I think the contrast is stark, beyobd the men themselves but their supporters. No one is circling the wagons around Frankin, no liberals are crying fake news, he took responsibilty for it, he called to for an ethics investigation on himself, etc.
Other side of aisle reacts quite differently: fake news, politically motivated, etc, etc.
What frankin did has often been passed off as no big deal and millions of men have acted similiar, but the fact is one side says, "wow, it is a big deal even if we didnt think of it as a big deal at the time, what happened was wrong even if we didnt think of it as very wrong at time.... " im encouraged by the left right now willing to say some of our own crossed a line but lets fix it not deny it.
Its time we stop teaching our sons "no means no" and start teaching em "only a yes means yes" silence is not consent.... yup takes a bit of spontenaity away but u gotta ask before you run to the next base....