Well-Known Member
I will just ask this dentist Dentist Speaks Against Fluoridation and believe him.
15? where do you come up with 15? 15 is waaay too young to be smoking pot.i would not smoke a joint with a three year old so......dont smoke with the fetus..let it be that kids choice when its fifteen.
Well guess what folks.Your mom got on her hands and knees while your dad hammered her from behind just like every other woman....or in some other position as well.
DUDE! Don't tell me that!
and just when i had finally erased that day back when i was 5 and i awoke late one night ............It's unpleasant to think of...I know.
and just when i had finally erased that day back when i was 5 and i awoke late one night ............![]()
Well... I guess if people won't look objectively at a study of actual brain slices of fetus' exposed to mj in utero vs. ones not exposed. A study done collaboratively by more then just one group of medical professionals.... from more then one Country... showing CLEAR proof of the differences in brain development between fetus' exposed to mj and ones not. Then you are right... there is no proof... because they refuse to see it.This is a personal choice of the pregnant woman. No one will win this argument because there just is no actual proof it is harmful. That's all I have to say on this matter.![]()
15? where do you come up with 15? 15 is waaay too young to be smoking pot.![]()
Honey, I puked during labor. But that's another story entirely!
By the way, my oldest son, now 22, was at school during the quake. As ever, he totally dug the ride. My youngest, now 19, is still asleep.
While each have their own issues, as I've said before, those are likely far more related to our family's genetics than anything else, especially the Tourette's (my son is a participant in a City of Hope genetics study due to our family history).
No, no pre-eclampsia. I just get really really sick when I'm pregnant. It's how I figured out I was pregnant, and like I said previously I ended up in ER on many occasions, throwing up bile and crap. Ugh.
if you CAN'T eat it, drink it. soak the buds in alcohol, i.e. vodka, and a few drops of that will be a nice addition to a soothing tea like chamomile. look online for a proper recipe for soaking and play around with dosage till you get it right.
Our doctor told my wife, "Remember the old saying, 'You are eating for two? Its not true.'" He told her to eat right, don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs or smoke. We get the advice from our doctors to eat right but we don't. And an Epi does not even enter the blood stream, the baby is not would smoke hurt something it will never touch? Its never making it to the babies lungs, so the smoke itself wouldnt be a problem.
That big ass epideral they stick in those chicks, along with the painkillers and the nasty ass diet of most americans will do way more harm than any weed will. How about aspirin and the like?
And an Epi does not even enter the blood stream, the baby is not affected.
Its minimal. I read the report. Also next time don't pick and choose your data post the WHOLE THING!!! I notice you didn't cut and paste the advantages of an EPI.External Fetal Monitor is placed to monitor babys condition.
- If mother develops a fever: Babys heart rate may become rapid. Baby may develop a fever (30% chance with epidurals)
- If the mother is given pitocin: contractions can get too long and too strong, reducing babys heart rate.
- If moms b.p. drops: decreased fetal heart rate and decreased oxygen supply.
Increased Risk of Cesarean
- Mild to severe fetal distress in 10-15% of babies after epidural. Generally these changes dont affect the babys health at birth (as measured by APGAR scores), but signs of fetal distress can lead to c-section
In a review of 15 available studies, 12 suggested a significant association between epidural and c-section. Risk of c-section generally found to be 2-3 times more likely with epidural.
Medications cross the placenta and may have subtle side effects on the baby, including more difficulty in self-soothing, subtle changes in reflexes.
Decrease in maternal oxytocin during labor may interfere with oxytocin release after birth. Bonding and milk letdown reflexes may be decreased.
Some uncontrolled studies have been done, which arent conclusive due to lack of controls, but interesting nonetheless: unmedicated mothers reported that their babies were more sociable, more rewarding, and easier to care for. Unmedicated moms were more responsive to their babies cries. Women who had epidurals smiled less at their infants.
Epidural Anesthesia
You got it , and epi doesn't affect the baby at all.![]()
No! That's one of the things that's really weird, I also lose a good bit of weight when I'm on the pill.I'm curious, do you get morning sickness from birth control pills? I got dog sick when they put me back on them and would puke every morning from them. I don't need them anymore, but I'm just curious. My daughter also gets a little morning sickness from her pills sometimes, usually that first one of the month. She's scared that if she ever does decide to have kids that she's going to be sick as hell the whole time.