Senator Al Franken accused of sexual harassment

If this was an isolated incident it wouldn’t stop me from voting for the guy. He’s a comedian, and he probably thought it was funny, but the right would absolutely lampoon him for something like this. Christ, Obama was dragged through the coals over shit that his pastor said.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I think this just put a fork in any presidential ambitions he may have had
Three years is a long time in politics. Its better it came out now. Frankins not shy with fighting back, either, which is why I like him.
Really, grab them by the pussy got elected...

There’s a different standard for liberals and conservatives. Trump was the most unpopular presidential candidate ever who admitted to sexually assaulting women and he won. George W Bush couldn’t spell Bob backwards and he won. Sarah Palin was as dumb as a box of rocks and she was the star of the Republican Party for years.

Fair or not, that’s just the way it is. If the dem base consisted of inbred high school dropouts then something like this wouldn’t matter.

Case in point, Roy Moore is going to win the senate seat in Alabama....
There’s a different standard for liberals and conservatives. Trump was the most unpopular presidential candidate ever who admitted to sexually assaulting women and he won. George W Bush couldn’t spell Bob backwards and he won. Sarah Palin was as dumb as a box of rocks and she was the star of the Republican Party for years.

Fair or not, that’s just the way it is. If the dem base consisted of inbred high school dropouts then something like this wouldn’t matter.

Case in point, Roy Moore is going to win the senate seat in Alabama....
I don't know is 'different standards' are the right words, but it is asymmetric. If anything else comes out though, he's done. The left isn't dominated by SJW types. They just have the loudest mouths. Moderates still do the picking.
Funny how never once laying a hand on anybody is now sexual harassment.

The guy was a writer on Saturday Night Live for crying out loud. It was toilet humor. No breast were ever touched in the making of that photo.

And now we're going to have a Senate Committee investigate it while at the very same time a republican running for the senate WHO ACTUALLY MADE SEXUAL CONTACT WITH MINORS KEEPS ON RUNNING.

This country is fucking hopeless. Just completely, totally, and in all ways hopeless.
Given that she is wearing a flak jacket they are close to take off (over Afghanistan). To already be asleep that early on a flight, next to someone else that also appears to be asleep, suggests an exhausting schedule. Franken looks like he just had a toot, almost too alert, and doing something unrestrained. I think he was just a little wired and acting goofy, didn't even touch her. Been there. Just a fucking embarrassing photo. He will get through this. Be fun to see him debate Trump.
Given that she is wearing a flak jacket they are close to take off (over Afghanistan). To already be asleep that early on a flight, next to someone else that also appears to be asleep, suggests an exhausting schedule. Franken looks like he just had a toot, almost too alert, and doing something unrestrained. I think he was just a little wired and acting goofy, didn't even touch her. Been there. Just a fucking embarrassing photo. He will get through this. Be fun to see him debate Trump.
I've been sleep deprived without the aid of drugs to keep me awake. The adrenaline can kick in. You get wired and do goofy things because you are not thinking straight. Not that what Franken did was OK, just saying your bias is showing in your post.
I don't know is 'different standards' are the right words, but it is asymmetric. If anything else comes out though, he's done. The left isn't dominated by SJW types. They just have the loudest mouths. Moderates still do the picking.
Evangelist Christians abandoned the high ground and are now occupying the low ground. They've sold their Christian morals for a bowl of Trump soup. Let Congress address this. It will be amusing to see the Evangelist Christian Congress get hoisted by their own petard if they come down hard on Franken. There are too many similar stories told about people in their own camp.

This isn't anything like Roy Moore's case, this is more about men misbehaving, disrespecting women in a creepy, threatening way and finally being called out for it as they should be.
I think the contrast is stark, beyobd the men themselves but their supporters. No one is circling the wagons around Frankin, no liberals are crying fake news, he took responsibilty for it, he called to for an ethics investigation on himself, etc.

Other side of aisle reacts quite differently: fake news, politically motivated, etc, etc.

What frankin did has often been passed off as no big deal and millions of men have acted similiar, but the fact is one side says, "wow, it is a big deal even if we didnt think of it as a big deal at the time, what happened was wrong even if we didnt think of it as very wrong at time.... " im encouraged by the left right now willing to say some of our own crossed a line but lets fix it not deny it.

Its time we stop teaching our sons "no means no" and start teaching em "only a yes means yes" silence is not consent.... yup takes a bit of spontenaity away but u gotta ask before you run to the next base....
This is disappointing.

It is.
but like Bernie wrote.
A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.

That Bernie makes you feel the burn
Given that she is wearing a flak jacket they are close to take off (over Afghanistan). To already be asleep that early on a flight, next to someone else that also appears to be asleep, suggests an exhausting schedule. Franken looks like he just had a toot, almost too alert, and doing something unrestrained. I think he was just a little wired and acting goofy, didn't even touch her. Been there. Just a fucking embarrassing photo. He will get through this. Be fun to see him debate Trump.
no one likes you.
I think the contrast is stark, beyobd the men themselves but their supporters. No one is circling the wagons around Frankin, no liberals are crying fake news, he took responsibilty for it, he called to for an ethics investigation on himself, etc.

Other side of aisle reacts quite differently: fake news, politically motivated, etc, etc.

What frankin did has often been passed off as no big deal and millions of men have acted similiar, but the fact is one side says, "wow, it is a big deal even if we didnt think of it as a big deal at the time, what happened was wrong even if we didnt think of it as very wrong at time.... " im encouraged by the left right now willing to say some of our own crossed a line but lets fix it not deny it.

Its time we stop teaching our sons "no means no" and start teaching em "only a yes means yes" silence is not consent.... yup takes a bit of spontenaity away but u gotta ask before you run to the next base....
Wasn't it always the case that no means no?

Generally I was always taught that if there's any sort of ambiguity it's probably a no.

And if she can't respond it's definitely no, lol.

The thing I don't like about the recent "revelations" is it seems even trying to "chat up" a woman can be considered sexual assault. Sure, if she says to get lost then take the hint and beyond that it's harassment but how do people date nowadays?

"I was wondering if you would consent to me holding your hand"...? Is romance actually finally dead?
Wasn't it always the case that no means no?

Generally I was always taught that if there's any sort of ambiguity it's probably a no.

And if she can't respond it's definitely no, lol.

The thing I don't like about the recent "revelations" is it seems even trying to "chat up" a woman can be considered sexual assault. Sure, if she says to get lost then take the hint and beyond that it's harassment but how do people date nowadays?

"I was wondering if you would consent to me holding your hand"...? Is romance actually finally dead?

The problem for me is this:

In all the relationships I was ever involved in, SOMEBODY made the first move. In the interest of full disclosure, most of the time it was NOT me.

But now we're on a roll where women are CLAIMING sexual harassment and assault when absolutely no contact ever took place. For instance, one woman said of Weinstein:

"...he invited me up to his hotel room. When I got there he was in his robe and asked me if I'd like a massage..."

OK. So what? She left. Nothing happened.


He asked, you said yes. He thinks he's going to get lucky because you want to be with a rich movie producer. You think he wants you in a movie...or, lets be honest, you were HOPING you could get something out of him like a movie part or whatever.

Then you got there and found out he just wanted to pick you up and nothing more. So you left.

How the fuck is that sexual assault?

I mean, what's next? A guy sits down at the bar next to a lady and says, "may I buy you a drink" and a fucking SWAT team drops from the ceiling and pummels his ass and carts him off to jail?!?!