Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???


Well-Known Member
But no seriously guns don't kill people any more than spoons do.People kill people with whatever weapon they choose be it a spoon a huge truck a gun or a flower vase,its all about the state of our world and nothing to do with the actual weapon.[/quote

You're right, guns don't kill people. Guns make it incredibly easy to kill people. Have you ever actually tried to kill someone with a spoon? It's a bitch. Don't even think about eating soup with a gun.

I'm nearly sure that no child has ever found a spoon in the house and accidentally blew his brains out with it. It's also likely that no parent hearing noises at the door in the middle of the night ever picked up a spoon and killed their child trying to sneak in tho the house with it.

A gun, a handgun in particular, is nothing more than a very handy killing tool. Glad we can agree on that.


Well-Known Member
But no seriously guns don't kill people any more than spoons do.People kill people with whatever weapon they choose be it a spoon a huge truck a gun or a flower vase,its all about the state of our world and nothing to do with the actual weapon.[/quote

You're right, guns don't kill people. Guns make it incredibly easy to kill people. Have you ever actually tried to kill someone with a spoon? It's a bitch. Don't even think about eating soup with a gun.

I'm nearly sure that no child has ever found a spoon in the house and accidentally blew his brains out with it. It's also likely that no parent hearing noises at the door in the middle of the night ever picked up a spoon and killed their child trying to sneak in tho the house with it.

A gun, a handgun in particular, is nothing more than a very handy killing tool. Glad we can agree on that.
Any muppet that leaves a loaded gun where a child can get at it should never have been allowed to purchase a weapon of that manner in the first place why don't you lobby for proper gun training laws and licenses that only allow people that have passed a course on safety and storage of such devices.

The guy i saw get done in with a spoon was done over by an 18 yr old,basically a kid really.
Cracked him once on the jaw knocked him out and spooned his eyes out.
All over in about 20 seconds and done with a plastic spoon in prison.
Lets ban plastic spoons.

You underestimate mans tenacity and ability to kill or maim when he has lost the plot with any item available at the time.
I also saw someone get the back of their skull cracked of with a dumbbell set by a 16 yr old in a gym.

Maybe we should add dumbbells to the list of things to ban instead of working on the real issues of why things get so out of hand in the first place and giving these kids some hope for the future.

To be honest this is why weed is illegal in case it may be dangerous when in all reality if some of these youths had had a good toke before they went out they may not have killed each other:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
A highly motivated individual can turn anything into a weapon. Even his own fists. This is not news. I haven't underestimated a violent man's ability to turn simple household items into weapons. You miss my point completely. Let me restate it for you here:

Guns are handy killing implements.

The guy who is able to kill with a spoon obviously doesn't need a gun. For the rest of us, who are normally rational human beings, they pose a danger inasmuch as they are readily available, and unquestioningly willing to do our bidding in a moment of blind rage or tragic stupidity.

If you re-read my post you'll see that I never suggested that anyone ban anything. I'm just calling handguns by their true name. Killing machines. If this strikes a nerve, perhaps you should examine your conscience for the reason.


Well-Known Member
A highly motivated individual can turn anything into a weapon. Even his own fists. This is not news. I haven't underestimated a violent man's ability to turn simple household items into weapons. You miss my point completely. Let me restate it for you here:

Guns are handy killing implements.

The guy who is able to kill with a spoon obviously doesn't need a gun. For the rest of us, who are normally rational human beings, they pose a danger inasmuch as they are readily available, and unquestioningly willing to do our bidding in a moment of blind rage or tragic stupidity.

If you re-read my post you'll see that I never suggested that anyone ban anything. I'm just calling handguns by their true name. Killing machines. If this strikes a nerve, perhaps you should examine your conscience for the reason.
I don't disagree with you on principal that a gun is easy to use and easily to hand for tempting moments but i am saying that if someone is angry enough to kill someone they will usually use whatever they can get their hands on.
Proper training is required in the same way that you have to have lessons and pass a test before you can drive.

Trust me take away the guns and they will just find something else to use this is my only point.

Society is rotten at the core we need to fix the core to fix the apple,this is my way,that is yours,you want to ban and wrap in cotton wool i want to actually fix the original problem that caused the problem you have to follow your way and i will follow mine:peace:


Well-Known Member
There is usually a clear line between play and reality. That's why countries have the law that all toy guns must clearly be TOYS, so there's no difficulty in distinguishing from the real thing. Shitty parenting is the problem, not more gun control.

It's the parent's job to educate children about society and how to live within an acceptable norm. My parents isolated me from violent TV and toys as a child, but because of the way they raised me I was responsible enough to use guns when the time came. I fired hunting rifles long before BB guns and air rifles. I've used shotguns and semis with very little training because of the respect for danger and safety I was taught.

I enjoy paintball from time to time and airsoft when I'm at home even as a young adult. Violent fantasy is a very effective way of relieving the stress that would otherwise cause to actually lash out. It all comes back to understanding the difference between fantasy and reality. There's a time and place for everything.


New Member
The guy i saw get done in with a spoon was done over by an 18 yr old,basically a kid really.
Cracked him once on the jaw knocked him out and spooned his eyes out.
All over in about 20 seconds and done with a plastic spoon in prison.
Lets ban plastic spoons.

This guy's reality is ever increasing... I'm amazed, quite frankly amazed... spooned his eyes out, lol.

Anyone that's ever been to prison/yp would know that it is impossible to 'spoon' out someones eyes with a plastic spoon. Maybe stab the eyeballs with the plastic handle, but you couldn't spoon out someones eyes. This sounds like a story told to a bullshit artist by another bullshit artist.


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year all you stoners of a political bent!

Thanks for all of the input.
What I find amusing is the PC mindset attempting to “redefine” what little boys are, and always have been.
Boys seem to have a natural desire to “rough house”. They prefer violent interactions.
I think we as the human species are “hard wired” to be what we appear to be as infants. Boys and girls are different!
I do not think it is a good idea to try to tamper with human nature.

It is all about the age old debate of Nature Vs Nurture.



Well-Known Member you too, and thanks for offering an interesting idea for consideration. I'm enjoying my time here more and more all the time. I'd nearly forgotten how much fun the simple exchange of ideas can be.


Well-Known Member

Hilda Fourie, Beeld Johannesburg - Every time he tried to help his partner, who was lying in a pool of blood, the robbers assaulted him.
Ouboet Venter, 53, from the Hartbeespoort Dam area, was in tears on Tuesday as he told how Stienie Botha, 61, was shot in the chest by one of four robbers in their house on a smallholding early on Monday morning.
The couple had moved into the house on Wednesday last week. It is inside a fenced area which is being developed as a security village.
Venter, a diesel mechanic, said he was powerless.
They were attacked at about 01:30. One of the robbers had a pistol, while the others were armed with a knife, screwdriver and spoon.:mrgreen:
"I heard somebody shouting 'Hey!' and a shot went off," said Venter with tears streaming down his cheeks.
'I couldn't help her'
"I only noticed she (Botha) was shot when they switched on the lights. She didn't make a sound when she was shot. She didn't even move. They tied our hands and then removed her rings."
"Stienie kept saying: 'Ouboet, don't move. Just lie still'.
"I couldn't help her. When I looked at her or touched her, they kicked and hit me.
"I couldn't help her," he kept repeating.
According to Venter, a robber hit him on the head with a pistol twice. They then removed all his clothes and forced him to lie on the floor.
He and a friend, known as Mariska, who was also inside the house, were later locked in separate rooms. Before Venter managed to untie himself and break down the door, the robbers had stripped the house and fled in his car.
Venter sought help at a nearby smallholding.
Critical condition
Botha was conscious until she arrived at the hospital. She was in a critical condition in the high care unit of Montana Private Hospital on Tuesday.
"Stienie is such a good person who did not harm to anybody. She doesn't deserve this. She must be okay. She doesn't need this," said Venter.
Inspector Mary Modise, a spokesperson for Hartbeespoort Dam police, confirmed the incident.
She said the robbers had broken open the back door.
Nobody has been arrested yet. A case of house robbery was being investigated.

Man 'couldn't help' shot partner: South Africa: News: News24


Well-Known Member

Hilda Fourie, Beeld Johannesburg - Every time he tried to help his partner, who was lying in a pool of blood, the robbers assaulted him.
Ouboet Venter, 53, from the Hartbeespoort Dam area, was in tears on Tuesday as he told how Stienie Botha, 61, was shot in the chest by one of four robbers in their house on a smallholding early on Monday morning.
The couple had moved into the house on Wednesday last week. It is inside a fenced area which is being developed as a security village.
Venter, a diesel mechanic, said he was powerless.
They were attacked at about 01:30. One of the robbers had a pistol, while the others were armed with a knife, screwdriver and spoon.:mrgreen:
"I heard somebody shouting 'Hey!' and a shot went off," said Venter with tears streaming down his cheeks.
'I couldn't help her'
"I only noticed she (Botha) was shot when they switched on the lights. She didn't make a sound when she was shot. She didn't even move. They tied our hands and then removed her rings."
"Stienie kept saying: 'Ouboet, don't move. Just lie still'.
"I couldn't help her. When I looked at her or touched her, they kicked and hit me.
"I couldn't help her," he kept repeating.
According to Venter, a robber hit him on the head with a pistol twice. They then removed all his clothes and forced him to lie on the floor.
He and a friend, known as Mariska, who was also inside the house, were later locked in separate rooms. Before Venter managed to untie himself and break down the door, the robbers had stripped the house and fled in his car.
Venter sought help at a nearby smallholding.
Critical condition
Botha was conscious until she arrived at the hospital. She was in a critical condition in the high care unit of Montana Private Hospital on Tuesday.
"Stienie is such a good person who did not harm to anybody. She doesn't deserve this. She must be okay. She doesn't need this," said Venter.
Inspector Mary Modise, a spokesperson for Hartbeespoort Dam police, confirmed the incident.
She said the robbers had broken open the back door.
Nobody has been arrested yet. A case of house robbery was being investigated.

The shame is that they weren't all armed with spoons.


Well-Known Member
Hey solo the only point that i wanted to illustrate is that mans tenacity for violence and weapons knows no bounds.
As you pointed out the main destructive force was the gun but a madman will use anything even a spoon.
We need to heal ourselves as a whole society.
This was my only real point:peace:


New Member
Hey solo the only point that i wanted to illustrate is that mans tenacity for violence and weapons knows no bounds.
As you pointed out the main destructive force was the gun but a madman will use anything even a spoon.
We need to heal ourselves as a whole society.
This was my only real point:peace:
...and how many 'mad' men have you met? I've met alot of so-called mad men, and the ones that go psycho and kill people will make sure they are armed with something more than a spoon. The reason for this is that they have no bottle. The men with bottle do not use weapons. Why do you think psycopaths pick 'victims'? Their victims are more often than not far weaker than they are, and if they aren't they will even up the odds by using a weapon to bring you down. Still though, they'd rather hit a woman or child.

You stil haven't explained how you witnessed this guy get his eyes spooned out with a plastic spoon in YP when you've never been. Do you know what the plastic spoons look like? If you did, you would know it is impossible. For one thing they are table spoons, and for another the actual spoon part is made of soft plastic. No way you could spoon out someone's eyes.

Also, where did this event take place? I'm assuming the dining area. Do you know how many screws are around when you go for dinner?

This is what I'm talking about, there are too many variables that go against an inmate getting their eyes spooned out with a plastic spoon.

Also, what happened to you going to this other forum, and staying there? What happened when you told shaman that I called him a nonce... lol. You're like a big kid.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I worked with mad men.... and woman... it is a real eye opener to hang with people who are tortured by their thoughts 24-7

Most of them sound like fear mongering Americans.. but just on a slightly MORE intense level..

no offense ment.. it's just that americans are afraid of their own shadows... hence the uber military, blacks in jail, drug laws and border issues.... this is the short list...

and yes there are exceptions.. some americans are not scared... so they don;t need protection from their imaginary fears that they made up in their little peanut from watching to much TV...

easy BOY



New Member
I worked with mad men.... and woman... it is a real eye opener to hang with people who are tortured by their thoughts 24-7

Most of them sound like fear mongering Americans.. but just on a slightly MORE intense level..

no offense ment.. it's just that americans are afraid of their own shadows... hence the uber military, blacks in jail, drug laws and border issues.... this is the short list...

and yes there are exceptions.. some americans are not scared... so they don;t need protection from their imaginary fears that they made up in their little peanut from watching to much TV...

easy BOY

Beautiful. lthough my experience of madmen comes from a different angle, it amounts to the same thing.

The same can be said of my country... too much TV. I hate TV, unless it's educational, then I find myself just staring at the screen, unable to move. Watching kingfishers hunt etc...

Some tv actually makes me feel ill, like the news. I see so much bias in the reporting of things that it does make me feel ill. I think I only feel this way because I realise that 90% of the population probably won't even see the bias... and will simply, believe what they are told.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
in the usa... i believe 50% of the prison population is black... and for years the crack laws were much more strict than the cocaine laws... guess who does crack? guess who does cocaine?

guess who thinks all drugs should be legal? gk