Active Member
Had my last order taken twice in the past 3 weekz from the tude. Shits ridiculous, any sites with lesser problems??? Gettin kinda pissed as prime time is passin!
It has nothing to do with the stealth or the wallet. I'm not paying the extra money for a wallet. I'm paying extra for the guarantee. Wallet goes in the trash. So, you are right, it is a numbers game. But not for them, for me. If you notice there is a post where the person had his order taken, then they reshipped, and it was got again. Hopefully third time is a charm for them. That is why we pay ten dollars for a ten cent wallet. Because we don't care about the wallet, we want our seeds. Don't care if they hide them or not. If seized, they reship. So, I guess, the wallet actually does get you your beans.You know those little cheap dollar store pin ball games that are like 1 inch by inch and you roll the little bb's into the holes.....yeah, shit like that is cheap and could be gotten away with for a time period, and then you move on. Some of these companies have been using the same "stealth" procedures for years, and it's not about stealth at all. It's about a 50 cent wallet that you pay 10 bucks for thinking it's going to get you your beans, that they buy by the thousands and pay pennies for compared to what the consumer pays.
It is most definitely a numbers game, it's called business.
"A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one"
Had my last order taken twice in the past 3 weekz from the tude. Shits ridiculous, any sites with lesser problems??? Gettin kinda pissed as prime time is passin!
Well, ICE *is* tasked with narcotics enforcement, and cannabis ceeds are considered a controlled substance under Federal law. Importation of same has to be illegal.jogro I know for a fact I seen a whole simi trailer load of nike shoe get dumped into a land fill because someone didn`t pay the import tax. the reason they hold the items is for whom ever to have a chance to dispute the agents claim it shouldn`t be here for what ever reason. if it were evidence it would have to be a law broken and charges being filed. read the customs website.
Oh, they have a much better method than that!Quote Originally Posted by racerboy71 View Post
not trying to be a dick here jogro, but you sound a bit naive about how the u.s. government works.. if there's a dollar to be made, you can bet your sweet ass they'll have their greedy lil hands in it.. and what better way to make money than by stealing drugs and reselling them..
For obvious reasons, lots of crazy claims get made about the CIA and covert USA activity. What happened in Central America 30 years ago is really getting off topic, but I've never seen any credible evidence or even claims that "we" traded drugs for arms. It didn't happen.and you've never heard of iran contra? where do you think the drugs that we were trading for arms came from? i'll bet you any amount of money that they weren't bought, that's for sure..
Again, lots of people make "out there" claims about the CIA. Can you name one of these kingpins making such an accusation that you believe is credible?For real not to mention the CIA selling coke when crack was first coming out their are a lot of kingpins who claim they got it from the CIA
Hey I just checked out that BC place and they got some interesting stuff over there, looks goodI been using bcseedking mail in orders,fast and 15 or more orders made previous got them all...hate to see this issue come up.
Some of you guys are crazy. LOL
just put another order in OG RASKAL WIFI and got 5 free ALIEN SS
lets see if this come through