Thinking of a 1 sqft area with some cfls.


Well-Known Member
How much pollen would you get from a flowered clone? I would like to make a little box with some cfl's that could flower freshly rooted cuttings and collect the pollen. Thinking of a 1 sqft area with some cfls.
You are going to be taking cuttings from a male? Why not just flower the one that you are taking cuttings from and just collect the pollen off it?


Well-Known Member
Too big to put in my tent. I dont need to flower large male plants. I killed a large male jack herer when it showed sex but kept a little clone of it and I want to flower the thing and see what it does. In the little box it could go for longer and I could determine if its really quality stuff or not.


Well-Known Member
How much pollen would you get from a flowered clone? I would like to make a little box with some cfl's that could flower freshly rooted cuttings and collect the pollen. Thinking of a 1 sqft area with some cfls.
you should get enough to make a few seeds anyway. if you let them go, a little flower can dump a lot of pollen.
My Porno Pictures !!! oh no, I hope I don't get banned

Enough said lets get down and dirty....

Turn on the slow music, and grab a chair...

Purple nads on my CxBA

The hot, hungry, little sluts waiting for a cream pie...Hehe

You don't have to wear a condom for these girls..

I will update soon...

I hope you didn't blow your load to soon...


pez prince

Very nice post! Extremely informative with awesome photos. This will help me so much with Autoflowering because you cant clone them. Thinking about breeding Lowryder with Apollo 11 (my favorite Sativa)


Well-Known Member
Agree with everyone, excellent post. My question is, how can I tell when my female's pistils are ready to be pollinated? My male is already producing pollen 10 days into flower, but my females still have only relatively small clusters of pistils. The picture on the OP showed a very mature female being pollenated. But can I collect pollen now and dab it on the pistils that are showing and have good results? I should mention that my plants were vegged indoors until they showed clear preflowers (1 month from seed, and about 18-21 inches tall), then I put them into flower. So they are far along for 10 days. Would appreciate any knowledge and advice!f


Well-Known Member
Agree with everyone, excellent post. My question is, how can I tell when my female's pistils are ready to be pollinated? My male is already producing pollen 10 days into flower, but my females still have only relatively small clusters of pistils. The picture on the OP showed a very mature female being pollenated. But can I collect pollen now and dab it on the pistils that are showing and have good results? I should mention that my plants were vegged indoors until they showed clear preflowers (1 month from seed, and about 18-21 inches tall), then I put them into flower. So they are far along for 10 days. Would appreciate any knowledge and advice!f
once the hairs pop out they are ready to accept pollen. i often pollinate, then wait a few days and do it again. i do this sevral times if needed. :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
so just the branch pollinated will create seeds. the others will continue with bud production as normal correct? i just read the first page of this thread and i am getting pretty excited about breeding. i am just unsure on a few things. after i choose my male...and i choose the best branch to pollinate i will have a handful of seeds. now do you take the best male and best female from the sprouts and breed them or would you backcross back to the original female? what will one as opposed to the other do?


Well-Known Member
so just the branch pollinated will create seeds. the others will continue with bud production as normal correct? i just read the first page of this thread and i am getting pretty excited about breeding. i am just unsure on a few things. after i choose my male...and i choose the best branch to pollinate i will have a handful of seeds. now do you take the best male and best female from the sprouts and breed them or would you backcross back to the original female? what will one as opposed to the other do?
i'd take the best sprouts. this gives you the best of the best the more you do it. :weed: