shout out to sunni

well i can't lie, i DO need to get out more often. that's gonna be happening soon though! it looks like i might be a snowboard instructor at the mountain i mentioned in my other thread! i'm psyched
i really just couldn't find out how to PM her within 15 seconds of looking and decided i'd make a thread. that's...the reason why

sunni where ya at boo?

interesting way of putting it

the last lady charm on my arm told me "you're trouble mister!" all the time


i see whatcha mean
well i don't know how to say this to well, here goes

sunni i'd tear that pussy up like nobody's business :) as in...just between you and me :D

beautiful face, breath taking hair and eyes. fit. all i got 2 say

Stop beating around the bush, Budsmoker, and tell us what you really want. :mrgreen: cn
dude i havent actually laughed out loud like that in a minute the....greediest