Smoking oxycontin???

ya it's pretty fucked smoke'n a pill. I've smoked Vic once, it worked but won't do it again, horrible taste and mad head rushes
why do pills. when i was a kid I saw heaps of my friends getting fucked of em and ruining their lives, it just always scared me. Moderation wont last long as I found out with Sweet sweet jane:weed:. If you are gonna do stupid shit like that than at least save up ure money and buy some acid, way safer than that sketchy shit....whatever you do good luck
Even if it did work, it would be a waste. I've tried crushing up atties and smoking them, and it just leaves the WORST taste in your mouth. Seriously it tastes like burnt marshmellos and battery acid. :spew:

You're better off just popping or snorting, but like said before make sure to do that stuff in moderation or you'll get hooked without even realizing it.
umm you dont just get addicted like that.. It takes prolonged use... I've done oxy like 7 or so times, and im not addicted at all. If you're smart and you use in moderation it's fine.

Ive taken more oxycontin than most of this forum,along with every other heavy narcotic on the market ranging from morphine to oxycontin,for over a decade & you are not speaking the truth at all.

If i wish i can get 90 80 mg oxycontin each month from my pain management doctor for my back,i use them when the pain becomes unbearable,after i take one 80 mg all my pain is gone,its a feeling a person who sufferes cronic pain can become adicted to,being pain free that is, not being high.

With that being said i go in spurts where i can barely walk so i break down & take an oxy,after being pain free i take another one when i need it,after only 2 days in a row taking oxycontin simply taking one 80 mg pill dont take the pain away as good so i need to take two on the 3rd day,if i take two on the 3rd day that works for two more days,after a week on oxy i need to take 3 pills a day as the doctor directed to put my pain at the same level as day one,the tolerance build up with oxycontin is very fast infact much faster than any other narcotic ive ever used & ive used all of them.

Here's where the danger lies,even with my situation & im a 100% legal user of this medication,if i take oxy for any more than one day simply taking the medication a 2nd day builds my tolerance,it also makes me feel like total shit when i come off the medication,the feeling of comming off oxy is terrible,you get cold then hot,sick stomache,the shits,cant sleep,cant think straight ect.

The feeling is so terrible it makes a user want to take it again just so they dont feel like hell,exactly like having the worst hangover of your life from being whiskey drunk,if you start drinking again the sick feeling subsides as the liquor/drug re enters the system.

If your going to take that shit the risk of addiction is great & even faster than heroin because of its potency & how pure it is,it took me the better part of an entire year to learn how to use my oxycontin properly,i now will take one pill & no matter how bad the pain gets i refuse to take another pill for atleast 3 days,in the off days i take the vicoden that is also prescribed from pain management,even though i hurt like hell my body need to cleanse itself of the heavy narcotic or im defeating the purpose of the medicine.

Whoever mentioned that the abusers of this narcotic are making it hard for people whe need the medicine was 100% correct,i use 2 pharmicies for my meds & my wifes meds,my wifes pharmacy has flat out stopped odering oxycontin & flat out refuses to fill any prescription for the drug,their explaination to me was that there are soo many people forging prescriptions that they cant possibly catch all the forgeries,this puts them at serious risk of comming under the scrutiny of the dea,its easier for them to stop carring the product than it is to catch the forgeries.
only pharmie thats worth smoking is fentanyl gel

Yeah worth it, but still so bad for you.
But a couple times doesn't hurt you, only the hardcore guys who insist on smoking this shit like it's a crack pipe. lol.. destroys the shit out of your liver enzymes do to the other various shit they put in the gel.
Whoever said its worth smoking "Fentynal" is really playing with fire,do you young folk not understand what your messing with,Fentynal IS the closest you can get to China White heroin.

Those duragesic patches are nothing to fuk with at all & this includes sticking them on the body as directed,drinking the contents or smoking them,when i was in a burn unit thats what i was prescribed after my release,i still have a box of the 75mg patches in my safe,nasty,nasty stuff.

Just so everybody who thinks because its made in a pharmacy its gotta be ok knows the real deal,these things are not like a simple vicoden,both Fentynal & Oxycontin are legal HEROIN period,if you think they are not 99% exactly what heroin is spend some time researching both products & heroin.

Not one heroin addict started out with the desire to be on his knees blowing other dudes for an egg sandwich ,after he destroyed his life with heroin,every last one started out chipping,chipping is exactly like what most heavy pharm narcotic users do when they break a pill in half,the amount needed to get high allways increases.

It pains me to see so many young people fuk with this kinda stuff on this site,getting high is one thing but when you use these pharmacuticles you are now at the top of the food chain with drugs & you cant do a stronger drug unless you stab a needle in your arm,which really isnt that far off from eating oxy's or durragesic patches,just one step away from the needle.

I know nobody who takes these heavy narcotics for fun will listen to one bit of my speech but it makes me feel better knowing that i tried,even though i get a damm near unlimited supply all for a $15 co payment i wish i had no need for that shit because it destroyes your mind & your quality of life.

Dont kid yourselves, when you do oxycontin & durragesic patches YOU ARE DOING HEROIN.
yes oxy is can smoke it but just throw the fuckin pill away if you aint perscribed it.....HEROIN man think about it
panhead, we don't need the lecture acting like we don't know what fentanyl is... the closest thing to china white heroin? Back in the 80's it was "China white heroin" a.k.a tango and cash a.k.a a lot of dead people.

And as for doing heroin.. it's actually 50 times more powerful than heroin.. so you do make a good point by saying if you're doing oxy's or fent you're doing heroin. I think people just don't want to come to terms with themselves, they think "It's okay since it's a pill/patch" ya kno?
Wow, a lot of people here are pretty judgemental. This guy asked a question and instead of someone who knows the answer giving it to him, he got 3 pages of people belittling him for doing pills.

The rest of the world looks at all of you and sees dirty fuckin junkies because you smoke weed. And that's all they can see. You're practicing the same brand of intolerance that organizations like NORML are trying to get rid of.

To the OP: Check for the answer, I know I've heard of people smoking OC's but having never done it or seen it done myself, I can't tell you one way or the other.
has anyone ever tried it? does it work? i mean crushing up the pills n smoking it in a blunt or something???

Hey dumbass, instead of smoking it why don't you just shoot it up. Just be sure to share your needles with everyone.

Really you should just trash that shit. I've seen it DESTORY strong people. My Father just got off that nasty stuff. You know what it did to him. Let me think. A blood infection called Staph, his GF was going out a hooking well he was asleep she robbed him of 900$. Oh shit and he almost died.

Oh did I mention that you could give 2 shits about anything and nice and pink. I.E. Your dick.
The rest of the world looks at all of you and sees dirty fuckin junkies because you smoke weed. And that's all they can see. You're practicing the same brand of intolerance that organizations like NORML are trying to get rid of.

Your kidding right ?

Hopefully you really dont think it's the same thing.

Yes im intollerant of people who abuse extremely hard drugs because the vast majority of them go nuts,rob & hurt people & destroy their lives as well as the lives of all they come in contact with.

Are hard drugs such as crack & heroin still a violent epedimic or am i mistaken.

What looks bad is that a forum dedicated to the use & growing of something so harmless as marijuana fills up with every idiot on earth including the loosers who guzzle fukin nyquil,huff paint & any other goofy ass shit they can get their hands on trying to get high at all costs.

There's a damm good reason why most people from my age group are intollerant of marijuana users,threads like this one are a classic example.
Your kidding right ?

Hopefully you really dont think it's the same thing.

Yes im intollerant of people who abuse extremely hard drugs because the vast majority of them go nuts,rob & hurt people & destroy their lives as well as the lives of all they come in contact with.

Are hard drugs such as crack & heroin still a violent epedimic or am i mistaken.

What looks bad is that a forum dedicated to the use & growing of something so harmless as marijuana fills up with every idiot on earth including the loosers who guzzle fukin nyquil,huff paint & any other goofy ass shit they can get their hands on trying to get high at all costs.

There's a damm good reason why most people from my age group are intollerant of marijuana users,threads like this one are a classic example.

what do you mean, the people that despise weed are mostly the ones that have never tried it and think its some crazy wack drug. I really hate that. I smoke weed twice a day have a normal job and have free weed (growing).
Now weres the problem here?
To the OP, judgments aside,

I have thrown crushed up generic 5mg percocets, as well as 5mg vicodins, on top of a bowl, and I must say I enjoy it a lot. It really is nothing compared to eating the pill, which is what I would do, but if you really felt like scraping off the outer layer and smoking it, then by all means. Watch that after you scrape off the coating, though, you don't take too much of the pill. The time release protects you.
Yes im intollerant of people who abuse extremely hard drugs because the vast majority of them go nuts,rob & hurt people & destroy their lives as well as the lives of all they come in contact with.

Are hard drugs such as crack & heroin still a violent epedimic or am i mistaken.

You're quite mistaken. There's a good population of hard drug users that function just fine in "normal" society. Prohibiton creates the "criminal drug addict" by forcing the drug user to interact with criminals. Crack and heroin, while you might be conditioned to jump at those buzzwords, are really just inert substances. Just like a firearm, they have no evil intentions of their own.

I'm of the belief that everyone is ultimately responsible for their own body and their own actions. People that steal from others should be punished, people that simply use a substance without hurting anyone else should not.

What sickens me is everyone's attitude that they are somehow "better" than other drug users because they only smoke weed. :spew:But whatever. I'm not going to change your mind, and you aren't going to change mine. All I can do is make my opinion known.
You're quite mistaken. There's a good population of hard drug users that function just fine in "normal" society.

In a million years i'll never believe that,i grew up in Detroit & i still own property there so im there quite a bit,plus ive lived damm near 60 years & have wittnessed with my own eye's, generation after generation of hard drug users who ruin everything they touch,including many many friends of mine.

There might be a large population of hard drug users who hold it together & lead normal lives but it's just a matter of time before they join the ranks of the insane drug users,its a natural progression with hard drugs not a choice.

The only reason there is a functioning population of hard drug users is because every day there is a whole new group lined up,waiting to take the place of the last functioning group who graduated to the ranks of those who loose everything,these are facts not media hype.

I'll take stock in the sentance i quoted if anybody can show me a large polulation of heavy drug users with long term experience with the drug who still have their life fully intact.
Prohibiton creates the "criminal drug addict" by forcing the drug user to interact with criminals. Crack and heroin, while you might be conditioned to jump at those buzzwords, are really just inert substances. Just like a firearm, they have no evil intentions of their own.

You are correct but what you are not allowing for is that there is a world of difference between the different levels of prohibition,drugs that create a physical dependance become much more than a buzz word,they become a need thats stronger than the users desire to eat,sleep or even have sex.

Just watch this forum to see the sheer desperation of oxy users,every week or so there's some desperate user starting a thread asking where to buy oxycontin without a prescription, or if anybody will sell them some,this is not the action of a rational thinking person.