Shroom Pizza Anyone?

i used 1 part brown rice flour 3 parts vermiculite and 1 part h2o. no growth yet of course, im not even going to look for another two weeks. i moved it into a fish tank with a heating pad on the bottom of it. placed it in a plastic container in a black garbage bag and placed the whole thing into the tank. then i put like an inch of water into the tank, which wont get to the shrooms cuz its like triple sealed. i figure the heating pad will heat up the water and keep the entire box warm. then i moved it into my herb growing closet on the top shelf so the heat in there will warm it up a bit too. good idea.
I've been using straight Brown rice, not flour no verm. Just cook it like you'd eat it and pack it into jars and into the Pressure cooker. I've had great results so far - no contams in the jars. Took only about 2 weeks to fully colonize set above my MJ grow.

My last set of jars, I crumbled them into foil trays, and cased them with verm / coir. A week later I got pins, and today I harvested my first shroom :mrgreen: with more to come in the next day or 2.

Woohoo! Shrooms for New Years!

earlier this week I spawned 2 of my jars to trays of Coir / coffee. They're colonizing well now - so far so good!
i got three jars right now but they are huge. i think im going to crumble them after they are colonized into some bigger flat area. i havent researched this yet but its sorta like what your sayin.
no i used they got a bunch of strains a cool website and they have great prices you can get 1 syringe for 10 or you can double it and get two for 15. the shipping is included its USPS. I ordered them tuesday so ill have to let everyone know what happens
so did you get your jars innoculated and are they incubating yet? whats your status? mine are still sitting on a shelf in my vegging room up high to get some heat. im going to look at them in a few days to see if the spores started to colonize. i hope they arent contaminated.
no im still waiting on these spores to get here im hoping tommorrow either way im going to have to wait till after the holidays to get some money at this new job so i can buy some jars and get this shit rollin... i got a couple of plants growing that are finally starting to show normal growth, there a month old and are the same size as ones i planted 2 weeks ago weirdest thing ive ever seen
well the BRF and vermiculite mix I used was very easy to make and sterilize. Id recommend it. And the BRF is in small bags that you can put in your kitchen with no one noticing it. Its like $4 a bad and I didnt even use half of the bag for these huge jars.
there are so many methods for growing these things. what re you going to use? PF TEK looks pretty simple. any idea how much youre supposed to yield? i have heard however much BRF you use you can get 100% to 200% of this weight in shrooms. im guessing thats a wet weight. so a quarter of that dried. i started incubation like three days ago so im going to check the jars out when i wake up tomorrow. hopefully they wont be all fucked up. id be pissed cu i used more than half of one of the syringes on the three jars. we will see