• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Smoking While Preggers


New Member
I wouldn't feed an infant extra spicy chili but I sure ate enough of it when I was pregnant.

I'm with you seamaiden, I guess even though I've got 2 fully grown, intelligent, articulate children I must be a shitty mom because I chose to toke for medical purposes rather than have a second premature child. Even though the child in question is an adult, fully knows the situation and confesses that she would have done the same thing.

Sigh, fuck it, I'm smoking a bong, join me? bongsmilie
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New Member
What are the advantages of it? The mother doesn't feel any pain. She can't suck it up for a couple of hours for the baby's benefit?

YOU were the one that said an EPI does NOT affect the baby. I was just showing that yes it does.

BTW the most important bonding between mother and child happens in the first 48 hours after birth. If EPI mom isn't bonding with or even smiling at her baby, that is something that will affect the child FOREVER.
My wife held our second (our first was all natural) less than 30 seconds after she was born. Plus, she breast feed soon after. So there...lol And why can't a mother with an EPI bond? What orifice did you pull that out of?


New Member
it was in the article that you claimed to have read? At the very end "Possible effects after the birth".

So when you kid is 15 and screaming "I hate your guts" lets rehash this bonding issue, K?


Well... I guess if people won't look objectively at a study of actual brain slices of fetus' exposed to mj in utero vs. ones not exposed. A study done collaboratively by more then just one group of medical professionals.... from more then one Country... showing CLEAR proof of the differences in brain development between fetus' exposed to mj and ones not. Then you are right... there is no proof... because they refuse to see it.

The Pharmacogenomics Journal - Discrete opioid gene expression impairment in the human fetal brain associated with maternal marijuana use

I do find it interesting that those same people will look at an article titled ganga babies, discussing in very vague details with no hard clinical data, and consider it proof positive that mj is GOOD for the fetus.

Furthermore... I think it's interesting that those of us who are PRO MJ (for adult use) are being labeled here as "closed minded... setbacks to the mj movement" simply because we are willing to acknowledge that there very well may be negative effects on developing fetus'.

I would also like it noted that I never once in this thread agreed with any poster suggesting a baby be taken away because of the mother's choice to use mj. I agree it is a personal choice for the mother and I feel very deeply for any woman who had had a difficult pregnancy (believe me... I know). It is just my opinion that it is a decision not to be taken lightly and certainly should not be looked at as simply as "I know it's good for my baby because I just know".

I don't understand the unwillingness to accept that there very well may be a negative impact on the development of the fetus if care is not taken with usage. The notion that "it's simply good for my baby" promotes irresponsible usage. Don't we have a responsibility as supporters of mj use to acknowledge the potential dangers to a fetus? I don't know how much mj the women in the study I listed consumed.... I can only guess it was a hell of a lot more then the women here who report using it during their pregnancies.

All things considered.... I'd say no use is best during pregnancy.... but if one has no other choice to help them be well while pregnant.... they should at least consider the dosage and not use articles like "ganga babies" as proof positive that one should smoke out in massive doses because it's "good" for the fetus.

Knowledge is power.... if we are not open to even CONSIDERING the impact to the fetus then we are not open minded at all.

Right you are.... clearly the only kids that should be consuming mj are the ones not yet out of the womb. :roll:

i would imagine that the getting of the "fetus brain slices" you speak of in the first sentence is alot more harmful than the mother taking a toke....


Well-Known Member

If she's battling nausea I'd hope she tried everything else first and consulted with her doctor before turning to mj.

This one goes back a ways, my bad just saw the thread. Florida girl have you looked at the known side effects of the prescriptions, some terrible shit. Why shouldn't MJ be the 1st line drug? There are no definitive negative side effects known for mj.


This one goes back a ways, my bad just saw the thread. Florida girl have you looked at the known side effects of the prescriptions, some terrible shit. Why shouldn't MJ be the 1st line drug? There are no definitive negative side effects known for mj.

i dont think she cares; she seems to be convinced that weed is bad for some reason.... i suppose pregnant women convert thc over into somekind of toxin before then pumping it into their baby.... assinine i say.


Well-Known Member
What are the advantages of it? The mother doesn't feel any pain. She can't suck it up for a couple of hours for the baby's benefit?

YOU were the one that said an EPI does NOT affect the baby. I was just showing that yes it does.

BTW the most important bonding between mother and child happens in the first 48 hours after birth. If EPI mom isn't bonding with or even smiling at her baby, that is something that will affect the child FOREVER.
It is well known that there are many risks associated with epis, however you are only partially right about the first 48. The first 24hrs after birth is often characterized by the mother being most concerned about her own well being and the birth experience its self, rather than with bonding.


Well-Known Member
Oh the point by the end of the first 24 the fetal and maternal effects should be worn off. assuming no big complications, that the effects in that aspect may be be of little effect.


New Member
I'm just saying what I've always been told. My son was preemie in an incubator and I wasn't able to bond with him and we've never been that close. Even as a little toddler he never wanted to be that close. I did discuss this with doctors to some extent at the time. This is what they told me.

My daughter wasn't preemie, I did get to bond with her. We are still close as ever, to this day, always have been.


Active Member
why take a chance? just think of how low your tollerance will be in 9 months. you can do it. the kid will have his whole life to get high


Well-Known Member
I took care of premies this morning. If well wrapped you should have damb well better have been able to hold your child (the curse was not for you, but anyone who kept you apart from your child). That being said I was a fat healthy baby and didn't bond well with either of my parents, apparently I'm a little on the apathetic side.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying what I've always been told. My son was preemie in an incubator and I wasn't able to bond with him and we've never been that close. Even as a little toddler he never wanted to be that close. I did discuss this with doctors to some extent at the time. This is what they told me.

My daughter wasn't preemie, I did get to bond with her. We are still close as ever, to this day, always have been.
we didn't get to hold our son much for a few days. he's 13 and attached to my wifes hip. :mrgreen::peace:
he was under 6 pounds and my wife did not smoke pot during the pregnancy.


New Member
I took care of premies this morning. If well wrapped you should have damb well better have been able to hold your child (the curse was not for you, but anyone who kept you apart from your child). That being said I was a fat healthy baby and didn't bond well with either of my parents, apparently I'm a little on the apathetic side.

He was born 23 years ago in a small town hospital delivered by and old country doctor. On the 3rd day they took him about 90 miles away to a city to the neo-natal unit. I was here, he was there. I had to travel back and forth to see him. I was unable to just stay there, my mother had terminal cancer in a different hospital. I was running back and forth. But that is a whole different story.

Anyway, I didn't get to bond with him.


New Member
we didn't get to hold our son much for a few days. he's 13 and attached to my wifes hip. :mrgreen::peace:
he was under 6 pounds and my wife did not smoke pot during the pregnancy.

I'm glad for you I hope they remain as close forever. I wish my son felt closer to us. I'd like a hug every now and again from him.


Well-Known Member
It is well known that there are many risks associated with epis, however you are only partially right about the first 48. The first 24hrs after birth is often characterized by the mother being most concerned about her own well being and the birth experience its self, rather than with bonding.
Wow.. really? Now, with the first boy, he was a planned C-section, and then I rode a horse and went into labor (I thought it was a really bad upset stomach). By the time I got to the hospital I was one seriously scared, puking little puppy. Don't fuck around with an epidural, put me OUT. I didn't meet him until he was several hours old, but the rest of the family did. I knew the moment we met that something was wrong with him, but he was 12 when he was finally diagnosed with autism. Remember, this is the kid with whom I did NOTHING--no aspirin, certainly no ciggies, no pot, I don't drink so no booze, nothing.

The second boy was a full 3 days labor. I finally got my epi after begging, then becoming exceedingly irate (between pukes), and JUST as I was dilating enough for birth, the epi wore off. He took 29 minutes to come into the world from that point, and nurse with the umbilicus still attached. I would say that we are very, very closely bonded. I smoked when I was pregnant with him. Nothing resembling a regular basis, but I did.

Either way, with both of my boys, I was pretty focused on them. The oldest one required a pretty strong dedication because he was admitted to NICU for ten days due to a very poorly administered vitamin K shot that made his little leg swell up hard and red. When I found that out, they'd already started the antibiotics and his tube feeds, too late, or I would have told them that his reaction is exactly as mine is when I'm given a shot badly. After I was released (5day stay) I went to the hospital several times a day with my breast milk that I had hand-fucking pumped so he could have the best I had to offer.

Hehheh.. I gave milk like a cow, now that I think about it. I ended up giving a lot more milk than he took, so a lot of it, including some of my colostrum, went to the other babies in NICU. I was really happy I could do that for them, especially the day I took my son home.