sevin dust

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I never promoted the use of sevin on weed plants or have i ever used it.Ganja couldn't open the link so i forwarded the info to her. Open the link and read it yourself some good info about a product that is used on a plant that is smoked like weed. Written by a person with a PHD not somebody with an MSDS in one hand & a bug sprayer in the other hand
They put a lot of chemicals on tobacco that is harmful so that is a moot point.
Plus cigarettes are not medicine, cannabis is. We as growers need to be more mindful of what we put on our plants knowing that people are using it to sometimes save their lives.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I've got a bum kidney, so I go out of my way to stay away from all poisons. But I have used Seven dust on my veggie garden. You need to wash any veggies you eat anyway. Most are grown with poisons. It's damn hard to grow on a commercial scale without them.

I've never put poison on my weed, but I have sprayed the plants around my patches. Grasshoppers will wipe out a tray of young plants over night here.

Island Stoner

Active Member
its ok but you have to follow the directions to a tee....i put it on my stems because the ant bring the bugs up my plant, so i tried to block their path but in that part right by the stem i guess the root zone is more fragile, couple of my clones were good, hardened off and all but once transplanted and seven dust added they eventually started wilting one by one, and even the mother plants, i cut the stems off and place them in water and their back upp like ntn happen


New Member
I used Sevin earlier this year to kill and keep away tree-hoppers/leaf-hoppers. It worked great....and now, i have outdoor spider mites edging there way through my crop very fast, and i'm going to try and use Sevin on them tonight...they're in early flowing stages, so im a little concerned, but if i don't kill the mites, i wont have any good medicine for the year!!! Has anyone ever used Sevin to kill mites?? Does it even kill them?? We sprayed neem oil, as well as Organicide, and neither have killed them!! Time to bring out the big guns!!!
Use bonuses sulfur powder to kill mites organically. ....kicks butt on a variety of mold mildew and fungus


New Member
Has anybody used sevin dust to keep pests off of your plants? Pros and cons. thanks
Tomato Hornworm, Manduca quinquemaculata. However, the tomato hornworm and tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, are often confused with each other. They are very similar in appearance and both attack members of the Solanaceae family. The tomato hornworm is three to four inches long at full size (likely to be the biggest caterpillar we see in our gardens) and green in color with white v-shaped marks along its sides. A black “horn” projects from the rear of the caterpillar. Tobacco hornworms have diagonal white stripes and a red “horn.”
"Signs of Tomato Hornworms:
Tomato hornworms are voracious, munching entire leaves, small stems, and even parts of immature fruit. While they are most commonly associated with tomatoes, hornworms are also common pests of eggplants, peppers, and potatoes. Most likely, you’ll notice the damage before you notice the hornworms, because their color helps them blend in so well with the plant foliage. You can also look for their black frass (droppings) on the foliage and around the base of the plant.
Effect on Garden Plants:
Undetected, a tomato hornworm can do a fair amount of damage to its host plant. They have hearty appetites, and can defoliate a plant in a matter of days. If they are detected and removed early on, the plant will recover just fine.
Organic Control for Tomato Hornworm:
Because the hornworm is so large, the easiest and most effective way to get rid of it is to pick it off of plants as soon as you detect it and either squish it or toss it into a bowl of soapy water. A bad infestation can be treated by applying BT (Bacillus thuringiensis). This is most effective when the larvae are small. If it is a problem year after year, try rototilling the soil either in late fall or in spring before you plant–this will either bury the pupae or destroy them. However, if you see a hornworm covered with white egg sacs, leave it be. The egg sacs are those of a parasitic wasp called the Braconid wasp. Let the eggs hatch, and you’ll have an army of wasps ready to defend your garden against all types of pests."


Well-Known Member
Old thread but I just want to say that Sevin is poison. I would never use it on cannabis. I won't even use it in my garden. Self rising flour will kill worms/caterpillars. When ingested by the worms it rises inside of them and kills them. It's non-toxic and won't hurt bees, birds, etc...

People need to think about what they're using to kill bugs and such. I see many people using stuff that I would never use. They go by the label that says safe to use up until harvest. What that typically means by is that it's safe to use on fruits and vegetables that are easily washed in the kitchen sink in a colander and steady stream of water. It doesn't mean spray it on a mite infested cannabis plant one week from harvest. I can't believe anyone would even think about using this toxic crap on their marijuana plants.


I don't know where some folks info comes from but 7 liquid or dust is not harmful to small animals of any kind. Hell it's used in dog lots to control mites and fleas.


Well-Known Member
I really wanna use 7 on my girls.. Ive tried neem, and spinosad soap... Still not working!!!!! I dunno why the heck it isn't! I'm at a loss, i have 4 plants, leaves getting hit hard by some kind of stink bug looking things and now there are babies!!! Ugh


Well-Known Member
I can't believe anyone would use this on their cannabis. People go on and on about Miracle-Gro and how bad it is while incorrectly saying that it's owned by Monsanto which it isn't. But they'll use a poison like SEVIN on their cannabis which is made by Bayer which owns Monsanto. Stoner logic at it's finest.

SEVIN is a registered trademark of Bayer.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Carbaryl (1-naphthyl N-methylcarbamate) .................................................................. 22.5% by wt.

Harmful if swallowed. Harmful if absorbed through skin. Harmful if inhaled. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist. Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes plus socks and household latex or rubber gloves when mixing and applying this product. Wear a hat and eye protection when making overhead applications. Remove clothing immediately if pesticide soaks clothing. Change clothing as soon as possible after use. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. Wash thoroughly after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.

This product is extremely toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water or allow drift to water. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area will help avoid run off to water bodies or drainage systems.

This product is highly toxic to honeybees and other bees. Do not apply to plants in bloom.

Look what these idiots did when they sprayed some trees with another poison. People can be such fucking morons. We're a selfish, self serving species with no concern for the impacts our actions make. Too bad the Bee's can't develop a pesticide to use against us. Man is just stupid. Destroying the planet one day at a time.

Hi Heads, I’ve been using Sevin Dust for years on mine. Never had a problem, when pest ever became a problem, the best way and the time to use is early. It’s Ok to use several times In seedlings and veg before Bud development, Why? Because when used early in seedlings and veg, you sprinkle on fan leaves on top and try to get some on the bottom of fan leaves also. The seven dust is falling on top of the soil is perfectly fine. Once applied a few times you want need it during early Bud development because it’s already been used early and it’s done it’s job already on the pain in the ass Pest! The affects of Seven Dust is still present even not seeing it visibility, like on the branches, the stalk, etc!! Just ever once in awhile if pest become presence again just sprinkle a little bit on the fan leaves not all of them, here and there, maybe a little bit on top of soil, it’s like sprinkling a little bit of salt in your Jambalaya! That’s why it broadly used on pretty much on all vegetables gardens and your 420’s!! Lol!! A small amount will go a long way!! It’s has always worked for me and a few Buddies of Mine!! Like Scooby and Tom and Jerry even Mickey and Daffy done picked up on it! Lol That’s Us! That’s my Opinion and Experience using it over the years!’ Thaa Thaa That’s all Folks!! ️


Well-Known Member
Hi Heads, I’ve been using Sevin Dust for years on mine. Never had a problem, when pest ever became a problem, the best way and the time to use is early. It’s Ok to use several times In seedlings and veg before Bud development, Why? Because when used early in seedlings and veg, you sprinkle on fan leaves on top and try to get some on the bottom of fan leaves also. The seven dust is falling on top of the soil is perfectly fine. Once applied a few times you want need it during early Bud development because it’s already been used early and it’s done it’s job already on the pain in the ass Pest! The affects of Seven Dust is still present even not seeing it visibility, like on the branches, the stalk, etc!! Just ever once in awhile if pest become presence again just sprinkle a little bit on the fan leaves not all of them, here and there, maybe a little bit on top of soil, it’s like sprinkling a little bit of salt in your Jambalaya! That’s why it broadly used on pretty much on all vegetables gardens and your 420’s!! Lol!! A small amount will go a long way!! It’s has always worked for me and a few Buddies of Mine!! Like Scooby and Tom and Jerry even Mickey and Daffy done picked up on it! Lol That’s Us! That’s my Opinion and Experience using it over the years!’ Thaa Thaa That’s all Folks!! ️
You know not what you're talking about. It's not used on pretty much all vegetable gardens and very few people use it on cannabis as there are better more friendly methods to deter pests than using a toxic poison. The active ingredient is carbaryl which is banned in many countries and the state of California with more to follow. Carbaryl is highly toxic to earthworms and bees so it does matter if it gets on top of the soil.
You know not what you're talking about. It's not used on pretty much all vegetable gardens and very few people use it on cannabis as there are better more friendly methods to deter pests than using a toxic poison. The active ingredient is carbaryl which is banned in many countries and the state of California with more to follow. Carbaryl is highly toxic to earthworms and bees so it does matter if it gets on top of the soil.
! I have My Opinion, I ALSO DO THIS IN MY LIFE, “”I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ , I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I HEAR EITHER!! I MAKE MY ON DECISIONS IN MY LIFE, I ALSO READ REVIEWS AND READ A LOT OF LITERATURE OWN THINGS I DO, NOT “”ALL”” BUT, MOSTLY EVERYTHING””Experience with lots and lots of “”Mostly All Vegetables, and “”Pretty Much”” “All” the Time! And that Is “”MY OPINION”” And THEIR are 1000’s and 1000’s of other People’s THAT HAVE THEIR OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES With SEVEN DUST! and HOW THEY USE IT!! “And SOME LIKE SEVEN DUST! SOME NEVER USED IT! AND SOME PEOPLE LIKE YOU? WOULD’NT NEVER USE IT!! There are lots of differences in how words are used like for Ex.? Pretty Much , Most Definitely, ALL The Time, Most of the Time. Pretty Much all the Time!! Definitely Use All the Time!! “Pretty and Beautiful” are Used differently Everyday!! They are 2 different expressions,!! Each word has its own different meaning!!, and are differently in Sentences, just using them for examples, that’s all!! My GrandFather is 94 years old!! I’m 54 I’ve been around my GrandFather as long as I can remember! He has owned he’s own Farm, raising different live stock, etc. My Father and Grandfather , cousin’s , Uncles, Great Uncles, put it this way, some do their share, some do “more” than others, and then there are ‘some’ family members have been doing it “”all”” their lives!! It doesn’t mean they have been doing it “All” with My GrandFather “All of his Life!! Approximately, He has about 3200 Acres “not All”” but “” Mostly All the land is used for the live stock, but “some” is used to grow Lots and Lots of different Vegetables!! You name it? we probably put it “mostly”“but “not all” the Time, On our Dinner Tables!! But “Mostly every Night”” but not “All” the Time through the Year!! I Have Used SEVEN DUST FOR I KNOW OVER 15 Years are MORE on Growing MJ and Vegetables, I use it the way I Described and IF I said Mix it the Soil, “ Common Sense will Tell you it’s Going to Be Washed in The Soil Anyway!! No Matter How You Use it!! Whatever!!“”” MAYBE LEARN HOW DIFFERENT WORDING AND EXPRESSION’S ARE USED IN DAILY TALKING!! Don’t “JUMP” to FAST to Conclusions? “, because, You are Ready To Pounce on Someone’s Opinion and Use it like, OMG!! “SEVEN DUST IS USED ON EVERYTHING!! AND HE IS COMPLETELY WRONG WHAT HE IS SAYING!! DID’NT I SAY IN MY OPINION?!’ And I GAVE EXAMPLES OF ALL DIFFERENT WORDS AND SAYINGS! I believe I did. “Much” and “Most”of My GrandFather’s Life, he has been using Seven Dust For “Most of All” his Life,? But NOT ALL HIS ENTIRE LIFE!! Lol, I really Hate The FACT that I have to DEFEND MY OPINION AND MY EXPERIENCE ON a DAM PRODUCT FOR PESTY LITTLE BITTY PAIN in the ASS LITTLE PEST!! “LMMFAO!! USE IT OR DON’T USE IT!! I THOUGHT THIS FORUM WAS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME, to HAVE OR TO GIVE MY OPINION!! WE AS MEN!!! I BELIEVE AS MEN, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, DO OUR OWN RESEARCH, SHARE OUR OWN EXPERIENCE’S!! “”” But Why Criticize someone’s Opinion, Their Experience’s , Their Wisdom!! (“There’s is always, Always a Mr. Know it More!! , Mr. Correct all the Time!! Mr. His is Knowledge is Better!! Mr. Don’t Read Everything First!! Mr. The Jump Conclusion Man! “”ALL-WAYS THE ONLY HIM MAN KNOWS MORE THAN EVERYBODY ELSE!!


Well-Known Member
Nobody's reading that wall of text.

You're obviously challenged so ill just move on. Good luck going forward.
! I have My Opinion, I ALSO DO THIS IN MY LIFE, “”I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I READ , I DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING I HEAR EITHER!! I MAKE MY ON DECISIONS IN MY LIFE, I ALSO READ REVIEWS AND READ A LOT OF LITERATURE OWN THINGS I DO, NOT “”ALL”” BUT, MOSTLY EVERYTHING””Experience with lots and lots of “”Mostly All Vegetables, and “”Pretty Much”” “All” the Time! And that Is “”MY OPINION”” And THEIR are 1000’s and 1000’s of other People’s THAT HAVE THEIR OPINIONS AND EXPERIENCES With SEVEN DUST! and HOW THEY USE IT!! “And SOME LIKE SEVEN DUST! SOME NEVER USED IT! AND SOME PEOPLE LIKE YOU? WOULD’NT NEVER USE IT!! There are lots of differences in how words are used like for Ex.? Pretty Much , Most Definitely, ALL The Time, Most of the Time. Pretty Much all the Time!! Definitely Use All the Time!! “Pretty and Beautiful” are Used differently Everyday!! They are 2 different expressions,!! Each word has its own different meaning!!, and are differently in Sentences, just using them for examples, that’s all!! My GrandFather is 94 years old!! I’m 54 I’ve been around my GrandFather as long as I can remember! He has owned he’s own Farm, raising different live stock, etc. My Father and Grandfather , cousin’s , Uncles, Great Uncles, put it this way, some do their share, some do “more” than others, and then there are ‘some’ family members have been doing it “”all”” their lives!! It doesn’t mean they have been doing it “All” with My GrandFather “All of his Life!! Approximately, He has about 3200 Acres “not All”” but “” Mostly All the land is used for the live stock, but “some” is used to grow Lots and Lots of different Vegetables!! You name it? we probably put it “mostly”“but “not all” the Time, On our Dinner Tables!! But “Mostly every Night”” but not “All” the Time through the Year!! I Have Used SEVEN DUST FOR I KNOW OVER 15 Years are MORE on Growing MJ and Vegetables, I use it the way I Described and IF I said Mix it the Soil, “ Common Sense will Tell you it’s Going to Be Washed in The Soil Anyway!! No Matter How You Use it!! Whatever!!“”” MAYBE LEARN HOW DIFFERENT WORDING AND EXPRESSION’S ARE USED IN DAILY TALKING!! Don’t “JUMP” to FAST to Conclusions? “, because, You are Ready To Pounce on Someone’s Opinion and Use it like, OMG!! “SEVEN DUST IS USED ON EVERYTHING!! AND HE IS COMPLETELY WRONG WHAT HE IS SAYING!! DID’NT I SAY IN MY OPINION?!’ And I GAVE EXAMPLES OF ALL DIFFERENT WORDS AND SAYINGS! I believe I did. “Much” and “Most”of My GrandFather’s Life, he has been using Seven Dust For “Most of All” his Life,? But NOT ALL HIS ENTIRE LIFE!! Lol, I really Hate The FACT that I have to DEFEND MY OPINION AND MY EXPERIENCE ON a DAM PRODUCT FOR PESTY LITTLE BITTY PAIN in the ASS LITTLE PEST!! “LMMFAO!! USE IT OR DON’T USE IT!! I THOUGHT THIS FORUM WAS FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME, to HAVE OR TO GIVE MY OPINION!! WE AS MEN!!! I BELIEVE AS MEN, WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS, DO OUR OWN RESEARCH, SHARE OUR OWN EXPERIENCE’S!! “”” But Why Criticize someone’s Opinion, Their Experience’s , Their Wisdom!! (“There’s is always, Always a Mr. Know it More!! , Mr. Correct all the Time!! Mr. His is Knowledge is Better!! Mr. Don’t Read Everything First!! Mr. The Jump Conclusion Man! “”ALL-WAYS THE ONLY HIM MAN KNOWS MORE THAN EVERYBODY ELSE!!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consequat velit ut turpis tristique, et suscipit elit vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut eget rutrum nulla. Ut a porttitor mi. Etiam fringilla risus et tortor venenatis, ac pharetra lorem congue. Suspendisse ut eros pellentesque, aliquam odio quis, porttitor odio. Vivamus nisl dui, gravida ac erat quis, consequat eleifend neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer eleifend vitae quam ac varius. Phasellus eu tortor sem.

Fusce enim urna, dictum a ligula sit amet, venenatis tincidunt nisl. Curabitur porttitor, massa id sodales iaculis, velit sem volutpat diam, vel convallis elit velit ac odio. Aenean ante massa, pharetra nec egestas finibus, ultrices ut turpis. Aliquam malesuada nunc orci, non tristique leo scelerisque ut. Vivamus convallis tellus sed elementum pulvinar. Aliquam faucibus odio ac lectus molestie eleifend. Aenean sagittis non enim eget euismod. Pellentesque venenatis tincidunt mi, porta consectetur arcu. Vivamus scelerisque tincidunt iaculis. Donec euismod feugiat felis, quis dapibus felis congue at. Aenean fringilla vitae magna at feugiat. Vivamus tempor nec risus in rutrum. Sed nec dolor et mauris rhoncus luctus in sit amet dui.

Maecenas at nunc tempor, faucibus ex id, imperdiet justo. Nulla gravida consectetur massa, at lobortis justo blandit nec. Vestibulum placerat id purus a elementum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc vehicula ultrices turpis, eget maximus lacus ornare ac. Pellentesque fringilla vel dolor nec mollis. Morbi nec hendrerit mauris. Donec eget mauris sed est tristique tempus sed non orci. Integer lacus sem, facilisis molestie mollis sit amet, mattis et sapien. Mauris tristique purus vel felis tincidunt rhoncus. Vivamus vitae ornare ipsum. Nulla vulputate dui fermentum ligula feugiat efficitur.

Aliquam vitae erat sit amet orci tincidunt tempor. Nullam mollis iaculis tellus, nec aliquet neque tempus nec. Donec euismod dui aliquet diam consequat, iaculis dapibus mauris finibus. Sed scelerisque arcu sed mi elementum vulputate. Suspendisse sit amet dui eu tellus consectetur vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nibh est, congue ut rutrum ultricies, pulvinar finibus odio. Morbi quis dictum sem. Vivamus volutpat neque facilisis turpis eleifend bibendum. Integer velit risus, viverra at hendrerit nec, commodo vitae eros. Praesent blandit euismod elit.

Aliquam semper nisl quis pretium consectetur. Integer sit amet finibus mauris. Nam tempus lectus ut suscipit feugiat. Nunc vitae ante ligula. Sed justo tortor, gravida sit amet ante a, finibus pretium libero. Phasellus finibus sapien a lectus imperdiet, at vestibulum ex iaculis. Nunc condimentum justo felis, lobortis tempus ex porttitor at. Praesent vitae viverra felis. Curabitur euismod eleifend massa faucibus congue. Curabitur ornare lacus vel sem feugiat molestie. Maecenas sit amet tortor condimentum, gravida odio non, placerat lectus. Etiam nec augue justo.