Self Actualized ???

Beautiful thread Garden Knowm.

But could you please expand on this sentence? I wanted to know a little bit more about what you meant. :peace:

LOL.... yes...

the 100 greatest men who ever walked the planet... names will never be KNOWN.. their light is so bright that they can barley be seen in a world of shadows...

AND once when 2 of these men were seen sitting perfectly still next to one another.. in a court yard.. facing a grove of trees... for 6 hours without exchanging a word or moving a finger...

One of the men burst out laughing and fell out of his chair and looked at the other man and said.. "and they call that a tree"

and both men laughed hysterically with tears running down their face...

I could go on and explain it further.. but think this may help...

Jill Bolte Taylor's powerful stroke of insight | Video on

please let me know your reaction to this video... especially as an explanation/answer to your question


BTW - nice hat :) lol
GK, you gave some excellent points. One in particular though, is most difficult to achieve, most difficult.Perceptions not just of reality, but of quality and values are more important than many people realize. I think it's good to get at an individual's perceptions, including our own. That's why I can't say that I am 'self-actualized', mostly because I'm constantly questioning myself.

hi maiden..

can you explain what it means to "question" yourself.. maybe an example?

and how it interferes...(if it does interfere) with any of the asects of REALIZATION as mentioned in the firstpost..

Maslow writes the following of self-actualizing people:

  • They embrace the facts and realities of the world (including themselves) rather than denying or avoiding them.
  • They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions.
  • They are creative.
  • They are interested in solving problems; this often includes the problems of others. Solving these problems is often a key focus in their lives.
  • They feel a closeness to other people, and generally appreciate life.
  • They have a system of morality that is fully internalized and independent of external authority.
  • They have discernment and are able to view all things in an objective manner.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL.. pretty much copied and pasted straight out of WIKIPEDIA... including the exact same links. (when you do that you should state your source)

I don't care what anyone else chooses to live by or believe or judge themselves to be.... I am simply my own person...on my own path... without definition. The only self realization to be done in my life is by me... based on my own experience as I walk my path....not by some 7 bullet plan someone else lays out for me.

No offense meant :peace:
What America do you live in?? That explains the television ads were people stand around pointing out problems, just talking about them until someone else turns off the water. In your circle you may have some authority and feel that that authority applies everywhere. It doesn't. Its really kind of funny, you make your statement, I respond, you don't agree, you point out I am only speaking for myself. Who the fuck told you that you speak for everyone? We live in a country were the income tax illegally collected from us won't pay the interest on the national debt and you think we are a nation of self-actualizd folks? Yep, I can see how my remark is screwball. VV
What America do you live in?? That explains the television ads were people stand around pointing out problems, just talking about them until someone else turns off the water. In your circle you may have some authority and feel that that authority applies everywhere. It doesn't. Its really kind of funny, you make your statement, I respond, you don't agree, you point out I am only speaking for myself. Who the fuck told you that you speak for everyone? We live in a country were the income tax illegally collected from us won't pay the interest on the national debt and you think we are a nation of self-actualizd folks? Yep, I can see how my remark is screwball. VV

I don't know, generally when I read your posts, you seem determined to be negative, without even an attempt at silver-linings. And if anyone says differently we're 'naive' or 'blind'. Even if you're right about some things, when you pitch your opinion like that it makes it seem like you're just a cynic doing what cynics do.

In my experience, the only way to handle people like that is to acknowledge their opinion, acknowledge to yourself that it's only their opinion, and then leave it be.
Obviously no one is going to change your mind about things, so all there is left is to agree, what's the fun in that? People shrug you off with words like "screwball" because there's really nothing else to do.
I would be more likely to use words like underinformed and short sighted, I figure if you throw dirt you are bound to lose ground, shrugs and walks away. VV
Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL.. pretty much copied and pasted straight out of WIKIPEDIA... including the exact same links. (when you do that you should state your source)

I don't care what anyone else chooses to live by or believe or judge themselves to be.... I am simply my own person...on my own path... without definition. The only self realization to be done in my life is by me... based on my own experience as I walk my path....not by some 7 bullet plan someone else lays out for me.

No offense meant :peace:

I thought it was very obvious that it was copied and pasted ....

especially when credit was given to Maslow's and the links were left the same..


and it was NOT pretty much copied.... it was just COPIED ... LOL

I am not sure, but maybe you are reading into the post. I am by no means suggesting that this is correct... I am just copying and pasting Maslow's
definition of self actualization to open a conversation. and dialogue of exploration..

and to start a sentence, with "i don't care" is pretty clear... that you do care.. right?

It is the same thing with people who start sentences with stements like..

"You are an idiot if you don;t understand. blah blah balha"

clearly these people attack because they themselves are defending their own ignorance...

I may be wrong..

. Its really kind of funny, you make your statement, I respond, you don't agree, you point out I am only speaking for myself. Who the fuck told you that you speak for everyone?

i had the same reaction..


one finger pointed at you while he has 4 pointed at himself..

It is like the parent in the movie theater yelling at their kids to shut up.. when it is really only the parent making the noise...
hi maiden..

can you explain what it means to "question" yourself.. maybe an example?

and how it interferes...(if it does interfere) with any of the asects of REALIZATION as mentioned in the firstpost..

Oh man... We're getting into touchy territory here, because this will go into how I value myself, which is to say that in many regards I don't. A lot of it has to do with my ability to be productive (as in employed), and the self-questioning of decisions and though processes.

I'm not sure if I can give you an immediate direct example, but let's say that I read something that someone posts, here or somewhere else, that does not quite have the ring of logic to it. My immediate reaction is to question it (I tend to question everything, although with some things I don't and that can get me into trouble, if that makes sense) the logic and veracity. Sometimes, I get knocked on my ass, figuratively-speaking, because I find that my own thought processes stem from complete ignorance. And THEN there's my fear of failure that can paralyze me from even trying something in the first place. Can you imagine that, being so afraid of failing that you don't try in the first place? :|

I also question my judgment about people and certain situations. I tend to get "sucked in" by certain types of people, especially those whose, um.. (ok, this bit sounds weird) especially those whose life force is weak.

Seriously, there are those people who have an effect of uplifting, just by being near them you feel invigorated, inspired, or at least calm and happy.
And then there are others who don't do anything to you either way.
And THEN there are others who seem to suck the life force right out of you, leaving you exhausted and depressed, maybe with a distinct literal distaste in your mouth.
For some reason I find myself involved more closely with people like that than I want to be (much less so as I age, thank God) and I don't always know how I got there.
Is it that I detect this pitifulness about them and pity them?
Is it that I am drawn as an object to a black hole (there are some people whose forces are that strong)?
Or is it a much simpler answer, and just that I'm an idiot who hasn't learned to see the warning signs?

I could go on about the vast myriad ways in which I question myself, but then I'll be totally hijacking your thread. :lol:
Hi Maiden,

Thanks for al the info...

seems pretty normal....

how old are you?

It is fantastic that you are aware of these subtle yet valid situations in your daily existence..

DO you play sports or doing and rigores activity...

May I suggest that pushing yourself to pure physical exhaustion one or twice or even 3 times a week.. for at least 3 months will radically change your life... it will probably give you the final insite you need to take action on the astute observations you have made about your ENERGY situation...

If I may, lol

I would suggest checkingout

I would suggest full body movements..

Burpees, pullups, air squats.. etc.. minimal running.. and the running you do.. I would keep it to 100-400 yard ALL OUT sprints....

You should be able to reach a state of complete neurological brake down in 5-15 minutes with any full body movements...

a steady sttae of physically induced oxygen debt... with a decent diet will allow the body to go into shck.. it will also react to your situation with incredible vigor.. your body will go through a complete re birth and your hormone levels wll sky rocket.. and balance..
if you are not already in good shape, you will need to prep your body for a month . n order to build muscle strength to push it to these levels..


in the end, it can;t be reghular working out.. it has to be at full INTENSITY .. like a professional athlete.... you will be seriously amazined at the result.. mental and spiritual results are huge.. especially for people like you , who alreay can see tHEMSELVES... see their inner workings..

as you see the inner changes with this type of training, you will inginte a spark that will turn into a fire... sorta like a "faith"
Maslow writes the following of self-actualizing people:

  • They embrace the facts and realities of the world (including themselves) rather than denying or avoiding them.
  • They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions.
  • They are creative.
  • They are interested in solving problems; this often includes the problems of others. Solving these problems is often a key focus in their lives.
  • They feel a closeness to other people, and generally appreciate life.
  • They have a system of morality that is fully internalized and independent of external authority.
  • They have discernment and are able to view all things in an objective manner.

To be self aware. To understand why you think the thinks you do. To gauge a situation without preconceived ideas or emotions intruding on your perception. To be honest with yourself about everything, even if you don't always tell the truth. To be honest with yourself about what you know, what you don't know, what you tell yourself you know, and the difference between all of those things. To be able to entertain a thought, without excepting it.

Great post.

*Edit: Shit, this thread is super ooooold... lol.