seems like alot of souviener's are getting found by custum's?!

a couple people were talking about getting snagged in LA but i haven't heard any reports on NY yet. i think someone said they had a handful of orders come through NY no problem then they moved and it came through Chicago and the first one got snagged.

Sounds good to me if mine were comin through NY. hell there to busy with stop and frisk to look through the mail i bet.
That pic is SHOOPED all to hell. that rifle isn't the one he used. its definitely not the one from that pic too. thats the only known picture of him out there too so kinda hard to fake that one lol.
lol right.

he rocked a .44 lever action model winchester model 1873. it was given to him by john tunstall.
if you catch a .44 pretty much anywhere its lethal without IMMEDIATE medical attention. so much force behind the impact it does damage to organs it doesn't even hit. blows BIG gaping holes that bleed and bleed. or take a limb right off if your hit the right spot. .44's are beast its like shooting half a double A battery.

i think if i gotta take a .44 round i want it in the face so i just go quick lol. probably the same logic behind your chest wound?
My darn beans also got busted coming thru cali customs. I ordered the shirt with the order so they resent it and it did make it the second time. Hell i'm in Colorado they sell beans at the store across the street. Edit and I prefer a PTR91 PDW in .308 for a pistol
yea I use to do business with Rhino Seeds, had a order get snagged and others and faulty handling of cc numbers I experienced my last order there,they went to shit after that 5 yrs ago.
Fuck it just breed your own seeds I have like 200 beans of crosses I made and I'll be making a few more!

Imdone ordering stuff