thats awesome so explain to me about the bulk growing. So do i like take the mycelium out of my jars and break it apart put it in clean aluminum cake pan and then cover it with something im not sure on all the details
That's pretty much it. It's really just doing a mycelium transfer.
... but I'll detail what I did. Bear in mind - this is/was my first time doing this, but it seems to be working so far...
All procedures below were done in a clean area, all equipment and surfaces have been wiped down with clorox wipes or sprayed with lysol.
So I hydrate the coir to about the same level you would for the BRF cakes - then add a bit more water. I had about 2-3 quarts of it and tossed in the coffee grounds from my morning brew. Tossed in a small handful of crushed egg shells for good measure.
That all gets mixed in a glass bowl and microwaved to pasturize it. 5 min, give a stir and go another 3-4 minutes. Cover with foil and let cool to below 80.
Once cool (and ensuring everything is clean) I crumble 2 jars of colonized whole brown rice into the bulk material and give it a good mix. Not too much chunks are OK. Divide this between the foil pans, cover with foil and put into the incubation chamber.
In about a week, it should be colonized - case it with Verm/coir 50/50. A couple of days later - into the fruiting chamber.
Again - my first go, but it seems to be going.....