red w. blue
Well-Known Member
Your a bit thick Stemz.
This is an interesting Convo and I really don't have time to address this like I want to right now, but I'll answer this when I get back home.I don't say your evidence is false, I'm saying there are other ways to interpret it. You choose to look at it in the light most favorable to your biases. You down play the other factors that contribute, single parenting is now a generational thing for African Americans. And its totally self imposed. It isn't the man or the white devil that causes black women to have two thirds of the next generation of black Americans with no father in their life. 72% of black kids born into a single parent home...
Where we fall short now is pretty much only in areas that are generational. If someone goes out, starts a business, has success, it positively effects their descendants for a number of generations. If one of their grand kiss is at some point charged with a crime, the family will likely have money to hire a good attorney and get a decent outcome. Whereas if the family is poor (white or black) they get an appointed attorney with no time to give their defense and the government shits on them and throws them in jail.
I guess I'm saying time will fix all the wrongs we have now, as more and more black folks enter the middle class, the future will change itself.
single parenting is now a generational thing for African Americans. And its totally self imposed.
The citizens of the community where it happened provided lots of evidence saying he did, indeed do just that. Mike Brown killed himself. I'm glad the worthless piece of shit is dead. Got what he deserved on his way home from robbing and intimidating a poor defenseless old man running a store for some blunt wrappers.
And its no surprise to me when you name your kid something crazy sounding people judge before they know the individual.
Institutional racism is all but dead and gone.
We're never going to be perfect, as a people.
Legally we've achieved a perfect balance. The law is perfect I think in how we treat races.
What is left is mostly unconscious biases by some people against others. The overt racism of the past is all but dead.
I'm not going to patronize you and discount your experience.
All I'm trying to say is that when you state this country has never fought for you, presumably as an African American, you discount the sacrafice made by many many people over the decades who stuck their necks out to improve your life.
One other thing I'll say, every morning when the sun rises over the east coast to when it sets on the west, there are hundreds of meetings or events put on by white americans for the benefit of black Americans. I don't know of many other places in the world where one majority that had the ability to maintain absolute privilege voluntarily decided to give it up for the benefit of another group.
Despite what you think you're lucky to be an American and are in her debt.
BULLSHITInstitutional racism is all but dead and gone.,
Society is based on racial profiling Buck put on a turban and get in line at a airport see what happens or go to a mall or someplace of importance and start taking pictures See what happensonly racist shitheads like you.
voluntarily gave it up??
i've seen pictures of police dogs attacking, cops with firehoses, shitkickers with guns and ropes in their hands which looked nothing like they were giving anything up voluntarily except ass kickings
the fact that laws were needed to somewhat level the playing field proves nothing was given voluntarily
what fucking planet did you zap in from?
Society is based on racial profiling Buck
I don't say your evidence is false, I'm saying there are other ways to interpret it. You choose to look at it in the light most favorable to your biases. You down play the other factors that contribute, single parenting is now a generational thing for African Americans. And its totally self imposed. It isn't the man or the white devil that causes black women to have two thirds of the next generation of black Americans with no father in their life. 72% of black kids born into a single parent home...
Where we fall short now is pretty much only in areas that are generational. If someone goes out, starts a business, has success, it positively effects their descendants for a number of generations. If one of their grand kiss is at some point charged with a crime, the family will likely have money to hire a good attorney and get a decent outcome. Whereas if the family is poor (white or black) they get an appointed attorney with no time to give their defense and the government shits on them and throws them in jail.
I guess I'm saying time will fix all the wrongs we have now, as more and more black folks enter the middle class, the future will change itself.
owe you do not think so i seen it first hand a dirty dressed native eatting at mall get harassed cause he was indian and looked like a bum harassed, i watched the news Where muslim family were taking pictures at a mall reason there kid has some kind of vision issues and can only see things in picture form the whole picture Yet they were arrested an questioned
Tell you what 2 am 5 black guys roaming a neighbor hood arrested and questioned is this not racial profiling ????
ME in a small town and a white guy harrased by people that live in that town for no reason and YES i knocked a bunch of them out as they obviously were wanting to go and best part when cops came and again from this town i was told to leave after saying listen sorry they have to leave this hotel is my place of residence i have a right to be here i paid to be here cops made others leave lol
If you're asking me if a black man is more likely to be convicted and sentenced to a longer prison sentence, we will agree he is. We will disagree on why.How can you say that it's totally self imposed without considering the devastating effects of the Clinton crime bill? Under Clinton, the number of prisoners under federal jurisdiction doubled, and grew more than it did under the previous 12-years of Republican rule combined. Clinton's “tough on crime” measures, including: a $30 billion crime bill that created dozens of new federal capital crimes; new life-sentence rules for some three-time offenders; mandatory minimums for crack cocaine possession; billions of dollars in funding for prisons; extra funding for states that severely punished convicts; limited judges’ discretion in determining criminal sentences. Federal funding for public housing fell by $17 billion (a 61 percent reduction) under Bill Clinton’s tenure; federal funding for corrections rose by $19 billion (an increase of 171 percent). The federal government’s new priorities redirected nearly $1 billion in state spending for higher education to prison construction. Clinton put a permanent eligibility ban for welfare or food stamps on anyone convicted of a felony drug offense (including marijuana possession). He prohibited drug felons from public housing.
"“More than any other president, Bill Clinton created the current racial undercaste.”
-Michelle Alexander
Associate Professor Of Law - Ohio State University
google it if you really care...if not then don'tWhere is institutional racism present? In the government? It is illegal in most businesses.
If you're asking me if a black man is more likely to be convicted and sentenced to a longer prison sentence, we will agree he is. We will disagree on why.
You seem to want to say it's becuase of racism in the present. Almost as if those convicted aren't really guilty.
I would say it's that generational thing. The black defendant is more likely to have appointed counsel and not get an effective defense becuase he is more likely to not have wealth in his family.
Having a private lawyer greatly reduces the likelihood of a conviction and even when convicted often it's a plea down to a lesser offense.
You don't find great disparity between similarly situated white and black defendants.
bullshit againIf you're asking me if a black man is more likely to be convicted and sentenced to a longer prison sentence, we will agree he is. We will disagree on why.
You seem to want to say it's becuase of racism in the present. Almost as if those convicted aren't really guilty.
I would say it's that generational thing. The black defendant is more likely to have appointed counsel and not get an effective defense becuase he is more likely to not have wealth in his family.
Having a private lawyer greatly reduces the likelihood of a conviction and even when convicted often it's a plea down to a lesser offense.
You don't find great disparity between similarly situated white and black defendants.
google it if you really care...if not then don't