Should racism be accepted if......

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Oh horse shit. You disagree then wilt. You filled up pages railing against the term and now you just walk away. The term racist has no meaning in the context or our society when it is applied to Black people. Agree if you like but you are a weak spineless white racist if you just call it a day when confronted with a better argument than yours.
I don’t know what your smoking but go back and read it again. You guys are not supporting BLM this way, believe that.
I don’t know what your smoking bit go back and read it again. You guys are not supporting BLM this way, believe that.
Oh, so now you play the pity card.

Racism has a long history in the US and it means white racism against non-whites. That's how the term is used in this society. You may leave now spineless worm.
So when a white kid going to a predominately black/minority school gets picked on or excluded because they are white, its not racist? Racism goes every direction you fucktard.

racism is marked by structural forms of oppression requiring one group to maintain a form of dominance over another in conjunction with race-based reasoning for that differential distribution of resources and power.

so, no, in a dominant black school, a white kid being picked on for being white is just prejudice, not racism.

The black students 'picking on' the white student for his racialized identity is not connected with an entire system that makes it harder for that white kid to live a healthy, just, peaceful, free existence. there aren't social mores, historical traumas, or a persistent social mythos supporting that value structure.

The very fact that you decided to specify "black/minority" in your hypothetical indicates the existence of a broader culture in which that white kid is part of the majority, a majority which wields considerable power and allocates resources differentially along racial lines. For example, well documented redlining practices would not impact this white student in the ways they would have impacted the cohort of students 'picking on' him.

the main point is hate shouldn't proliferate, but racism is an issue white folk need to start getting their heads out of their assess about and actually start trying to pitch in and change that shit. OP just stirring bullshit with this nonsense. take your moronic drivel elsewhere.

So racism toward an innocent white child is ok because karma. Ok thanks for clearing that up for me.

you seem to have a hard time parsing when someone is having a laugh and when someone is offering a serious response...

the point made about 'racism' in america is perhaps overstated, but given your repetition of the poorly constructed version of public school teaching about what racism is (i.e., bad behavior connected to race-based reasoning) for the last three or so decades, one need not get lost in the weeds on the specificity of the discourse on racism in the US context.

To put it differently, we could resolve your issue with the comment about what racism means in america, we could simply say there is Racism and then there's racism, with the former denoting the specificities of racism connected with the horrifying institution of slavery upon which the us is built, and the latter naming specific instances of race based negativity in common parlance today.

I'm not sure how critical race scholars would want to respond to your example of a mexican individual acting negatively towards a black individual, but the point of classifying something as racism or not racism is actually less important than routing out the forms of hatred that subtend these events.

“White Genocide” is a term coined by white supremacists for propaganda purposes as shorthand for one of the most deeply held modern white supremacist convictions: that the white race is “dying” due to growing non-white populations and “forced assimilation,” all of which are deliberately engineered and controlled by a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race.

It doesn’t sound racist to me at all :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
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