Should racism be accepted if......

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There's always been racism here in Canada too and we have our share of a-holes that perpetuate it. Much more noticeable back east in cities like Toronto that has a lot more black and brown people, Winnepeg where it's always been the natives getting shit on and in Vancouver it used to be against east Indians but has swung more toward Chinese but includes pretty much any Asian people.

People here are getting more emboldened by the crap that Trumps spews too so I couldn't say it wasn't having a spill-over effect.

Stupidity, like Covid, knows no borders.


I also grew up in Canada, about 4 hours north of Toronto. I would fall in the category of the privileged white middle class.

I‘ll admit I did a piss poor job of presenting the thread but I am glad we are discussing this and putting focus on those who deserve the title of White Trash.
I also grew up in Canada, about 4 hours north of Toronto. I would fall in the category of the privileged white middle class.

I‘ll admit I did a piss poor job of presenting the thread but I am glad we are discussing this and putting focus on those who deserve the title of White Trash.

I'm not only White Trash but White Trailer Trash tho my 16x80' trailer is on 7.5 acres out in the boonies with attached heated and insulated shop and carport that more than double the square footage. Surrounded by fields of canola and peas with no one to hassle me. Shoot my guns in peace and enjoy the stink of my flowering pot plants whilst toking up at my private lake. Dugout, but it's 50x80 meters with it's own ecosystem. My Walden's Pond. lol

I'm not only White Trash but White Trailer Trash tho my 16x80' trailer is on 7.5 acres out in the boonies with attached heated and insulated shop and carport that more than double the square footage. Surrounded by fields of canola and peas with no one to hassle me. Shoot my guns in peace and enjoy the stink of my flowering pot plants whilst toking up at my private lake. Dugout, but it's 50x80 meters with it's own ecosystem. My Walden's Pond. lol


Hahaha nice. That’s the Canadian dream right there. I would love to be on the lake, even if it’s homemade. A person can be of privileged upbringing and still work hard. I do live in the boonies though and the local pond is only a few minute ride away on the dirt bike. So whatever kind of white trash that is, is fine by me lol.
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CNN even had to give in to the story because the murder caused nationwide attention online, further lowering the public's trust in the main news outlets like MSNBC, Fox, CNN, CBS etc had they not gave any attention at all. Good Job CNN we already know your heart felt desire to cover up this story, your colors are visible, say goodbye to more viewers and indoctrination followers, base ambition lowlifes reveal yourselves more why don't you, lol, fucking dumb 10x strength.

The public is raising up against the deepstate covid/floyd black lives matter bullshit, floyd hoax bullshit, covid hoax bullshit!!! Only a few of the folks here even have a clue what the silent majority is thinking, most here are too dense and mkultra mind fucked to know shit about what's really going on, seriously I'm not joking at all either.
No one has a monopoly on suffering. Stop complaining about words, fucking worthless shit. how about defending freedom?

Also, if you support ANY government that hasn't ABOLISHED prohibition, you are a traitor and should be treated as such. Any leader that doesn't stop the war on drugs is a puppet and should be taken out of office and banned from public service, and that's my PG thoughts on what should happen to them. Bush, Trump, Obama, soon to be Biden seeing as you Americans seem to think one is so different from the other. If you dont think so, then you shouldn't be growing or even talking on a site that has to do with growing. End the war on drugs, end the rape, murder and slavery of ALL humans at the hands of a few. Just because its white based where you are from, doesn't mean its a white issue. Your country is not the only country with these issues. Stop acting all important. In almost all of the countries on earth that have the greatest degree of suffering, whites are not the majority. Its a human problem, not a white problem. In China, its a Chinese problem not a white problem. In North Korea, its a North Korean problem not a white problem. This could go on, how about Iran? How about Saudi Arabia? White issues there? The slavery murder and rape of the down trodden? Slaves, rape, murder its the same no matter what color you are. Stop pretending like your countries are the only ones that matter. What whites did in North America, is no fucking different than what basically every major race/group has done at some point in human history. Ask the jews, Chinese, scotts and almost everyone else what it was like to get fucked, shackled, forced to work until death and traded like cattle. And fuck you if you think the war on drugs is only about America and or black/Hispanic based racism. Fucking always making it about yourselves. Its fucking pathetic. Grow up. American exceptionalism is alive and well even in the victims of American exceptionalism.

Wake up, your enemy isn't your neighbor. Even if they don't like you based on your skin color. Their idiotic hatred is much less of a threat. The threat is the dagger being pushed into your back by your own leaders, the ones you think are so different from one another. Its sick.
@mustbetribbin Ya (not me) Wonder why this site is lossing viewers, yet the admins allow members like uncleBuck, fogdog, zeddd, to spout their racist propaganda over and over, then they sit around and Wonder why no, and I mean zero new members are joining the forum, it's a reflection of their own stupidity, they can't permaban Uncle Buck for saying he's cool with white genocide, then enjoy the continued collapse of this site. Pathetic & stupid to the max.
It must be quite an achievement of yours in that you can empathise with the concept of racism so much so that you can accuse others of it. Theory over empiricism, you think it, others feel it.
@mustbetribbin Ya (not me) Wonder why this site is lossing viewers, yet the admins allow members like uncleBuck, fogdog, zeddd, to spout their racist propaganda over and over, then they sit around and Wonder why no, and I mean zero new members are joining the forum, it's a reflection of their own stupidity, they can't permaban Uncle Buck for saying he's cool with white genocide, then enjoy the continued collapse of this site. Pathetic & stupid to the max.

If you think I didn't read all 19 pages and see all the comments that you've liked and from your reply's in this and other threads that your racism isn't visible, then you're the one with the limited cognitive capacity not me.

Why did you like the posts saying that racism can't be used against black people in the same context as it's now being used against white people in America? That's right fogdog said it and you liked those posts did you not? You're choosing sides on posts that are racially heated, yet nobody is allowed to make notice of it?
The plan is to defeat our country through "ideological subversion" and other forms of thought policing and control of speech, etc, BLM is a Marxist based group just as the main people of their group admitted, Marxism is part of 4 stages of ideological subversion that is going to be used as a hidden tool to divide and conquer.

With white folk and black folk killing each other off, it tends to give adherence that foreign/Chinese lives matter the most because they're the Nation that is the highest threat to our American sovereignty, and they're the ones that have threatened this nation with War, and have doubled down on those threats.

This is leading us towards being defenseless against the real threat that is marching our way, ww3 with China.

White man so bad, that we trade trade that suffering for communist Chinese rule, under ruthless barbaric authoritarian rule from China, but yeah let's keep the brainwashing going, hate white man, black lives matter.........

You're marching towards a sick world, the narrative that you are all willfully following along with is only going to make the World and your lives worse off than before, we are seemingly all reaching for lower ground, when we should be reaching for higher ground to rise above this mess of lies.

Sad assumptive blatant lie accepters shall many ever be......the shame of all Nations.
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The plan is to defeat our country through "ideological subversion" and other forms of thought policing and control of speech, etc, BLM is a Marxist based group just as the main people of their group admitted, Marxism is part of 4 stages of ideological subversion that is going to be used as a hidden tool to divide and conquer.

With white folk and black folk killing each other off, it tends to give adherence that foreign/Chinese lives matter the most because they're the Nation that is the highest threat to our American sovereignty, and they're the ones that have threatened this nation with War, and have doubled down on those threats.

This is leading us towards being defenseless against the real threat that is marching our way, ww3 with China.

White man so bad, that we trade trade that suffering for communist Chinese rule, under ruthless barbaric authoritarian rule from China, but yeah let's keep the brainwashing going, hate white man, black lives matter.........

You're marching towards a sick world, the narrative that you are all willfully following along with is only going to make the World and your lives worse off than before, we are seemingly all reaching for lower ground, when we should be reaching for higher ground to rise above this mess of lies.

Sad assumptive blatant lie accepters shall many ever be......the shame of all Nations.
I am sorry, I am not really saying you are right or wrong in some of what you said, but if you think the Chinese could win in a war with America, i don't think you understand the military capabilities of the United States. No one, can compete with the US in an outright assault with no holds bared. Which is what it would be if they were invaded. Just because the "lost" in Vietnam, doesn't mean anything. They could have flattened that country into dust if they wanted. And just because the move by a % towards Marxism is seemingly happening, it won't neuter the most powerful force on earth by even a single percentage point. They are probably 10x more powerful than every country on earth militarily, and thats with the tech we KNOW about. God only knows the true capabilities. Its a non issue. The issue is the reduction of freedom. It doesn't matter who is causing it. One tyrant will be replaced by another. It's a human issue, not a specific society or race based issue.

Just my two cents on that topic.
White genocide ends up spilling over into black genocide, is that what your calling for @UncleBuck (your ruining the website just like everyone keeps saying, your why new members don't join, ya unbelievebly stupid asshole :mrgreen:).

You don't genocide one race, without it causing bloodshed to the race that has taken aim against them. War is war, and nobody is trusting the lame stream bullshit anymore, blm is horseshit to 80% of the population.

Tells us all how proud you are of this 5 year olds death UB?

Why would a black man come out and point blank murder his 5 year old white neighbor?

Nothing about the reasons behind Black lives mattering gives any credit to it being an. "INNOCENT MOVEMENT" when you have no other reason except a bike tire touching a man's land that he doesn't even own, the reason s behind the murder were 1000% because of race, anyone low IQ retard would comprehend that. @mysunnyboy ( you dense racist liar)

Ya (not me) Wonder why this site is lossing viewers, yet the admins allow members like uncleBuck, fogdog, zeddd, to spout their racist propaganda over and over, then they sit around and Wonder why no, and I mean zero new members are joining the forum, it's a reflection of their own stupidity, they can't permaban Uncle Buck for saying he's cool with white genocide, then enjoy the continued collapse of this site. Pathetic & stupid to the max.
lol I don’t give a shit what you think. You’re not making much sense. But even if you did, I don’t give a shit. It’s the internet, retard.
There's always been racism here in Canada too and we have our share of a-holes that perpetuate it. Much more noticeable back east in cities like Toronto that has a lot more black and brown people, Winnepeg where it's always been the natives getting shit on and in Vancouver it used to be against east Indians but has swung more toward Chinese but includes pretty much any Asian people.

People here are getting more emboldened by the crap that Trumps spews too so I couldn't say it wasn't having a spill-over effect.

Stupidity, like Covid, knows no borders.

I’m seriously confused by your posts? Indigenous women are imperilled everywhere in Canada. Not just Toronto and Winnipeg. I would be scared shitless if I was a native female on the west coast. Also you said you have not had any more issues with the indigenous than with the white trash you work with??? As for growing up in the 60’s and no issues with racism..... well most of the natives were locked away in residential schools (places of oppression and torture) or trapped on shitty reserves so of course there were no indigenous people of numbers for you to mingle with. Yes racism is alive and well in Canada and very much alive in BC. You being with native women, (presumably both from eastern Canada) should be acutely aware of this. The States are no worse than us, there are just more people there.
Oh and perhaps the fact that native women are murdered at a rate of 6x that of white women will add perspective. I’m not saying your at all racist but maybe you should take a longer look in the mirror is all. It sounds like you think Canada is much better than others when in fact on a per capita basis we’re not at all “sunny ways”.
I am sorry, I am not really saying you are right or wrong in some of what you said, but if you think the Chinese could win in a war with America, i don't think you understand the military capabilities of the United States. No one, can compete with the US in an outright assault with no holds bared. Which is what it would be if they were invaded. Just because the "lost" in Vietnam, doesn't mean anything. They could have flattened that country into dust if they wanted. And just because the move by a % towards Marxism is seemingly happening, it won't neuter the most powerful force on earth by even a single percentage point. They are probably 10x more powerful than every country on earth militarily, and thats with the tech we KNOW about. God only knows the true capabilities. Its a non issue. The issue is the reduction of freedom. It doesn't matter who is causing it. One tyrant will be replaced by another. It's a human issue, not a specific society or race based issue.

Just my two cents on that topic.
No the collapse of America is already occurring by outside forces, and foreign agendas, you are mistaken about the military capability of the US because the military has lied to the American people and world about our nuclear capabilities within our warheads, and our government has even sold essential uranium enrichment needed for our warheads to other nations such as Russia, you see friend a trade of World Power is taking place, and a One World authority is guiding this machinery to world war, in which America looses because we (they) have traded off our sovereignty for globalist rule, that's 100% the truth.

Our nation is being imploded from the inside out, and it damn sure ain't the American way that's causing it.
No the collapse of America is already occurring by outside forces, and foreign agendas, you are mistaken about the military capability of the US because the military has lied to the American people and world about our nuclear capabilities within our warheads, and our government has even sold essential uranium enrichment needed for our warheads to other nations such as Russia, you see friend a trade of World Power is taking place, and a One World authority is guiding this machinery to world war, in which America looses because we (they) have traded off our sovereignty for globalist rule, that's 100% the truth.

Our nation is being imploded from the inside out, and it damn sure ain't the American way that's causing it.
is this you?
Can you give me an example of the above?
Folks around here (and elsewhere) keep saying its the white man that's guilty of wrong doing, and that it's within their inherit DNA to continue on being a dominant race upon the Earth and that white folks have no end to the evil they are willing to commit, yet when you looked at that list of worldwide worst genocide leaders of all time, they are all disproportionatly amongst other races except Caucasian... Africa (Rwanda), Asia has had its share of such crimes against humanity, as has the middle east, Russia, as well as south and central America even.

It's easy to see that over blown suggestive nature of everyone's supposed deserved guilt being placed upon the white race for things that had taken place beyond their control, but that's not how the common white person is ever gonna feel about it, most people realize an over blown pounded into your head suggestion when it's fuckin mentioned daily month after fuckin month that a propaganda based decisive conscious attack is being made upon them, people must think they're (white folk) just so dumb, well people assume a lot of shit all the time......

Guilt is one thing, but violent and unheard of lashing out crimes against innocent children and the unborn is where people are gonna draw the line, this is America, your gonna find out people have rules/laws that they're willing to enforce on their own judgement , full blown anarchy is where we are headed, and if we don't come forth to realize an attack is being made on our consciousness then only a worst of outcomes is guaranteed, an a deeper inflicted wound shall be made, look at where they are aiming the machine to see into their planned future devastation.

This isn't Nazi Germany, people are armed to the teeth as far as I can tell, we can use them against each other or wait until the decepticon nation of China invades and use it on them to stand our ground as a nation, as human beings on this Land, you have a choice here people, foreign agents have already shown their faces and prerogative, they want use to literally have civil war break out.... to further their control, it's so easy to see.

They want civil war so that the UN can declare the US a radicalist nation and come forth to enforce our demise through the helping military might of China and their allies.
Stormfront must be having a field trip.
1) Racial crime stats. Google them. Study. Think. Learn.

I have looked at them, there are enough racist turds that have tried to sell the propaganda that they really want to believe is true while ignoring all the other statistics that better explain the entirety of the situation in our cities that have been completely underfunded and until the last couple decades were kept as a place to keep our minority communities separated.

2) There is no such thing as racial equal rights; group domination is an inevitability of nature. This is basic. Equal Rights blather was always child-speak indulged in by nihilistic boomers. It was never to be taken seriously by serious men.

I call bullshit. Especially on your 'serious men' garbage. You are brainwashed into believing some stupid shit.

3) Implicit in this meme is that white demographic displacement is a mere coincidence of human evolution. The IQ required to believe this is...depressing. Does this view really require deconstruction? Or are you honest enough to admit your ambivalence towards white displacement?

Your seemingly (because you might just be pretending to be a believer of the racist propaganda) irrational fear of 'displacement'. That meme is just showing that people that believe the nonsense racist like to push is just them crying like a baby about stupid shit that they have been taught to fear.

You seem confused about how statistics work. White gentile populations are on a dramatic decline throughout Western Civilization. The fact that we remain a slight majority at present does not interfere with the aforementioned fact.
Thus the question remains: Are you admitting that you are ambivalent towards white ethnic replacement? Or do you simply deny the demographic statistics?

You have to really want to believe that to be the case to buy into that racist logic. 95 million white people in 1920 America vs 223 million in 2010, and never having declined in population in American history.
Screen Shot 2020-08-14 at 6.34.07 AM.png

Why would a black man come out and point blank murder his 5 year old white neighbor?
Because they are insane?
Because they are insane?
Look at where the propaganda machine within the government and media worldwide has been being aimed at recently, anti white bull crap is on full tilt even in film/print/TV/music whatever, it's absurdly like dumb fuck stupidly obvious that some nefarious agenda against the human race is being laid for us all as a whole (whites first apparently) you start murdering innocent whites and panic ensues, the hostile and unforgiving territory that youre bringing forth into reality is truly only known to the greatest level by those who are dead and gone, who lost their lives by taking the same steps the deepstate is now advocating that we all take as a nation. (Please conform to our falsified ideologies so that China can defeat you, K?)

Yes the man was insane, but look at all that was incited into that young man's mind before he took that action against an innocent victim in death, a white skinned child was experiencing the joy of summertime on his bicycle right outside in his neighborhood and having fun, yet because of hateful indoctrination in media/music/politics lately, people are reaching inhumane boiling points against their fellow human beings, if you can't see that there is deceit hidden within these racially heated radicalism types of modern satanic movements, then you are part of the problem, you can't see the pure evil that is being manifested, then that's the unfortunate blur in your minds eye, not mine.
Ok, call me a liar and a racist and ignore me. I thought as much. I got a wow out of you for asking if you were the fat white guy waving the Nazi flag so that’s pleasing.
Now what? Back to school?
Ok, call me a liar and a racist and ignore me. I thought as much. I got a wow out of you for asking if you were the fat white guy waving the Nazi flag so that’s pleasing.
Now what? Back to school?
Your reply on post #2 and then your liking of comment #107 say otherwise.
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