Shroom edibles

It's not so much the taste for me, rather it's the stomach issues. The only times I've thrown up eating shrooms were when I ate them alone by themselves. But I've never got sick eating a shroom edible.

Aztecs were probably the first to use chocolate and honey with shrooms. Here is a nice link explaining.

Is seems that the indigestibility of the large amount of chitin in the fruit are the most stomach unsettling aspect.

Anything that dissolves the active ingredient but leaves this rather abrasive component behind will be easier on the digestion. Tea, honey, cold water extraction are all good.

Also, I am becoming aware that many mushrooms grow pathogens on their surface if not immediately dried.
Most folks, being fearful of damaging potency, fail to dry their product quickly enough. Best practices dictate that they be immediately placed in rapidly flowing dry air for at least the first 12 hours or so.

Or one can immediately place them in a low oven at around 145 to 160 f for a few hours.

Pans rarely cause digestive distress. I think it is the relative chitin content.
I always held it in, no matter how bad I had to puke. Sometimes doing that would send me on a level 4-5 trip, even though I didn't eat very much, maybe a few grams.

There were times when just one person out of the group's stomach got upset, but when they started puking.. it started a chain reaction, where everyone starts puking one after the other, lol. Projectile vomiting everywhere, just like some cheesy 80s horror flick or something. More of a psychological thing, IMO. I dunno, it was probably mostly the smell of other peoples puke.