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Ever notice your heartbeat increase after smoking?since when is marijuana in the bloodstream harmful? harmful how? marijuana causes what?![]()

Ever notice your heartbeat increase after smoking?since when is marijuana in the bloodstream harmful? harmful how? marijuana causes what?![]()
Not too much, at least not near the velocity and length as it comes with smoking. Smoking anything while pregnant is bad, I can't stress that enough. Now, if you wanna make some cannabutter and toast... that would prove to be much healthier but I still would not take the chance, it's not your life in your hands, it's the baby's...ever noticed increased heart beat while walking up stairs
Only with you, my love.ever noticed MAJOR increased heartbeat during bonking?
if i was a pregnant women and i had terrible morning sickness. to where it was effecting my physical well being, and i went to the DR, and he prescribed me a pill. i would go home and eat a canna cookie.but that's just me.
Not too much, at least not near the velocity and length as it comes with smoking. Smoking anything while pregnant is bad, I can't stress that enough. Now, if you wanna make some cannabutter and toast... that would prove to be much healthier but I still would not take the chance, it's not your life in your hands, it's the baby's...
I would like to know if you have a penis or a vagina?
Have you ever vomited for 9 months straight? That goes on even at night. Not sleeping , vomiting.
Better yet, ever had the flu where you puked your guts out for a few days? Imagine that for 9 months straight. Not pleasant. Until you've tried it, you haven't got much to say to me.
Exactly, where is the research and data for this. Right, there is none. There is no proof marijuana is bad for you while pregnant or even if your not, lol. Just sayin, lol.since when is marijuana in the bloodstream harmful? harmful how? marijuana causes what?![]()
If you guys are arguing that smoking while pregnant is not unhealthy, I want some of your bud! Anyways, here is a site with information and citations for the reports.
The Effects Of Marijuana On The Fetus
Also, I believe all you supporters will like the conclusion... but, I disagree as I see smoking anything while pregnant to be idiotic. Vaporize or eat!
Chromosomal Abnormalities & Genetic Effects
It has been speculated that teratogenesis could conceivably produce chromosomal abnormalities or genetic change in either parent which could be transmitted to their progeny.
Although possible, there is no animal or human evidence that such events occur. The experimental evidence indicates that in vivo and in vitro exposure to purified cannabinoids or cannabis resin failed to increase the frequency of chromosomal damage or mutagenesis (Bloch, 1983, p412).
With both my boys I ended up in the emergency room due to sickness. I honestly believe that the youngest has the troubles he does because of our family genetics, not because I smoked. I had to use suppositories, and they still didn't work, not for the first six months.if i was a pregnant women and i had terrible morning sickness. to where it was effecting my physical well being, and i went to the DR, and he prescribed me a pill. i would go home and eat a canna cookie.but that's just me.
The placenta works to filter out toxins from the fetus. Like it or not.... THC is a toxin to a fetus and the Placenta will work to filter it out. While the placenta is trying to filter out the THC the fetus is denied oxygen and nutrients because the vessels are shrunken down in the attempt to keep out the THC. Because the oxygen is restricted it can be detrimental to the developing organs and brain.since when is marijuana in the bloodstream harmful? harmful how? marijuana causes what?![]()
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that putting weed in your fetus via smoking or ingesting it is no different then blowing it in an infants face. I don't get how anyone can argue that.I also don't see how you can downplay what Florida Girl is saying, it's exactly like blowing weed into a baby's face, except you're not even giving the baby a chance to look away, you're forcing it upon them which is beyond irresponsible, it's Darwinism. Phewww... my .2 cents.![]()
I know a woman who used cocaine VERY FREQUENTLY during pregnancy and her baby came out fine too. Doesn't mean I'd advocate cocaine use as being safe during babies mom smoked everydy while pregnant nand no bad side effects
I did, that's why I said all the supporters would like it. It still provides the same answer I've been saying all along... smoking anything is not healthy and could cause complications in pregnancy, be it cigarettes, cannabis, crack, meth, leaves from a tree, dirt, mud when dried or tea!Socata, read your own reports.
I'm with you on the edibles... but only if you're using it for medicine. If I saw a soon to be mom just doing it for recreation, she'd be torn a new asshole by me. Now, lets ponder this question... if your kid wanted to eat a cannacookie, would you let him/her? We know that if you get high while pregnant, the baby also gets high... bloodstream and all that. I'm just sayin'i keep saying "edibles" yet the naysayers must insist on it being the same as blowing smoke in the face. nice mental image, thanks.