September 4th(ish) growers


Well-Known Member
My grow:
Started germinating september 4th
32 seeds strain DR. JOE
Grow space/room just moved the babies in to veg room
Lighting 18/6 400 watt mh
This is my 3nd grow



Well-Known Member
ok dont want to over post, but every1 else is doing pics from about a week. so heres my 7th day pic.
Holy crap man.....7 days! WOW.....bubblers really are very impressive! It takes me like 2-3 weeks in soil to get my babies like that, I bet you can almost watch them grow. I will enjoy following your progress. Good job mate :joint:


Well-Known Member
Used molasses 2tlbs to a gallon of water for nutes Ph'd water heating pad and 1cfl 13 watt bulb in the shelf in my bathroom to germinate and sprout


Well-Known Member
Holy crap man.....7 days! WOW.....bubblers really are very impressive! It takes me like 2-3 weeks in soil to get my babies like that, I bet you can almost watch them grow. I will enjoy following your progress. Good job mate :joint:
u betcha bubblers rock. just wait until i start adding some nutes. all theyve had so far is alil super thrive mixed in their water. ill prolly start adding some good nutes this weekend.
i started to germ on 8/26 but these lil boogers didnt want to pop. it was 9/1 before they were ready to be put into the rockwool. they stayed in a bowl with nothing but about 1/2" of water untill they had a few roots peeking out the bottom of the rockwool on 9/6. and thats when i put them in the bubbler.
i backed out on useing the 1000 watt MH. i dont have enough plants growing to justify the cost of running it. i had it on them about 8 hours before i figured i was just wasting money. so other than that 8 hours the first day in the bubbler they have been under 8x26 watt CFLs.


Well-Known Member
my little girls are about 3 inches high, the lights are about 6 or 7 inches above then, i have had to water them every day because the soil has a lot of drainage and gets dry fast, i might have to move the light closer tonight, also i dont have a fan on them yet so the stalks look thin, gonna put my fan on them tonight also.right now i keep the lights on 24 hours, im not sure if this is good or bad, im thinking that in another 4 days i will add my 3rd cfl light to give em more light, ps, i have 2 23w cfls on them right now.


Well-Known Member
My grow:
Started germinating 14th september
Grow space/room started on top of sky+ box, grow room is being sorted in the next day or 2
Lighting 18/6
This is my 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Hey all, i got a light bar and put 6 23w cfls on my 2 babies, light was 24/7 but now im going at 18/6. 1 is doing great, the other looks very unhappy, the leaves are curling under and its no as big as its sister, i think im going to transplant both tonight into a 3 gallon pots. i might start with a lil nutr's. i took pics but cant find the dam cord to download the pics. This is my 1st inside grow. my 1st outside grow is still growing, lol and it looks great. any 1 have any idea why the 1 plants leaves are curling under?, and why its not growing as good as the other?, i know pics help but until i find a cord or bye 1 i cant post pic, just looking for a guestimate on what it might be, Thanks all


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm a little late...

Started Germinating: Sept. 15th
Strain: Bubblicious
# of Seeds: 2

I imagine when I go today I will find two tails pokin out at me, will plant into 12oz Solo cups, and veg till big enough for a couple clones. Hopin fer a mum :)


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to say gentelmen and ladies,that due to a idiot move on my part i am unable to continue on with the sept.4th growers.I will however continue to stay up on all you good ppl's grow,things r coming along nicely,i only wish i couldve put up my pic's.well thanks for having me,but like i said i messed up:wall:cant wait to see them grow guys.happy growing!!!!!rascalone


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to say gentelmen and ladies,that due to a idiot move on my part i am unable to continue on with the sept.4th growers.I will however continue to stay up on all you good ppl's grow,things r coming along nicely,i only wish i couldve put up my pic's.well thanks for having me,but like i said i messed up:wall:cant wait to see them grow guys.happy growing!!!!!rascalone
whot went rong????bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
seeds were taking lon,after 5 day i checked and they were plumped up so im like ok and put them back(soil).after 3 more days im like something is wrong,i pick upthe ups and my stupid ass drops them while looking at the other plants,and yes,i was stoned,by the way they popped,i put them back but i havent seen nothng ouy ofthem.thats wy i dropped out but if a miracle occurs and they keep going ill b sure to let it b known!!......rascalone

sorry for all te missing letters but my sondropped water on keyboard,

a dog,whats te lngest it ever took any of ur seed to pop?just wondering?


Well-Known Member
so you have had sum bad luck then?? seeds normly pop in 24h but i have had them take a week,,so dont cheek them out yet?,,,,and i love chech and chong,,,,lol


Well-Known Member
ok,,Im so proud of this one,,it's 7 days old ,in soil,,in new veg unit with 4 - 42 watt cfl's(see post New veg Unit),,good lookin seedling though

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
looking real good there hole,
wish i could say the same about my 2 babies, there not happy at all, the heat is playing a big issue on mine, so this morning and every morning, im gonna put em outside for the real sun and bring em in at night and back under the cfl's, there leaves are curling under and i have no way of lowering the heat in the room, im gonna have to set up another spot in my basement where its a lot cooler, and then i can use more lighting, so right now my 2 babies need tlc, or there gonna die. oh yea, does it still count as a indoor grow if i put them outside in the daytime?, they really need sun, untill i can set the lights up in the basement, its like there in the hospital, intensive care, lol
im gonna cross my fingers and say a lil prayer 4 my babies.