Should racism be accepted if......

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Can anyone explain to me why all these white guys are afraid of white genocide? We’re the only race concerned with it. I’ve never heard another race even discuss the topic, let alone be afraid enough to argue about it. What a strange thing to be scared of.

Secondly, have you done the math on how long that would even take? or are you guys just worried about being the minority? What’s the fear? I don’t get it.
Well firstly, I am a bit peculiar as a supposed 'white goy' because I've got Native American blood from separate tribes from each of my parents, so I am allowed to have a fear for genocide and a hatred of it since my own family bloodline was effected by it.

Dude, people have been fearful of genocides since after the first one began, who are you kidding? there's plenty to be fearful of when the idea of acceptance of genocide is brought up for any reason, period, it's Evil whether you understand the full meaning of what it entails or not.

Plenty of people of all races have had discussions about how bad this evil was (and will always be) just by discussing or learning about the holocaust or the holodomor people can peer into the fear and try to visualize what it may have looked like to have been a survivor or even a prisoner of one of those camps, it's sickening and many people have thought about it, it's silly to think it's just a white thing, it's illogical to assume that this would be 100% of the case.....

Secondly, it's not about how long, or what the numbers night end up being if such an action did take place, it's about what would happen when a minority here in America is made a target beyond their own doing, black people are the minority, and they aren't entirely the ones that are behind saying that this Race war is a good idea, I promise you, the deepstate, Illuminati is not going to let them rest, as if African Americans haven't already been agitated for ages, they aren't letting these poor folks rest, this isn't a peaceful movement, they're walking the African American people into more strife, the mirroring image of white genocide doesn't look like it does this earth and our future as human beings on this Earth any favors.

There's no love in such movement's, no consideration towards the family unit once so ever, it spells collapse for both sides and others around as well if a higher resolve isn't reached amongst one another as people, this continued demoralization has zero benefit to future generation's no matter what their DNA /genealogy might be, the degenerating attitudes and ill intent towards people just based on skin color is a major mistake and harsh road to go down, and we can't ask advice from the dead who lost their lives to such courses of action now can we?
All we have is our own insight to guide us, nothing more.
Nah, I just went thru your post history.
You’re an argumentative little bitch who thinks he knows it all.
Go ahead and continue to show what a prejudice hateful dyke you are then why don't you. Ha ha you said ignore earlier too didn't you, yet your still showing how offended what I said to you was to everyone in an exaggerated way, but yeah youre smart/cool.
Go ahead and continue to show what a prejudice hateful dyke you are then why don't you. Ha ha you said ignore earlier too didn't you, yet your still showing how offended what I said to you was to everyone in an exaggerated way, but yeah youre smart/cool.
You’re honestly such a whiny little girl. But then again if I stroked out at 27 I’d probably hate the world too.
Well firstly, I am a bit peculiar as a supposed 'white goy' because I've got Native American blood from separate tribes from each of my parents, so I am allowed to have a fear for genocide and a hatred of it since my own family bloodline was effected by it.

Dude, people have been fearful of genocides since after the first one began, who are you kidding? there's plenty to be fearful of when the idea of acceptance of genocide is brought up for any reason, period, it's Evil whether you understand the full meaning of what it entails or not.

Plenty of people of all races have had discussions about how bad this evil was (and will always be) just by discussing or learning about the holocaust or the holodomor people can peer into the fear and try to visualize what it may have looked like to have been a survivor or even a prisoner of one of those camps, it's sickening and many people have thought about it, it's silly to think it's just a white thing, it's illogical to assume that this would be 100% of the case.....

Secondly, it's not about how long, or what the numbers night end up being if such an action did take place, it's about what would happen when a minority here in America is made a target beyond their own doing, black people are the minority, and they aren't entirely the ones that are behind saying that this Race war is a good idea, I promise you, the deepstate, Illuminati is not going to let them rest, as if African Americans haven't already been agitated for ages, they aren't letting these poor folks rest, this isn't a peaceful movement, they're walking the African American people into more strife, the mirroring image of white genocide doesn't look like it does this earth and our future as human beings on this Earth any favors.

There's no love in such movement's, no consideration towards the family unit once so ever, it spells collapse for both sides and others around as well if a higher resolve isn't reached amongst one another as people, this continued demoralization has zero benefit to future generation's no matter what their DNA /genealogy might be, the degenerating attitudes and ill intent towards people just based on skin color is a major mistake and harsh road to go down, and we can't ask advice from the dead who lost their lives to such courses of action now can we?
All we have is our own insight to guide us, nothing more.
Yup you're white as fuck. Whiter than Elizabeth Warren.
Go ahead and continue to show what a prejudice hateful dyke you are then why don't you. Ha ha you said ignore earlier too didn't you, yet your still showing how offended what I said to you was to everyone in an exaggerated way, but yeah youre smart/cool.
The facade crumbles and all we have is another Incel.

Edit. Also I've never heard my Mexican, or Asian friends taking about their genocide. Not one fucking time on my 40+ years on Earth. Never sweated it.
Rent yes
Work yes
Health yes
Family yes
Genocide no, never.
Well firstly, I am a bit peculiar as a supposed 'white goy' because I've got Native American blood from separate tribes from each of my parents, so I am allowed to have a fear for genocide and a hatred of it since my own family bloodline was effected by it.

Dude, people have been fearful of genocides since after the first one began, who are you kidding? there's plenty to be fearful of when the idea of acceptance of genocide is brought up for any reason, period, it's Evil whether you understand the full meaning of what it entails or not.

Plenty of people of all races have had discussions about how bad this evil was (and will always be) just by discussing or learning about the holocaust or the holodomor people can peer into the fear and try to visualize what it may have looked like to have been a survivor or even a prisoner of one of those camps, it's sickening and many people have thought about it, it's silly to think it's just a white thing, it's illogical to assume that this would be 100% of the case.....

Secondly, it's not about how long, or what the numbers night end up being if such an action did take place, it's about what would happen when a minority here in America is made a target beyond their own doing, black people are the minority, and they aren't entirely the ones that are behind saying that this Race war is a good idea, I promise you, the deepstate, Illuminati is not going to let them rest, as if African Americans haven't already been agitated for ages, they aren't letting these poor folks rest, this isn't a peaceful movement, they're walking the African American people into more strife, the mirroring image of white genocide doesn't look like it does this earth and our future as human beings on this Earth any favors.

There's no love in such movement's, no consideration towards the family unit once so ever, it spells collapse for both sides and others around as well if a higher resolve isn't reached amongst one another as people, this continued demoralization has zero benefit to future generation's no matter what their DNA /genealogy might be, the degenerating attitudes and ill intent towards people just based on skin color is a major mistake and harsh road to go down, and we can't ask advice from the dead who lost their lives to such courses of action now can we?
All we have is our own insight to guide us, nothing more.
Do your parents have you on their insurance? You should talk to someone and maybe slow down on the high potency weed. Try some strains with <20% THC. If you can find some nice Maui Wowie it's pretty mellow and sunny.
Do your parents have you on their insurance? You should talk to someone and maybe slow down on the high potency weed. Try some strains with <20% THC. If you can find some nice Maui Wowie it's pretty mellow and sunny.
I was thinking more, maybe just stick with weed.
Stalin was in the USSR, I said Russia didn't I?

I knew you would bring up Stalin and Hitler after I posted that, I knew someone would anyways, good on you for being that guy.

I didn't say they weren't the worst.

They belong to a group of the most evil sinister anti Human individuals that ever existed, they are the worst of the worst, period.

Hitler had Jewish heritage by blood from his mother, he even considered himself part Jewish, why would that add any value to this argument tho?
But is the earth flat?
My uncle has 12 kids from 2 marriages (go white genocide!) and the one that passed was a stand up guy. He was a great student and son and worked to help support his family. He was lucky enough to have health insurance in Peru and died in the hospital after a long struggle. I just found out 3 days ago. My family likes to keep things quiet. Adulting sucks.
White people are disappearing because they have no culture in America. White American culture is based on racism through and through and it's the only thing they have, so they defend it tooth and nail. America portrays itself as a "rebel" nation because of the revolutionary war and has a lot of jingoistic pride from it. People have latched onto it and made it their sole identity.

End slavery and work for yourself "no I'm a rebel"
Better your education system " no I'm a rebel"
Wear a seatbelt "no I'm a rebel",
Wear masks "no I'm a rebel".
Don't be a traitor " muh I'm a rebel".

Dude I met was bragging his lady friend died in an ATV accident because she didn't wear a helmet. Rebel until the end. Lol.

Nobody puts baby's corpse in the corner.

GTfOH. They're even dying from lack of healthcare, Covid and Opiates for it and they consider it winning. It's exactly what MAGA is all about.

Funny how when real genocide occurs white people are dead silent about it. Armenians, Jews, Rwandans, Native Americans, Uighurs.
So no I'm not sad about White Genocide the way that you describe it. I'm looking forward to my kid banging as many white girls as possible. Once you go brown you won't turn it down.

P.S. Some researchers are saying they have anecdotal evidence that previous vaccinations could mitigate the symptoms or provide Some protection against Covid. Not a large sample size but it's lining up with informal polling of my friends. The 3 that have gotten it have never had a flu shot.

@mustbetribbin I'll see you in your own Karen video soon.

P.P.S. Trump's brother has Covid?

So you are saying that racism is all white people have to cling to and by tooth and nail? I’m sorry for whatever you went through that has your thinking so diluted. Stop making the problem worse. I would love to see you guys go to a BLM protest or march and tell that to all the “white”faces in the crowd. I suppose you also wish to forget or ignore that white people fought against there own kind to reverse slavery and us “white” Canadians who used the underground railway to free slaves. I’m not sure what you went through and I won’t pretend to understand but this shit that you are spewing, makes you sound just as bad as the whole race that you wish to paint with the same brush.

how about you do something to make things better for all minority races, Cause this hate speech that you are spewing is only making it worse. Why continue to pit races against each other? We are not all Donald Trump and we are not all Derek Chauvin either. There is good and bad in everything.

Do you really believe that all white people have is racism to cling to?
So you are saying that racism is all white people have to cling to and by tooth and nail? I’m sorry for whatever you went through that has your thinking so diluted. Stop making the problem worse. I would love to see you guys go to a BLM protest or march and tell that to all the “white” faces in the crowd. I suppose you also wish to forget or ignore that white people fought against there own kind to reverse slavery and us “white” Canadians who used the underground railway to free slaves. I’m not sure what you went through and I won’t pretend to understand but this shit that you are spewing, makes you sound just as bad as the whole race that you are painting with the same brush.

how about you do something to make things better for all minority races, Cause this hate speech that you are spewing is only making it worse. Why continue to pit races against each other? We are not all Donald Trump and we are not all Derek Chauvin either. There is good and bad in everything and those in between.

Do you really believe that all white people have is racism?

who are the people you see on videos freaking out over wearing a mask? I’ll give you a clue. They look like milk. :lol: :lol:
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