September 4th(ish) growers


Well-Known Member
well heres mine seedlings and cutting place It has in it PPP(1) WW r#3(2) F WW (2) F Icee (2) F Icee clone (1)WW #5(3)clones



Well-Known Member
just tuk this pic, thay are under the same light as my clones, a shity 4 foot 40w ft, i will put it under a cfl sum time????:hug:



Well-Known Member
Can I participate? I put 24 small clones into veg on Sept 5. (picture taken on Sept 5)
Veg cab is 42"x32"x33"
Lighting - 2 - 100watt CFL and 4 - 23watt CFL
Flower cab is 42"x32"x49"
Lighting - 400w hps



Well-Known Member
Well, second day and three out of five have germinated, put them in some compost I got out of a decaying tree for now. I'll get a camera with my next paycheck.


Well-Known Member
weeeeeee. i put 2 white berry seed in the paper towels friday night and sat night they were cracked open, as soon as there roots are 1/2 inch long, im gonna put em in a mix of miracle grow vermicile and perilin, and i have 2 125w grow lights and a 300w wonder light, but im just bought 3 - 23w cfl's and im gonna try usig then to veg these 2 babies, the other 3 lights get wayyyyy 2 hot for my lil closet even with a fan in there, so we will see how the cfl.s work, i have 3, they put out 1600 lumens each, i might get another 3 to pump the light supply to them up even higher.


Well-Known Member
Started September 4th

One out of 3 seeds popped out of the soil today, one seed however still hasnt germinated. Its been 6 days in paper towel. Any hopes left for it?


Well-Known Member
give it a couple more days valuable,,could be stubborn,,any who,,here's a lil update,,

1 BigBud from seed in soil August 25, 6inches and nodes high 17 days old,will introduce nutes in 4 days

UK1 just sprouted born September 10

1 Mangled Big Bud clone,now in soil 14 days(i think she's gonna make it)

so how's everyone doin??

Keep on Growin




Active Member
Started germinating August 31st, Put into soil Sept 3rd
strain - 4 Northern Lights
Grow space/room Closet 5' 0" w x 2' 0" d x 5' 0" w
Lighting 400 watt MH conversion (veg)/HPS (flower)
This is my 1st attempt at growing
Medium Fox Farm Ocean Forest Potting Mix
Nutes Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom

So far they are doing very well. 1 of them is really taking off the other 3 are a little behind but looking very good. Here are some current pictures as of day 8.



Well-Known Member
mine have been in the bubbler for 5 days. ive had a few weak plants that ive tossed in the trash, but the rest are on their way.
pic 1- first day in bubbler
pic 2- same plants 5 days in the bubbler
pic 3- we likey the tight nodes



Well-Known Member
hey all,
my whiteberry seeds (2) were put in potting soil with verm, and perilite mixed soil on the 10th, on the 11th they were 1 inch out of the soil, there under 2 23w cfls, and it looks like there very happy. ps the soil is extra light, i think i mixed to much vermacile in it, but all is good 4 now, the pots are 3 inch clay pots and when i replant them, i will have a much better soil mix, i will try n post some pics tonight when i get home from work.


Well-Known Member
I just realised....I planted my Hasberry seeds on the 4th I'm in! :)

Here are my seeds....

and here are my babies at Day 8, they are the 4 seedlings in the middle. The rest are my Satori clones that have just gone into soil....

Good luck everyone! :joint:


Well-Known Member
this white widow i planted sep 4th and look at it now!!!!!!

just kidding
but it finaly switched over to flowering after 3weeks and i know what sex it was after 3 days but no mass production of flowers


Well-Known Member
LMAO Token,,ok we all give,,anyway,,,where is everyone,,this is supposed to be a comparison thread,,not a contest,,cept no one is showin updated updates,,cmon ppl,,where are they??

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
update, 9 days old, not growing fast at all, just put them under a 20w cfl tonight and will put them in a biger pot in a day or two,:-o



Well-Known Member
I dont want to post every day because there is no daily changes and if all 10 people did that then it would be too many posts. So im rather going to post every few days or bigger changes so you can really see the progress. :weed:
Germinated Sep 4th
Anyway here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
wow,,valuable and dog both germinated on the fourth and have seedlings that are 9 days old,,here's where you 2 should be talkin,,and comparin,,so dog's 9 day olds,,can look like valuable's 9 day olds,,LOL,,oh by the way,,here's my tiny lil 3 day old:-P,smallest seedling I ever had

Keep on Growin


