Shroom Pizza Anyone?

wbs=Wild Bird Seed it's really cheap like 5lbs for a couple bucks:hump:One avreaged sized bag should be enough to grow pounds of shrooms:joint:
thanks crasz. i read up on a bunch of that stuff today, seems easier than stuff like brown rice flour, which is what i was planning on using. however the guide i saw was for quart jars, which i dont have, i already have 1/2 pint. and that method seems to produce the same amount as pullin' weeds. i guess im just curious which is easier?

the rez effect is easier, if you guys dont know what it is you should read it. its like, soak wbs overnight, strain it.....ur done. and its probably easy to just pour directly into a foil pan like pullin' weeds said he did.

Yeah - as far as I can see, this rez thing is just fruiting in pans rather than cakes.

If that's the case, 1/2 pt jars would be just fine. you just need alot of them. After they're colonized you pour them into a pan and fruit them.

In my case, I'm using my jars to re-innoculate a pan of coir. Just like you innoculate a jar with a small amount of spore, I innoculate a pan with a small amount of mycelium.

It's extra steps, but I end up with loads more substrate to grow from without the hassle of pressure cooking
you have to break up the bird seed to help the mycielium(sp) grow faster and cover more surface area, after your jars are colonized you mix them with perlite or vermiculite then poor it into a tub and cover with perlite or vermiculite and then let the mycilium cotinue to grow untill the caking layer is coverd and introduce it to light to frut them it yeilds moe han cakes becaus basicly it is one giant cake
Here is the steps I followed... [my particulars are in brackets]
All steps are done in a clean area. Lysol, clorox wipes etc...

1. Prepare substrate, put into jars [cook brown rice]
2. Sterilize and cool [Pressure cook 1 hour]
3. Innoculate with spores [golden teacher]
4. Incubate till colonized
-- wait --
5. Prepare bulk substrate. [Rehydrate Coir]
6. pasturize bulk substrate. cool. [Microwave about 10 minutes - temp to 190 or more]
7. break up and dump colonized cake into bulk, mix and dump into pans.
8. Incubate till colonized.
9. cover with casing layer [50 verm / 50 coir]
10. put in fruiting chamber - mist, fan and wait for mushies...

Within the steps, you can change the variables. WBS should work just fine.

Often people will just go from 4 to 10 and birth the cakes directly.
For an incubator I use a fish aquarium heater. I bought 2 plastic storage tubs the same size. I filled one up 20% with water and attached the heater to the bottom with the included sucktion cups. The automatic heaters keep the water at 78f. I place the dry empty tub in the water filled one,floating on top. I used wild bird seed in quart jars.

In a nut shell I rinse seeds through a collander several times to get off chems. I take out all floater seeds ie:sunflower seeds. I then soak the seeds for 12 hours. I re-rinse then I let seeds dry for 1 hour and 3/4 fill qt jars with seeds. Place lids with holes in them on, and cover with aluminum foil. I pressure cook them for 40 mins, & let sit overnight. I use a glovebox and I inoculate the jars with a spore syringe. I use Z-strain because it is a fast spawning mushroom. It is not as potent, but you can get it to turn around faster for more "ADD" growers waitin on buds. ;)

I place the jars in the afore mentions tub, and cover it with the lid it came with and a blanket to keep light out. 10 days to 2 weeks is about what it should take to get it completely caked. You will see white mycellium after about 4 days. When it gets about 20% spawned, shake the jars to get the mycellium to spread faster through the WBS. After 80% coverage stop shaking. This should answer your questions up to this point to the best of my teaching skillz! Good luck!

I added some pics to give you inspiration!


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thats awesome have you ever had any problems with the jars not starting?? I dont know whats going on i only got 1 to grow out of 4 and i used 3 cc per jar
Never with a jar not starting. I have had them stunt, and I have had contamination problems also. So there is NOTHING at all in the jars growing? Did you loosen the lids any? after inoculation you must unscrew the lids a little bit to allow air exchange. ALSO just thought iof this, did you put the metal lid on upside down? As in the rubber part up? If not, you have an airtight jar and that may be why you have had to growth. To FAE (fresh air exchange) thats prolly what is going on.
no nothing in the jars not even any type of contams. I also thought the no growth may be due to lack of air exchange. I have half inch holes in the top of each jar. I have a piece of the fiber paper the post office uses to send packages in. well i have a piece of that under each lid before i closed them and i also have cotton balls stuffed in the wholes in the lids. When nothing grew in 3 jars i loosened 2 up and pulled the cotton ball out of the third just to see if i could figure it out. i also shot another cc into those 3 jars and 5 days later still nothing its about 15 days since i first innoculated them
Dont pull out the cotton! That blocks contams! you loosen the rim a quarter screw or so. Thats plenty! Where did you gets your spores from? how are you keeping your jars? They need to be kept in a warm dark place. 78-82F warmth else SLOW growth. Did you shake up your spore syringe if thats what your using? Did you shake your jars? Do you store the syringe in a fridge or room temp? Can you see "spores" in the water in the syringe. There are a ton of possiblilites, and I'm trying to think what could be your culprit.
yeah i know theres so many variables it could be anything. I havent even gotten contam growth in the jar with no cotton. I got the spores from spore and i kinda wonder about the quality of there spores now. I did see some spores in the syringe but not many and to make up for it i used the 3 cc per jar. I have all my jars in a box next to my computer so its nice and warm
hmmm. Go buy a humidity/temp gauge. they ar like under $10 at walmart. Both in one unit. and it has a little wire you can "fish" into your box to make sure it is warm enough. this is a good tool too because you need to keep your humidity at 95% through the pinning stages of your caps. Make sure your lids are loose, not falling off, and give them a good shake to stir the spores around. Maybe they are all in the core of the jars.
hey guys. i was going to buy my spores in the next few days and attempt to start my growing this weekend. just out of curiosity what sites have you guys used for your spores. there are so many and you can never really tell how legit they are. i want to grow golden teacher. have any of you bought golden teacher and grown them and its worked, if so which site did u get them from?


I got my Golden Teacher spores from Took about a week to arrive. Discreet packageing
Been growing them for a couple months now.

Heard good things about too.
hey when you guys got your spores could you see alot floating around in there???? I didnt think there was very much in my syringes but i never bought them be4
I use hawkseye.c0m and as far as seeing spores, it wont be "cloudy" but you will see stuff floating around. Be sure your at room temp and shake up the syringe b4 inoc. I use to grow teachers all the time along with B+, PF classics and Z-Strain. Now I use straight Z due to their fast colonization period. Some ppl argue they are not as intense a trip, but I beg to differ if you grow them huge and organically! ;)