Senator Al Franken accused of sexual harassment

Succinct [look it up, it's a real word]

I am so wrong I know......., I probably mentioned you hate having the penis of a minority you hate most in your mouth. Boy was I was wrong.
Twice now, you have expressed homoerotic feelings toward me. I don't want to hurt your feelings and I want you to know that it's OK that you have suppressed homosexual issues but I'm not interested. I'm not gay and I don't like right wingers, also I find you to be a very dislikeable person. Three strikes, dude. I don't know what I've done to engender such feelings from you but I just want you to know they aren't reciprocated. Let's just leave it there, OK?
Bush 41 is 92 years old.

You going to kick his ass?
I don't think that figuratively kicking 41's ass is the same a actually doing so. Just like @Abiqua writing about figuratively raping me as he's so alluded to is not the the same as actually doing so. Both of his fantasies are creepy but if he stops there, then he's just a creep and not a criminal.
Reading the article, he crossed the line by first insisting he kiss her in a skit, then insisting she kiss him during rehearsal, then when doing so when she had already expressed reluctance, gave her an open mouth french kiss, tongue and all. After her rebuke, he does some petty harassment and finally the photo of him acting like he was going to grope her. He wasn't a friend, had been given the brush off and he kept coming at her. He also wasn't a kid.

He wasn't a friend. He crossed the line. He apologized. She hasn't forgiven. It is it being petty to hold a grudge over this? I don't know but that's actually not for Franken to decide. From what she said, unlike Trump, Franken dropped it and didn't harass her thereafter. In my mind it isn't anything like what the pussy grabber in chief did but it's not nothing. That said, it's my bet other women show up to tell their story.

But yeah, my response is same as yours. Very disappointing. Not the outrage I feel when I hear Roy Moore's victims describe his actions. I don't vote in his state and so am just a bystander. If Franken runs for Prez, this would be some baggage to consider but isn't a deal breaker like the Alabama kiddy diddler's actions.

From what I understand, this was two different women. The "boob" woman and the "kiss" woman. Personally, as a woman the open mouth kiss would bother me much more than the simulated "boob grab".
Reading the article, he crossed the line by first insisting he kiss her in a skit, then insisting she kiss him during rehearsal, then when doing so when she had already expressed reluctance, gave her an open mouth french kiss, tongue and all. After her rebuke, he does some petty harassment and finally the photo of him acting like he was going to grope her. He wasn't a friend, had been given the brush off and he kept coming at her. He also wasn't a kid.

He wasn't a friend. He crossed the line. He apologized. She hasn't forgiven. It is it being petty to hold a grudge over this? I don't know but that's actually not for Franken to decide. From what she said, unlike Trump, Franken dropped it and didn't harass her thereafter. In my mind it isn't anything like what the pussy grabber in chief did but it's not nothing. That said, it's my bet other women show up to tell their story.

But yeah, my response is same as yours. Very disappointing. Not the outrage I feel when I hear Roy Moore's victims describe his actions. I don't vote in his state and so am just a bystander. If Franken runs for Prez, this would be some baggage to consider but isn't a deal breaker like the Alabama kiddy diddler's actions.
Sorry, I was wrong. it was apparently the same woman.
his supporters love this
We must address sexual harassment. Reforming arbitration laws will ensure survivors can seek justice in court.

— Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) October 11, 2017

Sexual harassment and violence are unacceptable. We all must do our part to listen, stand with, and support survivors.

— Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) October 23, 2017

Today I shared my plan to build on & expand work by @MNCASA1 to ensure sexual assault survivors receive trauma-informed response & justice.

— Sen. Al Franken (@SenFranken) October 12, 2017

And the icing on the cake

I'm pleased we made steps to curb military sexual assault today, but I hope we can go further to bring justice to those affected. -Al

— Al Franken (@alfranken) March 7, 2014

trump sexually assaulted 20+ women and described how he does so on tape and then you voted for him you retarded two face.
Succinct [look it up, it's a real word]

I am so wrong I know......., I probably mentioned you hate having the penis of a minority you hate most in your mouth. Boy was I was wrong.

awwww, the little racist goes into hiding and only comes out in the franken thread.

hey, remember when you voted for a guy who described how he sexually assaults women?
Very disappointing. Did he actually fondle her breast, or is he just acting like he would like to? She said she didn't know about it until seeing the pic. If someone grabbed my boobs, I would definitely wake up! Not an excuse, but my friends and I have been known to indulge in this type of humor. Bad taste, no doubt.
I think he was clowning it up to the guys in the plane. He was grinning in the photo, so he thought it was funny. Will be a rocky road, but I think he will weather it.
I was shy in high school. 4 different girls touched me inappropriately. I gave in and gave them what they wanted.

I they ever run for public office, I want money.
Actually, one became my tax collector.
I got a 2% discount paying early.
Wow. I touched a girl in what I thought was an appropriate way 42 years ago when I was 14 and she was 16. And she is now my tax collector. I too get a break on my land taxes if I pay early. Wow. Just Wow.
Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren 2020.
Now that would be a ticket to see :)

Articles are already coming out about creepy Joe and his perverted actions during photoshoots. The guy is scarier than Trump. You'll lose again if that's the best you got.

I don't have any opinions on Senator Franken. Haven't followed his career and never found him that funny. I guess he's kind of entertaining today though.

-TRUMP 2020
WAIT... the pic does not show him "touching" this women... it shows him acting like he is going to (or you could argue its the moment right before it happened) except no one has came forward to say he actually grabbed her so there is no photo evidence of him grabbing her.

Rehearsing a kiss for an act doesn't really seem out of the ordinary does it?
WAIT... the pic does not show him "touching" this women... it shows him acting like he is going to (or you could argue its the moment right before it happened) except no one has came forward to say he actually grabbed her so there is no photo evidence of him grabbing her.

Rehearsing a kiss for an act doesn't really seem out of the ordinary does it?
I heard a right wing radio guy today say it looked the old tuning a radio with nipples gag.
Articles are already coming out about creepy Joe and his perverted actions during photoshoots. The guy is scarier than Trump. You'll lose again if that's the best you got.

I don't have any opinions on Senator Franken. Haven't followed his career and never found him that funny. I guess he's kind of entertaining today though.

-TRUMP 2020

the guy you voted for raped 20+ women and described on tape how he does it, fake soldier.
Fuck glad I'm married and not dating right now....

We can to draw some clear lines/rules I guess.... romance must go away... written consent wins out!! Seriously if I were on a date, tried to kiss a girl she pulled away (but gave no verbal no) and I tried one more time and she accepts and kisses me, that's ok right cause she accepting it, but if she again turned away and said no this time, did I in fact harass her?
Keep raising that bar, and we'll be led by a bunch of puritans.

If this was an isolated incident it wouldn’t stop me from voting for the guy. He’s a comedian, and he probably thought it was funny, but the right would absolutely lampoon him for something like this. Christ, Obama was dragged through the coals over shit that his pastor said.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I think this just put a fork in any presidential ambitions he may have had
Fuck glad I'm married and not dating right now....

We can to draw some clear lines/rules I guess.... romance must go away... written consent wins out!! Seriously if I were on a date, tried to kiss a girl she pulled away (but gave no verbal no) and I tried one more time and she accepts and kisses me, that's ok right cause she accepting it, but if she again turned away and said no this time, did I in fact harass her?

Kind of explains why sex dolls are gaining popularity!

-TRUMP 2020