Senator Al Franken accused of sexual harassment

That looks consensual to me. I don't see how it has any bearing on her claims against Franken.

Well now. This is getting interesting.

Accounts of sexual harassment and misbehavior by men on women are so common and in general, the cost to the offended woman is so high, that I'm going to give the woman the nod and believe her account if I don't have anything else to go on. I don't think we need to take everything to a legal level in order to form an opinion.

On the other hand, you make some good points. Here is where I'll say, "if true" then let's see where the congressional investigation goes.

This scandal falls so neatly into the right wing's lap. Either way they win. If Franken did the stuff Tweeden says, then they can use it tarnish a powerful opponent. If it turns out that Tweeden is bending truth to make a splash or receiving under the table value from right wingers, they tarnish any woman who accuses a man of misbehavior. Dang it.

Trump supporters have proven by their defense of both Moore and Trump that they care nothing about the abuse and harassment of women and children. Trump is the worst president ever, but what is really concerning is the moral ambiguity of his followers. They will still be here long after Trump departs.
I think he probably needs to resign, which is sad as policy wise and such i love him. What he did was not to the level of uncle don or uncle roy but we gotta be the city shining on the hill, we must prove in word and action that we have the right agenda and we practice what we preach, and will hold ourselves to a higher standard than the republicunts do... not only is it right but i beleive politically wise... i think he should do it and make as much noise as he can on way out that moore and uncle trump should do the same... if we protect him it is too big of a political gift to them...
I think he probably needs to resign, which is sad as policy wise and such i love him. What he did was not to the level of uncle don or uncle roy but we gotta be the city shining on the hill, we must prove in word and action that we have the right agenda and we practice what we preach, and will hold ourselves to a higher standard than the republicunts do... not only is it right but i beleive politically wise... i think he should do it and make as much noise as he can on way out that moore and uncle trump should do the same... if we protect him it is too big of a political gift to them...
I think he's guilty of at worst, misbehavior, not abuse. I also think cindysid made some good points and so maybe not even much misbehavior. Franken doesn't need protection, he's already taking the right steps, first to apologize, explain his side of the story and he said he's open the possibility of a Congressional investigation. What we need to do is let this story play out. Also, unless you live in Minnesota it's really not up to you. But yeah, if the people of Minnesota demand his resignation for something of this nature, then by all means, he should resign.

I actually don't want the Democratic party to be a shining city on the hill, I just want the kind of shit that women go through every day to stop.
I think he's guilty of at worst, misbehavior, not abuse. I also think cindysid made some good points and so maybe not even much misbehavior. Franken doesn't need protection, he's already taking the right steps, first to apologize, explain his side of the story and he said he's open the possibility of a Congressional investigation. What we need to do is let this story play out. Also, unless you live in Minnesota it's really not up to you. But yeah, if the people of Minnesota demand his resignation for something of this nature, then by all means, he should resign.

I actually don't want the Democratic party to be a shining city on the hill, I just want the kind of shit that women go through every day to stop.

Like Franken resigning would finally make the Trump and Moore supporters change their minds. Yeah, right. But it's really up to him or his constituents, he might not want to damage the Democratic party.
I think he probably needs to resign, which is sad as policy wise and such i love him. What he did was not to the level of uncle don or uncle roy but we gotta be the city shining on the hill, we must prove in word and action that we have the right agenda and we practice what we preach, and will hold ourselves to a higher standard than the republicunts do... not only is it right but i beleive politically wise... i think he should do it and make as much noise as he can on way out that moore and uncle trump should do the same... if we protect him it is too big of a political gift to them...
The only problem with that is that their side will never resign. If we do, then all we're left with to run this country is THEM.
one case of sexual harassment for which he paid dearly, one consensual blowjob for which he was impeached, and every other accuser literally fucking perjured themselves.\

and i don't think you should be trying to take the moral high ground on this one when you advocate for pedophilia you sick fuck.
He also advocates for being murdered in his sleep because he disbanded all police forces and couldn't afford to pay the private security this month.

I think he's guilty of at worst, misbehavior, not abuse. I also think cindysid made some good points and so maybe not even much misbehavior. Franken doesn't need protection, he's already taking the right steps, first to apologize, explain his side of the story and he said he's open the possibility of a Congressional investigation. What we need to do is let this story play out. Also, unless you live in Minnesota it's really not up to you. But yeah, if the people of Minnesota demand his resignation for something of this nature, then by all means, he should resign.

I actually don't want the Democratic party to be a shining city on the hill, I just want the kind of shit that women go through every day to stop.

Why are you such an enabler and fucking dead wrong...........Kill all these rapey motherfuckers.... Democrats, Republicans and your Pa.
Why are you such an enabler and fucking dead wrong...........Kill all these rapey motherfuckers.... Democrats, Republicans and your Pa.
When given a physical, the doctor looked at your dick and asked if you wanted that wart removed.

Seriously Abiqua. You just can't get it right. Capital punishment for groping? I'm willing to go there for kiddy diddling like the guy you voted for president did.
Fake news...
wait a moment .. apparently all he did was slip his thumb up her ass while she was sleeping. He also stated that he was unaware that she had been roofied. Also that he "new nothing" about the herpes she claimed to have contracted. Trump says it was no big deal and the feminists are blowing things out of proportion.