Shroom edibles


Well-Known Member
Anyone have a favorite edible recipe using shrooms ?

I mean besides the often mentioned capsules, tea, and lemon tek.

I made lime, ginger chocolates using the recipe in "the psilocybin bible".

It called for mixing ground candied ginger with lime juice, lime zest and ground shrooms. Then roll into a log and use equal size pieces of it fill chocolate molds. Like a truffle, (bon bon?) of sorts.

I had trouble finding the candied ginger locally, so I bought it on amazon. But it tasted well, no shroom taste at all. The ginger hid it well.

I've also mixed ground shrooms in chocolate and filled silicone chocolate bar molds. They have a little shroom taste at 2 grams per bar.

Someday I might try adding feco too, wth?

Next time I'll use molds that hold more chocolate to hide more of the shroom taste. (These are thin 1.3 oz bars.)
I'm thinking about making an alcohol extraction then transferring the alcohol to honey. When the alcohol evaporates it should leave psilocybin in the honey.

What do you think? Anyone ever make an alcohol extraction?
Pinch of cardamom?

No cardamom, I layered in 35 dried powdered grams with raw honey in a pint jar and aged it 4 months.

It works great but I think I could improve the taste and texture if i replaced the shroom powder with a shroom tincture.

Adding other flavors might help the taste though. I was thinking sweet orange oil would add a good flavor plus it has limonene, a terpene known for uplifting effects.

The picture I posted was fresh, eventually it took on more of a honey color with age.
shroom edibles...makes me wonder if you can smoke shrooms?
or better still, would be a shroom extract. kinda like mescaline
is with peyote.
Anyone have a favorite edible recipe using shrooms ?

I mean besides the often mentioned capsules, tea, and lemon tek.

I made lime, ginger chocolates using the recipe in "the psilocybin bible".

It called for mixing ground candied ginger with lime juice, lime zest and ground shrooms. Then roll into a log and use equal size pieces of it fill chocolate molds. Like a truffle, (bon bon?) of sorts.

I had trouble finding the candied ginger locally, so I bought it on amazon. But it tasted well, no shroom taste at all. The ginger hid it well.

I've also mixed ground shrooms in chocolate and filled silicone chocolate bar molds. They have a little shroom taste at 2 grams per bar.

Someday I might try adding feco too, wth?

Next time I'll use molds that hold more chocolate to hide more of the shroom taste. (These are thin 1.3 oz bars.)
I see no need to make an edible out of them, they don’t taste that bad anyway at least imo. Ate some gold caps last week at work, shouldn’t have done that lol but turned out fine in the end
Don't bother smoking shrooms.. I tried it.. Doesn't work and tastes like crap..
ty for that.

If you've ever read The Teachings of Don Juan you'll find that they smoked
a mix of psilocybin, peyote, and other stuff. It was kind of the first exploration
into Aaron Rodger's and other celebs' recent popularization of Ayahuasca with
some kind of a shaman leading the trip to discovery. The book, now considered
to be mostly fictional, discusses "
his encounters with Mescalito (a teaching spirit inhabiting all peyote plants), divination
with lizards and flying using the "yerba del diablo" (lit. "Devil's Weed"; Jimson weed), and
turning into a blackbird using "humito" (lit. "little smoke"; a smoked powder containing Psilocybe mexicana).
As i remember described in the book, the shit was pretty bad tasting, making you vomit, etc.
ty for that.

If you've ever read The Teachings of Don Juan you'll find that they smoked
a mix of psilocybin, peyote, and other stuff. It was kind of the first exploration
into Aaron Rodger's and other celebs' recent popularization of Ayahuasca with
some kind of a shaman leading the trip to discovery. The book, now considered
to be mostly fictional, discusses "As i remember described in the book, the shit was pretty bad tasting, making you vomit, etc.
Oh man. That brings me back. I read some of those books, Carlos Castaneda. Was some good stuff to reading especially at the time I was trying all that. Still remember how he describes the “crack” and seeing the auras. Trippy stuff lol. Thought it was non fiction at the time which made it even tripper lmao
ty for that.

If you've ever read The Teachings of Don Juan you'll find that they smoked
a mix of psilocybin, peyote, and other stuff. It was kind of the first exploration
into Aaron Rodger's and other celebs' recent popularization of Ayahuasca with
some kind of a shaman leading the trip to discovery. The book, now considered
to be mostly fictional, discusses "As i remember described in the book, the shit was pretty bad tasting, making you vomit, etc.
Pretty sure reading those books was my inspiration for smoking shrooms.. To bad it's fiction, sounded good too me..
ty for that.

If you've ever read The Teachings of Don Juan you'll find that they smoked
a mix of psilocybin, peyote, and other stuff. It was kind of the first exploration
into Aaron Rodger's and other celebs' recent popularization of Ayahuasca with
some kind of a shaman leading the trip to discovery. The book, now considered
to be mostly fictional, discusses "As i remember described in the book, the shit was pretty bad tasting, making you vomit, etc.

Oh wow! That takes me back, lol. I read most of his books starting about 1974-5. I think I still have them.

On a not too long ago trip I had a CEV of a Don Juan type character shaking a gourd rattle and feathers over me and chanting.

It took me a couple weeks then I realized where that image came from, then it hit me, it was Don Juan himself, lol.
Yeah, smoking mushrooms doesn't work. Smoking peyote doesn't work. Carlos Castaneda was a fantastic story teller. If you get the chance, Pick up the book written by his girlfriend. It's a tell all.

Smoking peyote tastes surprisingly like popcorn.

Want mushrooms to taste ok? Take care of them. Dry them correctly, don't let them ever get damp. They won't taste much like anything
Amanita pantherina smoke tasted way better than libs/stunzii, and especially a bong rip of shredded up cubes from what I remember like 20+ years ago... All of them tasted better than oven baked banana peels though, lol.
On the right kind of day, all the fresh liberty caps would have a clear slimy layer that you could peel off... Then you could roll it all up into a gelatinous looking booger, and swallow it down the hatch easily(without actually chewing/eating the mushrooms). I considered it like caviar or something, lol.
i dont know if this constitutes as an edible per say but when i was teenager i had a job at a pizza shop on the weekends id go out partying on occasion before leaving the shop id put shrooms underneath the cheese and toppings on a pizza and have it delivered to the party i was going to
Want mushrooms to taste ok? Take care of them. Dry them correctly, don't let them ever get damp. They won't taste much like anything

It's not so much the taste for me, rather it's the stomach issues. The only times I've thrown up eating shrooms were when I ate them alone by themselves. But I've never got sick eating a shroom edible.

Aztecs were probably the first to use chocolate and honey with shrooms. Here is a nice link explaining.