OK I have to weigh in here. I have 2 adult children. My son is 23 and my daughter is 20.
When I was pregnant with my son I stopped smoking cigarettes and stopped smoking weed, never was much of a drinker, so didn't have to worry about stopping that. I had horrible morning sickness, I had to take little blue pills for it, I don't know what they were called, but I remember how they looked. I vomited so much that I had broken blood vessels in my face and eyes the entire pregnancy. My son ended up being born one month premature. I'm sure all that vomiting had a little to do with it.
The day he was born, I was in the bathroom puking my guts out, I couldn't even get clothes on to go to the hospital. It was horrible. Puking all day every day, no food ever staying down. I barely gained 25 pounds the whole pregnancy. He was only a 5 pound baby.
When I got pregnant with my daugher I knew I was pregnant right away because I couldn't stop puking. I instantly had the broken blood vessels in my face and eyes again. I actually went to the doctor and told them I was pregnant and the morning sickness was way worse than it had been with my son. They gave me pills, I did nothing but puke. Then they started making me come in once a week for an intraveinous shot for the sickness. They raved about the shot, this will take care of the sickness for a whole week, yeah buddy. I guess my stomache didn't catch that part, because 2 days later I was doing nothing but vomit. I would be so violently ill that I would not be able to catch my breath. I actually thought on more than one occasion that I was going to suffocate from the vomiting.
After the first month of this, I decided to smoke a hitter, maybe it would give me the munchies. I didn't go over board with it, just smoked the one. Guess what, I didn't vomit for like a whole hour. I was even able to eat a little bit and it stayed put. I started doing just the one hit before a meal and it made things so much better. I still did puke a lot, but I was able to eat and keep food down more often. I even gained about 50 pounds during that pregnancy ( I know a few too many) My daughter weighed 7 LBS 6 1/2 OZ at birth.
Now how did this affect my kids? My son was always work to feed, he would forget that he was eating in the middle of a meal. I think the long term starvation of nutrients in the womb carried on even into adulthood. He still doesn't eat that much.
My daughter ate normally. She didn't over eat, but she didn't forget to eat either.
Both kids are healthy. Both kids have IQ's over 130. Neither kid is a criminal. Neither kid has a kid.

( condoms, condoms, condoms) They both have the normal number of appendages, eyes, fingers and toes. They don't look like monkey's either. They are both very attractive.
Now dont take this as an OK to spend a preganacy baked, but I really don't feel I would have carried my daughter to term if the vomiting had carried on like that, and the pills and shots didn't do anything. I felt it was up to me to save not only myself but my baby too.