Should racism be accepted if......

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Your reply on post #2 and then your liking of comment #107 say otherwise.
You’re ignorant
I said nope not acceptable.
You must be offended easily. Are you white and trashy? Then yes, you’re white trash. 5A21C767-E1FB-42EA-8E81-2BCEA1C40A20.png7AC3EE19-248B-4F6A-A815-8438DCBB031C.png
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension skills. Or quit drinking.
You called me a dense racist liar. With two instances to refer to, incorrectly I may add, out of the thousands and thousands of comments I’ve made here. Now who’s the mentally retarded member?
You’re going on the ignore list now.
Look at where the propaganda machine within the government and media worldwide has been being aimed at recently, anti white bull crap is on full tilt even in film/print/TV/music whatever, it's absurdly like dumb fuck stupidly obvious that some nefarious agenda against the human race is being laid for us all as a whole (whites first apparently) you start murdering innocent whites and panic ensues, the hostile and unforgiving territory that youre bringing forth into reality is truly only known to the greatest level by those who are dead and gone, who lost their lives by taking the same steps the deepstate is now advocating that we all take as a nation. (Please conform to our falsified ideologies so that China can defeat you, K?)

Yes the man was insane, but look at all that was incited into that young man's mind before he took that action against an innocent victim in death, a white skinned child was experiencing the joy of summertime on his bicycle right outside in his neighborhood and having fun, yet because of hateful indoctrination in media/music/politics lately, people are reaching inhumane boiling points against their fellow human beings, if you can't see that there is deceit hidden within these racially heated radicalism types of modern satanic movements, then you are part of the problem, you can't see the pure evil that is being manifested, then that's the unfortunate blur in your minds eye, not mine.
What do you mean by 'media'?

I am guessing you have been getting all the bullshit you are seeing pumped to you for the very specific purpose of getting you to believe in it.

Or you are one of the ones pushing it, and understand that you are describing the propaganda attack on our nation in a way that makes it sound like you believe it.

You can't say someone was insane then pretend like there is any rationality in what leads up to the crimes committed.

I can see the evil behind all this propaganda pushing the racist shit to epic levels in a very calculated way to get people of every side of every issue to become radicalized to it.

And it is to benefit one person's re-election chances.
Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 7.59.18 AM.png
You’re ignorant
I said nope not acceptable.
You must be offended easily. Are you white and trashy? Then yes, you’re white trash. View attachment 4653117View attachment 4653118
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension skills. Or quit drinking.
You called me a dense racist liar. With two instances to refer to, incorrectly I may add, out of the thousands and thousands of comments I’ve made here. Now who’s the mentally retarded member?
You’re going on the ignore list now fuckhead.

You're Jewish and trying to incite a joking form of racism here on the forum, your not taking this seriously because deep down your also indoctrinated into believing that white racism is OK, while covertly acting as if you knew nothing.

And I'm sorry everyone, it was post #11, my bad.

So yeah you've revealed yourself as a instigator of racial tension here on the forum as far as I'm concerned, whether through Freudian slip or honest mistake it seems you've got some form of racism you are hiding, why say what you did, then afterwards you liked a post that had/contained innequality towards the perspective of another race written all over them, liking racially incited/negative posts yet your just an innocent bystander, correct?

Anyways yeah I'm an asshole sometimes:cry:, BTW I noticed you liked the post of mine with laughter, the one that contained the citation from CNN about the boy getting murdered, try and grow up next time this isn't something that others are finding funny, if I'm going overboard I apologize, but (imo) that isn't really shown in a positive light towards the argument you appear to be in defense of.

Just as my "wow" reaction to your comment deserved elaboration to know what I meant exactly by leaving such a reaction, the same necessity is required by such a reactive laughter response to a post about racial division and tension, with the included citation of the child that was recently murdered, your kidding yourself if you don't think a proper elaboration of what it was that was "funny" to you in that post.... care to share your reasoning here?
You seem confused about how statistics work. White gentile populations are on a dramatic decline throughout Western Civilization. The fact that we remain a slight majority at present does not interfere with the aforementioned fact.
Thus the question remains: Are you admitting that you are ambivalent towards white ethnic replacement? Or do you simply deny the demographic statistics?

I feel like this is going to hurt you deeply...but I feel morally compelled to tell you the truth. Fogdog, Trump isn't even tangentially right wing. He's an impotent technocratic boomer neoliberal. Trump doesn't even acknowledge that white gentiles exist as a people. Trump is a Jewish ethnonationalist, as all American politicians are. Nothing more. Trump lacks the courage of any political conviction whatsoever; hardly a fascist. Words have meaning, Fogdog. You should really Google the word "fascist."

....I don't support Trump. You didn't even bother to ask about my political disposition; you don't seem to be interested in actual politics. It's like you're getting off on incredibly low-brow back-and-fourth shit-talking under the guise of a political discussion.

Rhetorical question in good faith: Why not engage in a more therapeutic form of internet forum communication so that A) You can grow, emotionally B) grown-ups who are interested in actual philosophical/political dialogue can have serious conversations? Clearly you're not interested or capable of engaging with political ideas. It's just Reddit-tier meme pasting and personal insults with you.
Unfuck yourself and have some kids. Problem solved. Wait you're an Incel.

You're Jewish and trying to incite a joking form of racism here on the forum, your not taking this seriously because deep down your also indoctrinated into believing that white racism is OK, while covertly acting as if you knew nothing.

And I'm sorry everyone, it was post #11, my bad.

So yeah you've revealed yourself as a instigator of racial tension here on the forum as far as I'm concerned, whether through Freudian slip or honest mistake it seems you've got some form of racism you are hiding, why say what you did, then afterwards you liked a post that had/contained innequality towards the perspective of another race written all over them, liking racially incited/negative posts yet your just an innocent bystander, correct?

Anyways yeah I'm an asshole sometimes:cry:, BTW I noticed you liked the post of mine with laughter, the one that contained the citation from CNN about the boy getting murdered, try and grow up next time this isn't something that others are finding funny, if I'm going overboard I apologize, but (imo) that isn't really shown in a positive light towards the argument you appear to be in defense of.

Just as my "wow" reaction to your comment deserved elaboration to know what I meant exactly by leaving such a reaction, the same necessity is required by such a reactive laughter response to a post about racial division and tension, with the included citation of the child that was recently murdered, your kidding yourself if you don't think a proper elaboration of what it was that was "funny" to you in that post.... care to share your reasoning here?
How old are you? Seriously.
What do you mean by 'media'?

I am guessing you have been getting all the bullshit you are seeing pumped to you for the very specific purpose of getting you to believe in it.

Or you are one of the ones pushing it, and understand that you are describing the propaganda attack on our nation in a way that makes it sound like you believe it.

You can't say someone was insane then pretend like there is any rationality in what leads up to the crimes committed.

I can see the evil behind all this propaganda pushing the racist shit to epic levels in a very calculated way to get people of every side of every issue to become radicalized to it.

And it is to benefit one person's re-election chances.
View attachment 4653136
So you admit that you don't see the full picture at hand, yet still you call what I'm saying about ideological subversion/Marxism a bunch of bullshit, you don't see the cognitive dissonance in that, lol, your argument is that foreign agency's are infiltrating our media and flooding us online with propaganda, just what exactly do you think I'm telling you @hanimmal , this racial tension and divide is being seeded into our nation by China, Russia, who tf knows? The deepstate agenda is to disable the human population of our country from being able to defend ourselves from intruders once this propaganda infiltration reaches its goal of inciting a race War, America will be easier to dismantle, don't under predict the fear that they have of us knowing what their plans are.

The Illuminati is Real, laugh about what's coming if you like, but it's your death and imprisonment that is of the very least of their worries, their wicked plan is to be continued either way, even if it comes to using nukes over America, they've already said so, and like I said before, my phone is tapped, they aren't observing me because I know too little, that's what's crystal clear to me, It's not Like they just tap into anyone's phone because they spout bullshit incessantly ya know?
So you admit that you don't see the full picture at hand, yet still you call what I'm saying about ideological subversion/Marxism a bunch of bullshit, you don't see the cognitive dissonance in that, lol, your argument is that foreign agency's are infiltrating our media and flooding us online with propaganda, just what exactly do you think I'm telling you @hanimmal , this racial tension and divide is being seeded into our nation by China, Russia, who tf knows? The deepstate agenda is to disable the human population of our country from being able to defend ourselves from intruders once this propaganda infiltration reaches its goal of inciting a race War, America will be easier to dismantle, don't under predict the fear that they have of us knowing what their plans are.

The Illuminati is Real, laugh about what's coming if you like, but it's your death and imprisonment that is of the very least of their worries, their wicked plan is to be continued either way, even if it comes to using nukes over America, they've already said so, and like I said before, my phone is tapped, they aren't observing me because I know too little, that's what's crystal clear to me, It's not Like they just tap into anyone's phone because they spout bullshit incessantly ya know?
lol “the illuminati is real” bahahahahaaaa
I’m driving or I’d really let you know what I think of you.
I’m not Jewish nor am I black lol. My family names are dutarque and mournier lol. Get out of my country.
You’re not living in the real world man.
Look at where the propaganda machine within the government and media worldwide has been being aimed at recently, anti white bull crap is on full tilt even in film/print/TV/music whatever, it's absurdly like dumb fuck stupidly obvious that some nefarious agenda against the human race is being laid for us all as a whole (whites first apparently) you start murdering innocent whites and panic ensues, the hostile and unforgiving territory that youre bringing forth into reality is truly only known to the greatest level by those who are dead and gone, who lost their lives by taking the same steps the deepstate is now advocating that we all take as a nation. (Please conform to our falsified ideologies so that China can defeat you, K?)

Yes the man was insane, but look at all that was incited into that young man's mind before he took that action against an innocent victim in death, a white skinned child was experiencing the joy of summertime on his bicycle right outside in his neighborhood and having fun, yet because of hateful indoctrination in media/music/politics lately, people are reaching inhumane boiling points against their fellow human beings, if you can't see that there is deceit hidden within these racially heated radicalism types of modern satanic movements, then you are part of the problem, you can't see the pure evil that is being manifested, then that's the unfortunate blur in your minds eye, not mine.
White people in the US do not deal with hardships due to the racist beliefs of others. The example you gave was not racism. It is a privilege to be able to believe that racism is an abstract concept.

You really ought to stop taking all your advice from you navel.

Also, the SARS COV-2 virus is new to humanity and not the weird Illuminati mumbo-jumbo that your navel tells you it is.
So you admit that you don't see the full picture at hand, yet still you call what I'm saying about ideological subversion/Marxism a bunch of bullshit, you don't see the cognitive dissonance in that, lol, your argument is that foreign agency's are infiltrating our media and flooding us online with propaganda, just what exactly do you think I'm telling you @hanimmal , this racial tension and divide is being seeded into our nation by China, Russia, who tf knows? The deepstate agenda is to disable the human population of our country from being able to defend ourselves from intruders once this propaganda infiltration reaches its goal of inciting a race War, America will be easier to dismantle, don't under predict the fear that they have of us knowing what their plans are.

The Illuminati is Real, laugh about what's coming if you like, but it's your death and imprisonment that is of the very least of their worries, their wicked plan is to be continued either way, even if it comes to using nukes over America, they've already said so, and like I said before, my phone is tapped, they aren't observing me because I know too little, that's what's crystal clear to me, It's not Like they just tap into anyone's phone because they spout bullshit incessantly ya know?
If the illuminutti is what you say, why would you think they wouldn't have access to what we know the Russians have access to since 2013 when Snowden smuggled NSA files to Putin? The Russians have been shown to have attacked these same things and are able to use the observable data on everyone and plug that into AI programs to spam you with nonsense to trick you into believing whatever it is you will fall for.

You do understand that those millions of people that work in 'the deep-state' are Americans and all have family and friends that live in our country too.

It is up to whoever is in the cult to want to break out. I don't doubt there are some weirdo's out there in cloaks and secret handshakes and shit, there are all kinds of cults out there. Criminals will always conspire, but mostly people just don't consider how bad their actions can impact others lives, and when they do are so invested into making it work that they try to cover it up. The wealthier people are the more impact they tend to have on more peoples lives.

Another problem with the cult logic being taken seriously is that it is so much easier to just make shit up by connecting enough dots to convince yourself that it is the case. It is a weird time we live in when it is so easy to just invent boogey men and sell it to millions of people worldwide using the same pyramid schemes and telephone scams on a epic scale.
Is your name Kondo?
Why do you lie to everyone at TNT about being Jewish and black if you're not?

It's as if you're enjoying this loss of credibility to your online persona here on the forum, why should anyone trust you if youre known to misconstrue the true meaning and/or intent behind your words?

You seem to brag about being the trifecta pretty often, kinda dumb if it's just another bullshit story to begin with.... don't you think?
Why do you lie to everyone at TNT about being Jewish and black if you're not?

It's as if you're enjoying this loss of credibility to your online persona here on the forum, why should anyone trust you if youre known to misconstrue the true meaning and/or intent behind your words?

You seem to brag about being the trifecta pretty often, kinda dumb if it's just another bullshit story to begin with.... don't you think so?
You pay a lot of attention to me Travis. You’re gullible too. Kinda creepy.

Don’t you have a job or are your chores done?

Let me repeat myself, I don’t give a shit about you or what you think. I’m sorry but you really mean nothing to me.
You assume a lot you racist pos, now stfu already you yearly flu vaccinated reject. Thanks.

White people are disappearing because they have no culture in America. White American culture is based on racism through and through and it's the only thing they have, so they defend it tooth and nail. America portrays itself as a "rebel" nation because of the revolutionary war and has a lot of jingoistic pride from it. People have latched onto it and made it their sole identity.

End slavery and work for yourself "no I'm a rebel"
Better your education system " no I'm a rebel"
Wear a seatbelt "no I'm a rebel",
Wear masks "no I'm a rebel".
Don't be a traitor " muh I'm a rebel".

Dude I met was bragging his lady friend died in an ATV accident because she didn't wear a helmet. Rebel until the end. Lol.

Nobody puts baby's corpse in the corner.

GTfOH. They're even dying from lack of healthcare, Covid and Opiates for it and they consider it winning. It's exactly what MAGA is all about.

Funny how when real genocide occurs white people are dead silent about it. Armenians, Jews, Rwandans, Native Americans, Uighurs.
So no I'm not sad about White Genocide the way that you describe it. I'm looking forward to my kid banging as many white girls as possible. Once you go brown you won't turn it down.

P.S. Some researchers are saying they have anecdotal evidence that previous vaccinations could mitigate the symptoms or provide Some protection against Covid. Not a large sample size but it's lining up with informal polling of my friends. The 3 that have gotten it have never had a flu shot.

@mustbetribbin I'll see you in your own Karen video soon.

P.P.S. Trump's brother has Covid?
Folks around here (and elsewhere) keep saying its the white man that's guilty of wrong doing, and that it's within their inherit DNA to continue on being a dominant race upon the Earth and that white folks have no end to the evil they are willing to commit, yet when you looked at that list of worldwide worst genocide leaders of all time, they are all disproportionatly amongst other races except Caucasian... Africa (Rwanda), Asia has had its share of such crimes against humanity, as has the middle east, Russia, as well as south and central America even.

It's easy to see that over blown suggestive nature of everyone's supposed deserved guilt being placed upon the white race for things that had taken place beyond their control, but that's not how the common white person is ever gonna feel about it, most people realize an over blown pounded into your head suggestion when it's fuckin mentioned daily month after fuckin month that a propaganda based decisive conscious attack is being made upon them, people must think they're (white folk) just so dumb, well people assume a lot of shit all the time......

Guilt is one thing, but violent and unheard of lashing out crimes against innocent children and the unborn is where people are gonna draw the line, this is America, your gonna find out people have rules/laws that they're willing to enforce on their own judgement , full blown anarchy is where we are headed, and if we don't come forth to realize an attack is being made on our consciousness then only a worst of outcomes is guaranteed, an a deeper inflicted wound shall be made, look at where they are aiming the machine to see into their planned future devastation.

This isn't Nazi Germany, people are armed to the teeth as far as I can tell, we can use them against each other or wait until the decepticon nation of China invades and use it on them to stand our ground as a nation, as human beings on this Land, you have a choice here people, foreign agents have already shown their faces and prerogative, they want use to literally have civil war break out.... to further their control, it's so easy to see.

They want civil war so that the UN can declare the US a radicalist nation and come forth to enforce our demise through the helping military might of China and their allies.
Hey numbnutz you sound terrified
@mustbetribbin ,

I can understand why you want to ignore Hitler and Stalin as great purveyors of mass murder. Along with Mao, Tojo, Truman and Pol Pot, the 20th Century was a killing ground. But really, going back further in time to say "they weren't the worst" is dumb.

Question: do you regard Hitler as a Jew?
If the illuminutti is what you say, why would you think they wouldn't have access to what we know the Russians have access to since 2013 when Snowden smuggled NSA files to Putin? The Russians have been shown to have attacked these same things and are able to use the observable data on everyone and plug that into AI programs to spam you with nonsense to trick you into believing whatever it is you will fall for.

You do understand that those millions of people that work in 'the deep-state' are Americans and all have family and friends that live in our country too.

It is up to whoever is in the cult to want to break out. I don't doubt there are some weirdo's out there in cloaks and secret handshakes and shit, there are all kinds of cults out there. Criminals will always conspire, but mostly people just don't consider how bad their actions can impact others lives, and when they do are so invested into making it work that they try to cover it up. The wealthier people are the more impact they tend to have on more peoples lives.

Another problem with the cult logic being taken seriously is that it is so much easier to just make shit up by connecting enough dots to convince yourself that it is the case. It is a weird time we live in when it is so easy to just invent boogey men and sell it to millions of people worldwide using the same pyramid schemes and telephone scams on a epic scale.
It's interesting that you mention Snowden, as Snowden is just another con man like Alex Jones or Joe Rogen, they're only purpose of existence within the system is to curve the opinion of the public, but they never provide any real answers, and both are paid actors for the deepstate, rogen even was filmed saying he would blatantly lie to Society in order to keep his fame, a few years later he had his own show what a surprise. David icke also proven a liar.

The deepstate only allows the public to know so much information about what's really going, they trickle out small bits of information because it's part of their creed or satanic code that they follow, apparently the truth has to be openly mentioned in some way/shape/form although often left hidden or behind a crypticly devised type of a displayed message of their true plans for the future of society, etc, as well as through wide spans of time of course to keep things hidden/cryptic/secretive (Movies, cartoons, card games, books/magazines are the typical media outlets that are used to release such information).

With Snowden they simply gave a random man the image in the public eye as a 'real life' batman coming out to save society from the cruel clinches of the Illuminati, a hero who came from the belly of the beast to warn us all about this global cyber threat to everyone's security and future of cyber crimes against humanity by these large digitized corporation's that rule above society and so forth, all those files he supposedly released were just part of !!surprise!! another hoax to meld and study the mass reaction to a faked news story
(That's what internet algorithms are all about, the study of the public reaction to various topics, but the rabbit hole goes much deeper than the surface image of its character, or form suggests).

Snowden revealed the truth about him being part of the deep-state agenda once he spoke out recently with the same bullshit lying narrative deception that the lame stream media keeps bombarding into the minds of the public over a harmless virus scare, a faked mass hysteria pandemic over a virus that has existed since before the Jurassic Age and beyond, with little effect on the human population once so ever, the corona virus in all its natural beauty has been exaggerated to stupefying levels in 2020, it's a naturally occuring virus that plays a very small key role in keeping the immune systems of various lifeforms within the ecosystem stimulated from time to time to provide a boost in the overall health of the entire planet as a whole, all things exist for a reason, there is nothing new existing under the Sun, guaranteed. (Everything has a purpose, each specific creation was placed there by design for the purpose that it was originally intended to serve, that's how infinite replication of life becomes manifested and so forth, viruses are still part of that chained ecosystem that brought us to where we are at today.)

Everyone who's famous whom's adding to the (covid) hysteria is secretly into the same old narrative of deceiving the minds of the American people to further decrease our odds of remaining a first world nation, these people have sworn over their careers to serving foreign policy and foreign interests, interests that go against our success as a nation, that's what the larger picture to be seen is showing..
You pay a lot of attention to me Travis. You’re gullible too. Kinda creepy.

Don’t you have a job or are your chores done?

Let me repeat myself, I don’t give a shit about you or what you think. I’m sorry but you really mean nothing to me.
You didn't refute any of my claims against you, therefore my initial statement still stands. You are dense, racist and a liar on account of your behaviour within this thread, you've given proof of that.

You don't care what I think? I could have told you that, I already sensed that by your attitude online, what else is new :spew:

There's no way you had zero clue about what the op was originally talking about, I just don't buy it, and you've done nothing to defend these claims except take them personal, they must be true?
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