Should Retards be Allowed to Fuck?

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Well-Known Member
Man 420, good question. I've been sitting here for a few minutes thinking about that one....

Obviously for me, no, never. And for most like us, it shouldn't be. But what about those who do not have the cognitive abilities that we do, ones that can't problem solve, make simple decisions, or judge their reality properly....?

I don't know...
i'm not sure why there is even a question here.

not allowing the mentally handicapped to breed was one of the tools in hitler's bag of tricks.

i mean, hitler.

enough said.


Well-Known Member
And those are who are mentally handicapped are actually more likely to receive sexual abuse, not commit it.

For me there is a clear divide between mentally handicapped and mentally ill.


Well-Known Member
here again with the political correct. "not retard, mentally handicap" don't waste my time with this we both mean the same fucking thing. and you know it!!! don't deny it!!!
that argument was once made about calling someone a nigger.

the words you use have an effect. they have power. there is even a difference between calling someone 'mentally handicapped' versus 'a person with mental disabilities'. in the first scenario, they are reduced to their handicap. in the latter, they are a person.

put myself in thier position? I'm not a handicap so it's kind of hard to know what is going on in their heads.
maybe just try showing basic human empathy then.

they have rights yes. but...
they have right....but you disagree with their basic rights as a human. did i get that about right?


Well-Known Member
let's see, how would we enforce this shitty idea?

there are not too many options. you would need government intervention to force compulsory intelligence testing. anyone who scores at a certain number or below is automatically directed to take part in a potentially deadly medical procedure against their will.

does that sound nice?

it astounds me how people don't understand the consequences entailed by their asinine musings.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure why there is even a question here.

not allowing the mentally handicapped to breed was one of the tools in hitler's bag of tricks.

i mean, hitler.

enough said.
Hitlers ideas were based off of Americas doing.

Giving different mental disorders different names is a fucking joke also. Most people are right in the head or not.

Mentally ill, " disabled, " handicapped are all pretty close to the same. They're mind's not right and most of the time those traits will be passed on genetically.

As for the sexual offenses, it says right in the quote you posted that learning disordered were prevalent among the offenders.


Active Member
that argument was once made about calling someone a nigger.
the words you use have an effect. they have power. there is even a difference between calling someone 'mentally handicapped' versus 'a person with mental disabilities'. in the first scenario, they are reduced to their handicap. in the latter, they are a person.
maybe just try showing basic human empathy then.
they have right....but you disagree with their basic rights as a human. did i get that about right?
ok fine. you win... BUT only bout the nigger thang.
plus I don't wanna waste my time on that topic.

I show basic human empathy in real life. not so much on the internet, but I hear what your saying.
They can't help it so they shouldn't be ridiculed or punished for it.

I agree they are able to have sex, but I don't agree they should have children, which is pretty much a basic right for a human.


Well-Known Member
As for the sexual offenses, it says right in the quote you posted that learning disordered were prevalent among the offenders.
having a learning disorder does not entail you will score two standard deviations below normal on a standard wais-iv, thus refuting your flimsy assertion that people with mental disabilities, or as you call them, 'retards', are more likely to commit sexual offenses.

and to further elaborate, people that are on the borderline of intelligence are the ones that fill our prisons due to committing a litany of other offenses.

is it that they are the ones committing all the crime, while more intelligent people commit less crime? not likely. a better explanation is that the more intelligent people are also better at not getting caught.


Well-Known Member
I agree they are able to have sex, but I don't agree they should have children, which is pretty much a basic right for a human.
elaborate on how you would enforce this.

mandatory intelligence testing followed by compulsory sterilization?

sounds like something your avatar would do, not something i would ever like to see happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

this is america.

edit: what i'm saying is that freedom isn't free.

also, think about it...if we enforce a law like this, what if they start raising the standard? what if you or someone you love gets bugged out and does poorly on the test? what is there is bias on the part of the person who administers the test? are you willing to make yourself subject to this type of tyranny?

this is how it happened in nazi germany....slowly. not all at once. i can see the same thing creeping upon our shores, and it sickens me.


Well-Known Member
You might have your own opinion on the difference between being mentally ill and mentally challenged, but in psychology there is a clear difference!!!!

Being mentally ill is something that develops over time, being mentally handicapped is something you are born with.

There is a clear divide, period. This is my field of study btw, not stuff I'm pulling out my ass.

I should also add it is possible for one to have both, for example an individual can have Down Syndrome and be Bipolar as well.. yet there is still a clear difference.


Well-Known Member
You might have your own opinion on the difference between being mentally ill and mentally challenged, but in psychology there is a clear difference!!!!

Being mentally ill is something that develops over time, being mentally handicapped is something you are born with.

There is a clear divide, period. This is my field of study btw, not stuff I'm pulling out my ass.

I should also add it is possible for one to have both, for example an individual can have Down Syndrome and be Bipolar as well.. yet there is still a clear difference.
and unlike what 420god says, these distinctions are a good thing and have practical use.

i see an obvious bias or prejudice on the part of 420god on this issue.


Active Member
elaborate on how you would enforce this.

mandatory intelligence testing followed by compulsory sterilization?

sounds like something your avatar would do, not something i would ever like to see happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

this is america.
All I know is if somebody needs a helping hand their whole life in order to get through life DEFINITELY should not have a kid.
If the outcome is no more sex because sterilization is too inhumane then so be it.
How would I enforce this? I have no fucking clue. Maybe put an alarm system on their body and once they pop it in the alarm goes off and an officer is forced to check out the situation.

This thread is all opinionated anyways. obviously I'm not the king of the world so my opinion doesn't really matter.


Well-Known Member
IMO, people that are not physically/mentally/financially capable of caring for a child should not be allowed to have one.

Not saying that forced abortions should happen either but there should be some type of regulating.

Like Gadaffiduck said, this is a matter of opinion, this is mine.


Well-Known Member
IMO, people that are not physically/mentally/financially capable of caring for a child should not be allowed to have one.

Not saying that forced abortions should happen either but there should be some type of regulating.

Like Gadaffiduck said, this is a matter of opinion, this is mine.
let's see...

so suppose there is a soldier who got his arms blown off serving our country. his ability to care for a child is questionable. mandatory sterilization for our injured vets?

so suppose there is a dude was formerly wealthy, but got hit by a car and went into vast medical debt. mandatory sterilization for this guy?

the fact that you cannot say anything more then 'it should be regulated somehow' is an indictment of your lack of forethought in recognizing the consequences of your "opinion".

are you also one of these people who talks about how the government is too large and needs to be reigned in, while making sure that things that you don't like are regulated? just a question.


Well-Known Member
Giving different mental disorders different names is a fucking joke also. Most people are right in the head or not.
This is, hands down, the most ignorant thing I've read all day. Nothing else even comes close. You deserve some sort of prize.


Well-Known Member
let's see...

so suppose there is a soldier who got his arms blown off serving our country. his ability to care for a child is questionable. mandatory sterilization for our injured vets?

so suppose there is a dude was formerly wealthy, but got hit by a car and went into vast medical debt. mandatory sterilization for this guy?

the fact that you cannot say anything more then 'it should be regulated somehow' is an indictment of your lack of forethought in recognizing the consequences of your "opinion".

are you also one of these people who talks about how the government is too large and needs to be reigned in, while making sure that things that you don't like are regulated? just a question.

You have to take a test before you get your license to drive, having a child is a much greater responsibility.

And I could give a shit about the government, I pretty much live on a reservation.
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