Shroom Pizza Anyone?

yeah its really cheap to buy new ones then i can try different strains to find my favorite. so how are yours doing i havent heard from you in a little while. When did you notice your first growth and how far along would you say the jars are?
the old jars i was using have very small growth but so far no contamination. i think they are going to take forever, they are way huger than the 1/2 pinters i have used on the new batch. so far no growth on those. did them thursday night round midnight. maybe the big jars will work, maybe not but im keeping them just in case. when i get my yield of these ill send you a spore print from each strain so you get a nice collection. doesnt look too hard to store spores and its perfectly legal since we arent eating or drying them. just studying them under my good ol' microscope. im going to check on my new jars right now. but like i said, only like two days now.
8 grams even after a second and third flush? thats shitty

No - That was only first flush. 6 1/2 pint cakes - 2 contaminated.

The rest contam'ed halfway through the 2nd flush.

It was my mistake based on bad info. Sterilize that casing material (verm, etc)!!!

Just harvested 1 tub from my new tek. 2 1/2 pint brown rice jars spawned to ~ 3 Quarts of coir/coffee. split between 2 foil bread pans, incubated and then cased. 2 pans are fruited in a clear rubbermaid tote with a dozen or so 1/4 in holes - theres about 2 inches of wet perlite in the bottom. The tote sits on top of a plant seedling heating pad and under a string of x-mas lights. Came out with 167g wet for first flush :mrgreen:.

Got 2 more Tubs going as well. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
no - Wet weight.

So that should come out about 8g dry for each 1/2 pt cake I used.

Can't wait to see the second flush.
Look up spawning to bulk substrates rather than birthing jars - your yield will be much larger given space.

Cakes are too ineffcient if your looking for high volumes
Here's a couple of pics - of my fruiting chamber (made from cardboard and foam inulation) and tubs, and one of my harvest this morning from 1 tub.


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thats awesome so explain to me about the bulk growing. So do i like take the mycelium out of my jars and break it apart put it in clean aluminum cake pan and then cover it with something im not sure on all the details
thats awesome so explain to me about the bulk growing. So do i like take the mycelium out of my jars and break it apart put it in clean aluminum cake pan and then cover it with something im not sure on all the details

That's pretty much it. It's really just doing a mycelium transfer.

... but I'll detail what I did. Bear in mind - this is/was my first time doing this, but it seems to be working so far...:mrgreen:

All procedures below were done in a clean area, all equipment and surfaces have been wiped down with clorox wipes or sprayed with lysol.

So I hydrate the coir to about the same level you would for the BRF cakes - then add a bit more water. I had about 2-3 quarts of it and tossed in the coffee grounds from my morning brew. Tossed in a small handful of crushed egg shells for good measure.

That all gets mixed in a glass bowl and microwaved to pasturize it. 5 min, give a stir and go another 3-4 minutes. Cover with foil and let cool to below 80.

Once cool (and ensuring everything is clean) I crumble 2 jars of colonized whole brown rice into the bulk material and give it a good mix. Not too much chunks are OK. Divide this between the foil pans, cover with foil and put into the incubation chamber.

In about a week, it should be colonized - case it with Verm/coir 50/50. A couple of days later - into the fruiting chamber.

Again - my first go, but it seems to be going.....
Coir is shredded coconut husk. I hear you can get it at garden centers. I found mine at the pet store - it's sold as Reptile bedding. It comes dry in a solid brick that you break apart and rehydrate.
Vermiculite - Garden centers. Hardware store.

There are lots of other substrate and casing material you can use as well.
pasturized manure, peat moss, coffee grounds, wrom castings etc.... I've read about all kinds of ways. I was just using what I had available in my house or nearby - either for consumption or for my garden.
ok so i just checked on my jars its been three days and nothing has happened... I just realized that where i put them was pretty warm but i dont know for sure. i think it might have been to hot to start growing but at what temps would it kill the spores???
Don't know any of this for sure - just what I've read.

Temps above 90 could kill them.

Darkness is preferred, but I hear Dim light is OK.
damn i think it might have been warmer than 90. For how hard it is to kill everything else steralizing it i cant believe these spores will die