Coupla plants in SIPs. AKBB genes on the left, Useful genes on the right. Hawaiian Cat Piss and a project of mine at F2.
Each plant has a pollenated cola. I used three males on the Cat Piss to pheno hunt later (unless this female is badass, in which case I have several clones in veg). I selected a stud to take the Useful project to F3 and I'll probably hunt there. Exciting times!
I'm able to keep about 80dF and 50% RH (I have historically run at 70, 25). It has been amazing to see the difference, especially considering the Useful plant is a clone I already grew once. This has accentuated significantly different nutritional needs.
Topping with fresh soil at flower was great for one plant, but the Cat Piss turned blue-green and clawed like an eagle. So that one only gets bone meal and langbenite, which seems to have stabilized it (the other is getting a lot of 4-4-4, and still looks hungry).
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