Should racism be accepted if......

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I’m sorry that you feel that way. How am I not contributing to the subject? It’s obvious that you have the ability to comprehend, so why deny the points that are being made? I know you don’t actually fully believe a whole race should be blamed for the actions of some, do you?
Ok, please to share your ignorance on the subject. My bad.
Ima have to go with 0 inches. It was a little humour (see what I did there "big" guy?) to lighten the mood.
Funny thing is you're still talking about it like it changed your life. I've had women react that way before too. Be careful you may throw your life away over an obsession.
Still there... remember you have a family and a career. 20 years from now when they're scanning your brain for dementia the doctors will ask you how that dick shaped object got into your skull. Defying all logic you'll here a whisper, "seven inches", and you'll respond "I don't know".
Burt's always been a dickhead but you put an extra spin on that adjective.

Are you guys fearful that your white privilege is being attacked by "woke culture"? lulz Too funny that.

I'm glad to see it's finally being brought out of the darkness into the light. I've always considered myself fairly woke for a guy with white privlege but I've been reviewing and see room for improvement.

Were I grew up in the 50's in the Vancouver, BC area I never had a brown kid in my class until grade 5 or so and all my attitudes towards other races came from TV. Old movies taught me all the things I believed but I never really thought of them. It's a black doctor that signs my medpot form so I got a pretty positive view of black folks. ;)

We didn't even have natives any where near us so never witnessed any prejudice out in the open. Lot more natives up here and working in the oil patch I saw and heard a lot of negative stuff but also worked with plenty and never had any more problem with native guys than I did with the myriad of white trash I had to deal with on a daily basis. My legal wife of over 40 years is Cree and the girl I made my sons with is Mohawk with my oldest boy having native status as he filed for it but #2 son never did. Both of them get tan in the sun which is something I was never able to do. Mission accomplished! lol

Different story down south tho. Either Trump goes or the country does and if it does it drags us and a lot of the world down with it. How he hasn't been forcibly removed from office by now boggles my mind. Look at what he's doing to the USPS now in an attempt to screw with the election. He's worse than the Chinese and Ruskies combined. That kind of interference has got to be treason or at least criminal.

Good luck in November!

I'm glad to see it's finally being brought out of the darkness into the light. I've always considered myself fairly woke for a guy with white privlege but I've been reviewing and see room for improvement.

Were I grew up in the 50's in the Vancouver, BC area I never had a brown kid in my class until grade 5 or so and all my attitudes towards other races came from TV. Old movies taught me all the things I believed but I never really thought of them. It's a black doctor that signs my medpot form so I got a pretty positive view of black folks. ;)

We didn't even have natives any where near us so never witnessed any prejudice out in the open. Lot more natives up here and working in the oil patch I saw and heard a lot of negative stuff but also worked with plenty and never had any more problem with native guys than I did with the myriad of white trash I had to deal with on a daily basis. My legal wife of over 40 years is Cree and the girl I made my sons with is Mohawk with my oldest boy having native status as he filed for it but #2 son never did. Both of them get tan in the sun which is something I was never able to do. Mission accomplished! lol

Different story down south tho. Either Trump goes or the country does and if it does it drags us and a lot of the world down with it. How he hasn't been forcibly removed from office by now boggles my mind. Look at what he's doing to the USPS now in an attempt to screw with the election. He's worse than the Chinese and Ruskies combined. That kind of interference has got to be treason or at least criminal.

Good luck in November!

Thanks for the reply, Omed

I don't think Trump stands a chance this fall. From his attempts to fix the election by breaking our postal service, it seems he's already defaulting to stealing it. It's a fraught time. I hope one day to be able to bore my grand kids with the story and they disbelieve it for being too incredible.

I've been surprised by how deeply the infection of racism has penetrated across borders but not surprised by my own countrymen. However sad that is to say.
White gentile conservatives will still be babbling about liberty and nihilistic individualism whilst their family undergoes the South Africa treatment in America. It's literally a psychological disorder.

You may not care about identity politics, but identity politics cares about you. You don't get to choose. The world sees you as part of a group. Embrace and defend that group, or die.

If you are a white man living in 2020 and sincerely believe that the left simply wants equality, I would ask that you recognize your intellectual inferiority privately and subsequently cease discussing adult matters in public.
White gentile conservatives will still be babbling about liberty and nihilistic individualism whilst their family undergoes the South Africa treatment in America. It's literally a psychological disorder.

You may not care about identity politics, but identity politics cares about you. You don't get to choose. The world sees you as part of a group. Embrace and defend that group, or die.

This is Stormfront racist nonsense using a very horrific situation to cherry pick statistics in order to make it seem like it is these terrible murders are just happening because they are white people, when it is a terrible situation that has occurred, but not what the racist propaganda would have people believe are the reasons.
1) Racial crime stats. Google them. Study. Think. Learn.
2) There is no such thing as racial equal rights; group domination is an inevitability of nature. This is basic. Equal Rights blather was always child-speak indulged in by nihilistic boomers. It was never to be taken seriously by serious men.
3) Implicit in this meme is that white demographic displacement is a mere coincidence of human evolution. The IQ required to believe this is...depressing. Does this view really require deconstruction? Or are you honest enough to admit your ambivalence towards white displacement?
1) Racial crime stats. Google them. Study. Think. Learn.
2) There is no such thing as racial equal rights; group domination is an inevitability of nature. This is basic. Equal Rights blather was always child-speak indulged in by nihilistic boomers. It was never to be taken seriously by serious men.
3) Implicit in this meme is that white demographic displacement is a mere coincidence of human evolution. The IQ required to believe this is...depressing. Does this view really require deconstruction? Or are you honest enough to admit your ambivalence towards white displacement?
65% of this country is white. The genocide your kind promote is directed at the other 35%. Through their actions over the past 3+ years, Trump and your fascist Republican party has ended their ability to deny that's their intent.

The racist bullshit as a political force. It's done.
Thanks for the reply, Omed

I don't think Trump stands a chance this fall. From his attempts to fix the election by breaking our postal service, it seems he's already defaulting to stealing it. It's a fraught time. I hope one day to be able to bore my grand kids with the story and they disbelieve it for being too incredible.

I've been surprised by how deeply the infection of racism has penetrated across borders but not surprised by my own countrymen. However sad that is to say.

There's always been racism here in Canada too and we have our share of a-holes that perpetuate it. Much more noticeable back east in cities like Toronto that has a lot more black and brown people, Winnepeg where it's always been the natives getting shit on and in Vancouver it used to be against east Indians but has swung more toward Chinese but includes pretty much any Asian people.

People here are getting more emboldened by the crap that Trumps spews too so I couldn't say it wasn't having a spill-over effect.

Stupidity, like Covid, knows no borders.

65% of this country is white. The genocide your kind promote is directed at the other 35%.
You seem confused about how statistics work. White gentile populations are on a dramatic decline throughout Western Civilization. The fact that we remain a slight majority at present does not interfere with the aforementioned fact.
Thus the question remains: Are you admitting that you are ambivalent towards white ethnic replacement? Or do you simply deny the demographic statistics?
Through their actions over the past 3+ years, Trump and your fascist Republican party has ended their ability to deny that's their intent.

I feel like this is going to hurt you deeply...but I feel morally compelled to tell you the truth. Fogdog, Trump isn't even tangentially right wing. He's an impotent technocratic boomer neoliberal. Trump doesn't even acknowledge that white gentiles exist as a people. Trump is a Jewish ethnonationalist, as all American politicians are. Nothing more. Trump lacks the courage of any political conviction whatsoever; hardly a fascist. Words have meaning, Fogdog. You should really Google the word "fascist."

....I don't support Trump. You didn't even bother to ask about my political disposition; you don't seem to be interested in actual politics. It's like you're getting off on incredibly low-brow back-and-fourth shit-talking under the guise of a political discussion.

Rhetorical question in good faith: Why not engage in a more therapeutic form of internet forum communication so that A) You can grow, emotionally B) grown-ups who are interested in actual philosophical/political dialogue can have serious conversations? Clearly you're not interested or capable of engaging with political ideas. It's just Reddit-tier meme pasting and personal insults with you.
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You seem confused about how statistics work. White gentile populations are on a dramatic decline throughout Western Civilization. The fact that we remain a slight majority at present does not interfere with the aforementioned fact.
Thus the question remains: Are you admitting that you are ambivalent towards white ethnic replacement? Or do you simply deny the demographic statistics?

I feel like this is going to hurt you deeply...but I feel morally compelled to tell you the truth. Fogdog, Trump isn't even tangentially right wing. He's an impotent technocratic boomer neoliberal. He lacks the courage of any political conviction whatsoever; hardly a fascist.

....I don't support Trump. You didn't even bother to ask about my political disposition; you don't seem to be interested in actual politics. It's like you're getting off on incredibly low-brow back-and-fourth shit-talking under the guise of a political discussion.

Rhetorical question in good faith: Why not engage in a more therapeutic form of internet forum communication so that A) You can grow, emotionally B) grown-ups who are interested in actual philosophical/political dialogue can have serious conversations? Clearly you're not interested or capable in engaging with political ideas.
Correction: 65% is a super majority, the situation we have today. By 2050, white people will still be the plurality. That's not what genocide means.

Correct your post and maybe I'll read to the next falsehood.
Correction: 65% is a super majority, the situation we have today. By 2050, white people will still be the majority. That's not what genocide means.

Correct your post and maybe I'll read to the next falsehood.
I don't know if you're genuinely confused about how basic statistics work or just arguing in bad faith. Either way, I wish you would at least try to engage with people. If your self perception is, I am a good person because I believe X (with the corollary true of your interlocutor) you aren't going to change that just because someone comes at you with statistics or some semantic logic. You'll be stuck in sub-mediocrity forever unless you change.
I don't know if you're genuinely confused about how basic statistics work or just arguing in bad faith. Either way, I wish you would at least try to engage with people. If your self perception is, I am a good person because I believe X, you aren't going to change that just because someone comes at you with statistics or some semantic logic. You'll be stuck in sub-mediocrity forever unless you change.
So, let's do some simple math:

65% >>>> 35%

Also an English lesson: To be in the majority is to belong to or constitute the larger group or number.

As in:

Definition of majority

1a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a totala majority of votersa two-thirds majority
b: the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total : MARGINwon by a majority of 10 votes
c: the greater quantity or share the majority of the time

Refer to c in the above definition. To lessen your confusion, I edited my earlier post to say "plurality" because you seem to have problems with language.

OK, go back and correct your post and I promise to read down to your next factual error.
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