SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

Id love to hear your approach to that. I assume it just gets too heavy with the castings?
My sips are too small +- 9 -10 gallons.There completely depleted of food by harvest.Plants get too big,have since moved too bigger sips 18ish gallons and learning to flip earlier.
Rotation of soil seems to work for now.I currently have approx 90 gallons of soil cooking and about 60 gallons in use..I think Im ready for a huge ass sip lol.
Sour Diesel got transplanted into its own earthbox tonight. I mounded this one a lot more. Malted barley, castings, bokashi and watered it in. I gave it an epsom foliar Thursday and will give it another in a few days. Hoping she perks up and starts moving. Up-potted a couple CSI Humboldt seed starts that are going to a friend who is getting started. (GG4xCookies and Headband x TK)

when I do fill the res how much EM1? Do you guys add the same amount each watering? 31D93D76-1D74-425E-BEB0-4CF319917553.jpeg
Sour Diesel got transplanted into its own earthbox tonight. I mounded this one a lot more. Malted barley, castings, bokashi and watered it in. I gave it an epsom foliar Thursday and will give it another in a few days. Hoping she perks up and starts moving. Up-potted a couple CSI Humboldt seed starts that are going to a friend who is getting started. (GG4xCookies and Headband x TK)

when I do fill the res how much EM1? Do you guys add the same amount each watering? View attachment 5096900

1oz of em1 per gallon of water
Sour Diesel got transplanted into its own earthbox tonight. I mounded this one a lot more. Malted barley, castings, bokashi and watered it in. I gave it an epsom foliar Thursday and will give it another in a few days. Hoping she perks up and starts moving. Up-potted a couple CSI Humboldt seed starts that are going to a friend who is getting started. (GG4xCookies and Headband x TK)

when I do fill the res how much EM1? Do you guys add the same amount each watering? View attachment 5096900
Id fill with water now,sit back and watch.
Sour Diesel got transplanted into its own earthbox tonight. I mounded this one a lot more. Malted barley, castings, bokashi and watered it in. I gave it an epsom foliar Thursday and will give it another in a few days. Hoping she perks up and starts moving. Up-potted a couple CSI Humboldt seed starts that are going to a friend who is getting started. (GG4xCookies and Headband x TK)

when I do fill the res how much EM1? Do you guys add the same amount each watering? View attachment 5096900
Looking good! 1oz em1 per gal. 3/4 tsp labs per gal.
Yes I add some at every watering from initial setup till close to harvest. I stop adding water and let it run dry ish so I could dump and reammend.
Damn, I need to get busy making LABS. I won’t be paying for EM1 after this bottle is done. I filled up my reservoirs up So much easier than anally watering a couple gallons into my 70 gallon bed making sure to evenly apply then coming back the next day to hit the edges so they don’t dry out.
I also run airstones but I'm not quite as worried about microbial life as you guys so I cant really speak on if there's any negative impact or not. One thing I do notice is that at harvest, when I dump my boxes in my compost pile, roots are always wrapped around those airstones. I don't know if the airstones draw roots towards them or if it's roots like to grow around things. Either way, I can barely make out the stone it is so covered in roots.
LAB is very effective at improving pore space in soil/soil ventilation

LAB increases the solubility of fertiliser

LAB can directly promote plant growth or seed germination, as well as alleviating various abiotic stresses.

LAB will neutralize ammonia gas produced where the immature compost is applied.

LAB is conditionally anaerobic, so they can also survive with oxygen.

LAB solubilizes phosphate - Using LAB in phosphate-accumulated soil will increase its capacity to absorb the insoluble form of phosphates and help overcome the saline disorder as a result of decomposition of the phosphates.

LAB has served as an effective biocontrol agent; recently LAB has been shown to be effective in the control of a wide variety of fungal and bacterial phytopathogens.

LAB can improve nutrient availability from compost and other organic material.
The fermentation pathways provide a more efficient means for utilizing organic substances during their decomposition in soil.

The varied means with which LAB can act as a plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB)

LAB can be used in biofertilisers, biocontrol agents and biostimulants to aid in producing food. The ability of lactic acid bacteria to live in the plant endosphere suggests an intimate relationship, which is responsible to enhance plant production by improving nutrient availability, acting as a biocontrol agent, alleviating biotic and biotic stresses, and directly stimulating plant growth “

LAB in their own right are a powerful PGPB but added to other complementary microbes, such as those found in EM, further enhances their potency. Lactobacillus plantarum, one of the LAB species in EM, is a particularliy voracious cellulose digesting bacteria who work effectively alongside the fermenting fungi and actinomycetes to accelerate the breakdown of plant residues, creating humus and stimulating aerobic microbes.

By oxygenating the bottom your increasing the bacterial chain, thus increasing population of not only LAB but all other beneficial aerobes. Bottom line is, More Microbes/ More Plant Mass/ Higher Yield/ Higher Quality
One last pointer and then I'll leave this alone.
Next time you dump in LAB weather it's top or bottom, THINK, "WHERE DID I JUST PUT THIS"? I put it into an AEROBIC ENVIRONMENT. Roots need air, were not making fermented root soup and that's what LAB does in an ANEROBIC ENVIRONMENT, it ferments. Increased oxygen only enhances its other abilities and that's why we add it to our substrates and foliar spray with it. If you want it anaerobic abilities and to culture it, make fertilizer or more LAB.
One last pointer and then I'll leave this alone.
Next time you dump in LAB weather it's top or bottom, THINK, "WHERE DID I JUST PUT THIS"? I put it into an AEROBIC ENVIRONMENT. Roots need air, were not making fermented root soup and that's what LAB does in an ANEROBIC ENVIRONMENT, it ferments. Increased oxygen only enhances its other abilities and that's why we add it to our substrates and foliar spray with it. If you want it anaerobic abilities and to culture it, make fertilizer or more LAB.

So it sounds like airstones are essential when using LABs? EM in an anaerobic environment don’t have that issue? Is the earthbox (SIPs) truely anaerobic with the air gap in the res? i understood it to be somewhere in the middle-not truly anaerobic. When using EM does an airstone also provide the same benefits as when using LABs?
So it sounds like airstones are essential when using LABs? EM in an anaerobic environment don’t have that issue? Is the earthbox (SIPs) truely anaerobic with the air gap in the res? i understood it to be somewhere in the middle-not truly anaerobic. When using EM does an airstone also provide the same benefits as when using LABs?
I tend to revert when referencing LAB and use EM (Efficient Microbes) in its place. Both are the same.
But it is worth noting that not all EM inoculate serums are equal. Some may have more purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) or higher counts of yeast. They'll all contain LAB.

The product EM1 by Terraganix contains a multitude of microbial inputs. Don't by into the hype, I did years ago. Used the last couple oz. In the bottle to culture some homemade shit. I've exhausted it since and went the rice wash way to capture the bacterium. I won't discriminate against EM1 as it's a good product but I've seen better results from using homemade. Especially as a foliar spray with a little bit of aloe.
Man I can here the sound now of 5 air stones sitting in a 1/2" of water.

Back at the beginning of this thread air stones were found to make no difference. I was going to add them coming from a hydro back ground, thought it would be a must. Surprised to find out its fine without.

A side by side would be cool to see.
Man I can here the sound now of 5 air stones sitting in a 1/2" of water.

Back at the beginning of this thread air stones were found to make no difference. I was going to add them coming from a hydro back ground, thought it would be a must. Surprised to find out its fine without.

A side by side would be cool to see.
I feel the same way. I really don't worry about microbes in the res. There's plenty in my soil, and the constant migration of worms, I believe will bring microbes into the res anyways. I'm more worried about constant water motion washing out my wicks. Maybe in a DIY sip with a bigger res I might be tempted to use one though.